//*-- Author :    Paul Eugenio 2-Nov-98
//*-- CMZ : PME 7-Jan-99

// Time-of-flight information obtained 
// from the mcfast track tracing
// This class is an object oriented version 
// of mcfast trace common block.
// More information see Tracking in MCFast doc at:


#include "TMCFastTOF.h"


 TMCFastTOF::TMCFastTOF(struct ntraces_t *trace){
  // Call FIll()

 void  TMCFastTOF::Fill(struct ntraces_t *trace){
  // Fill the object info using 
  //common block information
  for(Int_t i=0;i< this->GetNtraces();i++){
    SetHep(i, trace->trace_par[i].hep)  ;
    SetType(i,trace->trace_par[i].type) ;
    SetHits(i,trace->trace_par[i].hit) ;
    SetE(i,trace->trace_par[i].w.E) ;
    SetX(i,trace->trace_par[i].w.x) ;
    SetY(i,trace->trace_par[i].w.y) ;
    SetZ(i,trace->trace_par[i].w.z) ;
    SetP(i,trace->trace_par[i].w.p) ;
    SetQ(i,trace->trace_par[i].w.q) ;
    for(Int_t j=0;j<3;j++)
    SetTau(i,trace->trace_par[i].tau) ; 
    SetDedx(i,trace->trace_par[i].dedx) ; 

 Double_t TMCFastTOF::GetCTOF(Int_t hep){
  // Get time-of-flight for the central region
  // The routine first finds the central trace
  // for the hep particle and then calculates
  // the tof of that trace.
  // See GetType() for information about trace types
  // tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));

  Double_t tof=-1; // default for no info
  Int_t ntraces=GetNtraces();
  for(Int_t i=0;i<ntraces;i++){
    if(GetHep(i)==hep && GetType(i)==CENTRAL){ 
      //tof =  (GetTau(i) - GetTau(0))*GetTime(i)/GetTau(i);
      tof =  (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
      //cout<<  GetTime(i) <<" - "<< GetTime(0)<< " = "<<tof<<endl;
  return tof;

 Double_t TMCFastTOF::Beta(Int_t hep){
  // Calculate beta for central
  // region particles.
  // beta = GetPath(hep) /( GetCTOF(hep)*kSpeedOfLight)
  Double_t tof=GetCTOF(hep);
  Double_t path=GetPath(hep);
  Double_t beta= path/tof*(1/kSpeedOfLight);

  return beta;
 Double_t TMCFastTOF::GetMass(Int_t hep){
  // Calculate the mass from the local four-vector
  // This is not the smeared mass.
  //  mass = TMath::Sqrt((GetE(i)*GetE(i)) - (GetP(i)*GetP(i)));
  // where GetHep(i)==hep

  Double_t mass=-1; // default for no info
  Int_t ntraces=GetNtraces();
  for(Int_t i=0;i<ntraces;i++){
      mass =   TMath::Sqrt((GetE(i)*GetE(i)) - (GetP(i)*GetP(i)));
  return  mass;

 Double_t TMCFastTOF::CTOFmass(Int_t hep){
  // Calculate time-of-flight mass
  // Currently there is no smearing!!!!! (but soon should be implemented)
  //  m = p/(beta*gamma)
  //  beta = (GetPath(i)/tof)*(1/kSpeedOfLight);
  //  tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));

  Double_t mass=-1; // default for no info
  Int_t ntraces=GetNtraces();
  for(Int_t i=0;i<ntraces;i++){
    if(GetHep(i)==hep && GetType(i)==CENTRAL){
      Double_t tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
      Double_t beta = (GetPath(i)/tof)*(1/kSpeedOfLight);
      Double_t gamma = 1/(TMath::Sqrt( 1 - beta*beta));
       if(gamma!=gamma) // look for NaN this means beta=1
	mass =0;
	mass =  GetP(i)/(beta*gamma);
  return  mass;
 Double_t TMCFastTOF::CTOFmass(Int_t hep, TMCFastOfflineTrack &offtrk){
  // Calculate time-of-flight mass
  // Currently there is no time smearing!!!!! 
  // (but soon it should be implemented)
  //  m = p/(beta*gamma)
  // beta = (GetPath(i)/tof)*(1/kSpeedOfLight);
  // tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
  Double_t mass=-1; // default for no info
  Int_t ntraces=GetNtraces();
  for(Int_t i=0;i<ntraces;i++){
    if(GetHep(i)==hep && GetType(i)== CENTRAL){
      Double_t tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
      Double_t beta = (GetPath(i)/tof)*(1/kSpeedOfLight);
      Double_t gamma = 1/(TMath::Sqrt( 1 - beta*beta));
       if(gamma!=gamma) // look for NaN this means beta=1
	mass =0;
	mass =  offtrk.GetHepEvtP(hep)/(beta*gamma);
  return mass;

 Double_t TMCFastTOF::GetFTOF(Int_t hep){
  // Get time-of-flight for the forward region
  // The routine first finds the forward trace
  // for the hep particle and then calculates
  // the tof of that trace.
  // See GetType() for information about trace types
  // tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
  Double_t tof=-1; // default for no info
  Int_t ntraces=GetNtraces();
  for(Int_t i=0;i<ntraces;i++){
    if(GetHep(i)==hep && GetType(i)==FORWARD){
      //Double_t gamma = GetTime(i)/GetTau(i);
      tof =  (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
    // WARNING!! TOF is buggy for mcfast version 4.1 DO NOT USE!   
   return tof;
 Double_t TMCFastTOF::FTOFmass(Int_t hep, TMCFastOfflineTrack &offtrk){
  // Calculate time-of-flight mass
  // Currently there is no smearing of time!!! (but soon should be implemented)
  //  m = p/(beta*gamma)
  //  mass = offtrk.GetHepEvtP(i)*TMath::Sqrt(1/beta*beta - 1.0);
  // beta = (GetPath(i)/tof)*(1/kSpeedOfLight);
  // tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
  Double_t mass=-1; // default for no info
  Int_t ntraces=GetNtraces();
  for(Int_t i=0;i<ntraces;i++){
    if(GetHep(i)==hep && GetType(i)==FORWARD){
      // del_t = del_tau * gamma
      //mcfast v4.1:: Double_t gamma = GetTime(i)/GetTau(i);

      Double_t tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
      Double_t beta = (GetPath(i)/tof)*(1/kSpeedOfLight);
      Double_t gamma = 1/(TMath::Sqrt( 1 - beta*beta));

      // mcfast v4.1:: Double_t beta = TMath::Sqrt(1.0 - 1/(gamma*gamma));
      //cerr<<"n beta: "<<beta<<" gamma: "<<gamma<<endl;
      if(gamma!=gamma) // look for NaN this means beta=1
	mass =0;
	mass =  offtrk.GetHepEvtP(hep)/(beta*gamma);
  return mass;

 Double_t TMCFastTOF::FTOFmass(Int_t hep){
  // Calculate time-of-flight mass
  // Currently there is no smearing of time!!! (but soon should be implemented)
  //  m = p/(beta*gamma)
  //  mass = GetP(i)*TMath::Sqrt(1/beta*beta - 1.0);

  Double_t mass=-1; // default for no info
  Int_t ntraces=GetNtraces();
  for(Int_t i=0;i<ntraces;i++){
    if(GetHep(i)==hep && GetType(i)==FORWARD){
      Double_t tof = (GetTime(i) - GetTime(0));
      Double_t beta = (GetPath(i)/tof)*(1/kSpeedOfLight);
      Double_t gamma = 1/(TMath::Sqrt( 1 - beta*beta));
      //cout<<"beta: "<<beta<<" gamma: "<<gamma<<endl;
      if(gamma != gamma){ // look for NaN this means beta=1
	mass =0.0;
	//cout<<" beta is onen";
	mass =  GetP(i)/(beta*gamma);
  return mass;

 Double_t TMCFastTOF::GetR(Int_t i){
  // return TMath::Sqrt(GetX(i)*GetX(i) + GetY(i)*GetY(i));
  Double_t r;
  r= TMath::Sqrt(GetX(i)*GetX(i) + GetY(i)*GetY(i));
  return r;

  // Clear()

 void TMCFastTOF::Print(ostream *os){
  // Prints TMCFastTOF object
  // This function is also used
  // to  overload  &operator<< 
  // For example;
  // cout << tof_trace;
  // where tof_trace is an instance of TMCFastTOF

  *os<<" TraceNum: "<< GetNtraces()<<endl;
  for(Int_t j=0;j< GetNtraces();j++){
    // line 
    *os<<"t HepIndex: "<< this->GetHep(j)<<" Type: "<< this->GetType(j);
    *os<<" Plane: "<< GetPlane(j)<<" Nhits: "<< GetHits(j)<<endl;
    // line 
    *os<<"t\t P(x,y,z,t): ("<< 
      GetE(j) <<","<< ")"<<endl;
    // line
    *os<<"t\t (x,y,z): ("<< 
      GetZ(j)<<","<< ")";
    *os<<" Pt "<<GetPt(j)<<" p "<<GetP(j)<<" q "<< GetQ(j)<< endl;
    // line 
    for(Int_t k=0;k<3;k++)
      *os<<"t\t eta["<<k<<"]: "<< GetEta(j,k);
    // line 
    *os<<"t\t Path: "<<GetPath(j)<<" Time: "<<GetTime(j)
      <<" Tau: "<<GetTau(j)<<endl;
    // line 
    *os<<"t\tMaterial: "<<GetMaterial(j)<<" Radl: "<<GetRadl(j)
      <<" Dedx: "<<GetDedx(j)<< endl;


ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, TMCFastTOF &tof){
  // overload the standard print operator
  return os;

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