subroutine stdxwrt(ilbl,istream,lok) C...Purpose: to write a buffer or an event from the standard common block. C C if ilbl = 1 write HEPEVT common block C ilbl = 2 write HEPEVT common block and HEPEV2 common block C ilbl = 100 write STDHEP begin run record C ilbl = 200 write STDHEP end run record C otherwise, don't do anything C C lok = 0 if no problems were encountered #include "" #include "" integer ilbl,lok,istream logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ save lfirst C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn nstdwrt = 0 lfirst=.FALSE. endif lok=0 if(ilbl.eq.1 .or. ilbl.eq.2)then C... the stdhep common block and maybe the multiple interaction common call stdxwevt(ilbl,istream,lok) elseif(ilbl.eq.100)then call stdxwcm1(ilbl,istream,lok) elseif(ilbl.eq.200)then call stdxwcm1(ilbl,istream,lok) else write(lnhout,902) ilbl endif return 900 write (lnhout,901) lok=1 return 101 format(/5X,'STDXWRT: the output buffer is empty') 901 format(/5X,'STDXWRT: write error') 902 format(/5X,'STDXWRT: do not know what to do with record type',i5) end