*---------------------------------------------------------------- * Modified by R.T. Jones, C.S. Gauthier to include Bethe-Heitler * muon-pair production by photons, weighted by (emmu/emass)**2 * for purposes of photon beam collimator simulation. * * Chris.S.Gauthier@uconn.edu * Richard.T.Jones@uconn.edu * Hall D Collaboration * June 25, 2002 *---------------------------------------------------------------- * * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 2002/07/10 14:57:18 jonesrt * - fixed wierd problem with g77 compiler that wanted to interpret "slash star" * in a fortran comment line as a comment indicator a-la-c (complained about * unterminated comment) so I just removed the asterisk - rtj. * - corrected the statistics printout from gelh_last() -rtj. * - changed confusing use of VSCAN (card SCAP) to define the origin for single * particle generation; now gukine.F uses PKINE (card KINE) for both origin * and direction of single-particle generator, with the following format: * KINE kind energy theta phi vertex(1) vertex(2) vertex(3) * - fixed gelh_outp() to remove the BaBar-dependent code so that it correctly * updates the photo-hadronic statistics that get reported at gelh_last() -rtj. * - updated gelhad/Makefile to follow the above changes -rtj. * * Revision 1.1 2002/06/28 19:01:03 jonesrt * Major revision 1.1 -Richard Jones, Chris Gauthier, University of Connecticut * * 1. Added hadronic interactions for photons with the Gelhad package * http://www.slac.stanford.edu/BFROOT/www/Computing/Offline/Simulation/gelhad.html * Routines affected are: * - uginit.F : added new card GELH to set up gelhad parameters and * call to gelh_vrfy() to print out their values. * - uglast.F : added call to gelh_last() to print out summary info. * - gtgama.F : Gelhad replacement for standard Geant routine that adds * simulation of hadronic photoproduction processes. * - gelhad/ : contains a number of new functions (Fortran) and includes * to support the hadronic photoproduction simulation. * * 2. Added muon-pair production by stealing every (Melectron/Mmuon)**2 pair * production events and trying to convert to muon pairs. The deficit in * e+/e- events resulting from this theft is negligible. The angular * distribution of muon pairs is generated using the general Geant method * in gpairg.F with the electron mass replaced by the muon mass. * Routines affected are: * - gpairg.F : added a switch to replace e+/e- with mu+/mu- in a small * fraction of the pair-production vertices. * * Revision 1.5 1998/02/09 15:59:47 japost * Fixed a problem on AIX 4 xlf, caused by max(double,float). * * Revision 1.4 1998/02/06 16:46:57 japost * Fix a wrong parenthesis. * * Revision 1.3 1998/02/06 16:22:24 japost * Protected a square root from a negative argument. * This root was added there in previous changes, and not deleted from its * old position. In its old position it was protected from being negative, but in * its new position it was not. * * Deleted the same square root from its old position, as it was redundant. * * Revision 1.2 1996/03/13 12:03:24 ravndal * Tranverse momentum conservation * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:28 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/04 21/02/95 11.53.59 by S.Giani *-- Author : #if defined(CERNLIB_HPUX) $OPTIMIZE OFF #endif SUBROUTINE GPAIRG C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Simulates e+e- pair production by photons. * C. * * C. * The secondary electron energies are sampled using the * C. * Coulomb corrected BETHE-HEITLER cross-sections.For this the * C. * modified version of the random number techniques of * C. * BUTCHER and MESSEL (NUCL.PHYS,20(1960),15) are employed. * C. * * C. * NOTE : * C. * (1) Effects due to the breakdown of the BORN approximation at * C. * low energies are ignored. * C. * (2) The differential cross-section implicitly takes account * C. * of pair production in both nuclear and atomic electron * C. * fields. However, triplet production is not generated. * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : GTGAMA * C. * Authors G.Patrick, L.Urban ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcjloc.inc" #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #include "geant321/gcking.inc" #include "geant321/gcphys.inc" #include "geant321/gccuts.inc" DIMENSION NTYPEL(2) DIMENSION RNDM(2) LOGICAL ROTATE PARAMETER (ONE=1,ONETHR=ONE/3,EMAS2=2*EMASS) c c Here we take over the standard Geant3 e+e- pair production cross section c as a good approximation to the total l+l- lepton pair production cross c section. The only change is to convert a fraction (emmu/emass)**2 from c electron to muon pairs, if allowed by energy conservation. c real xsratio parameter (xsratio=(emass/emmu)**2) real mlepton integer lepton call grndm(rndm,1) if (rndm(1).lt.xsratio) then lepton = 5 mlepton = EMMU else lepton = 2 mlepton = EMASS endif C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. C If not enough energy : no pair production C EGAM = VECT(7) IF (EGAM.LT.mlepton*2) GO TO 999 C KCASE = NAMEC(6) IF(IPAIR.NE.1) THEN ISTOP = 2 NGKINE = 0 DESTEP = DESTEP + EGAM VECT(7)= 0. GEKIN = 0. GETOT = 0. GO TO 999 ENDIF C C For low energy photons approximate the electron energy by C sampling from a uniform distribution in the interval C EMASS -> EGAM/2. C IF (EGAM.LE.mlepton*4)THEN CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) EEL1 = mlepton + (RNDM(1)*(0.5*EGAM - mlepton)) X=EEL1/EGAM GO TO 20 ENDIF C Z3=Q(JPROB+2) F=8.*Q(JPROB+3) IF(EGAM.GT.mlepton*10) F=F+8.*Q(JPROB+4) X0=mlepton/EGAM DX=0.5-X0 DMIN=544.*X0/Z3 DMIN2=DMIN*DMIN IF(DMIN.LE.1.)THEN F10=42.392-7.796*DMIN+1.961*DMIN2-F F20=41.405-5.828*DMIN+0.8945*DMIN2-F ELSE F10=42.24-8.368*LOG(DMIN+0.952)-F F20=F10 ENDIF C C Calculate limit for screening variable,DELTA, to ensure C that screening rejection functions always remain C positive. C DMAX=EXP((42.24-F)/8.368)-0.952 C C Differential cross-section factors which form C the coefficients of the screening functions. C DSIG1=DX*DX*F10/3. DSIG2=0.5*F20 BPAR = DSIG1 / (DSIG1 + DSIG2) C C Decide which screening rejection function to use and C sample the electron/photon fractional energy BR. C 10 CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2) IF(RNDM(1).LT.BPAR)THEN X=0.5-DX*RNDM(2)**ONETHR IREJ=1 ELSE X=X0+DX*RNDM(2) IREJ = 2 ENDIF C C Calculate DELTA ensuring positivity. C D=0.25*DMIN/(X*(1.-X)) IF(D.GE.DMAX) GOTO 10 D2=D*D C C Calculate F1 and F2 functions using approximations. C F10 and F20 are the F1 and F2 functions calculated for the C DELTA=DELTA minimum. C IF(D.LE.1.)THEN F1=42.392-7.796*D+1.961*D2-F F2=41.405-5.828*D+0.8945*D2-F ELSE F1=42.24-8.368*LOG(D+0.952)-F F2=F1 ENDIF IF(IREJ.NE.2)THEN SCREJ=F1/F10 ELSE SCREJ=F2/F20 ENDIF C C Accept or reject on basis of random variate. C CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF(RNDM(1).GT.SCREJ) GOTO 10 EEL1=X*EGAM C C Successful sampling of first electron energy. C C Select charges randomly. C 20 NTYPEL(1) = lepton CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2) IF (RNDM(1).GT.0.5) NTYPEL(1) = lepton+1 NTYPEL(2) = 2*lepton+1 - NTYPEL(1) C C Generate electron decay angles with respect to a Z-axis C defined along the parent photon. C PHI is generated isotropically and THETA is assigned C a universal angular distribution C EMASS1 = mlepton THETA = GBTETH(EEL1, EMASS1, X)*mlepton/EEL1 SINTH = SIN(THETA) COSTH = COS(THETA) PHI = TWOPI*RNDM(2) COSPHI = COS(PHI) SINPHI = SIN(PHI) C C Rotate tracks into GEANT system C CALL GFANG(VECT(4),COSAL,SINAL,COSBT,SINBT,ROTATE) C C Polar co-ordinates to momentum components. C NGKINE = 0 TEL1 = EEL1 - mlepton PEL1 = SQRT(MAX((EEL1+REAL(mlepton))*TEL1,0.)) IF(TEL1.GT.CUTELE) THEN NGKINE = NGKINE + 1 GKIN(1,NGKINE) = PEL1 * SINTH * COSPHI GKIN(2,NGKINE) = PEL1 * SINTH * SINPHI GKIN(3,NGKINE) = PEL1 * COSTH GKIN(4,NGKINE) = EEL1 GKIN(5,NGKINE) = NTYPEL(1) TOFD(NGKINE)=0. GPOS(1,NGKINE) = VECT(1) GPOS(2,NGKINE) = VECT(2) GPOS(3,NGKINE) = VECT(3) IF(ROTATE) + CALL GDROT(GKIN(1,NGKINE),COSAL,SINAL,COSBT,SINBT) ELSE DESTEP = DESTEP + TEL1 IF(NTYPEL(1).EQ.2) CALL GANNI2 ENDIF C C Momentum vector of second electron. Recoil momentum of C target nucleus/electron ignored. C EEL2=EGAM-EEL1 TEL2=EEL2-mlepton IF(TEL2.GT.CUTELE) THEN PEL2 = SQRT((EEL2+mlepton)*TEL2) NGKINE = NGKINE + 1 SINTH=SINTH*PEL1/PEL2 COSTH=SQRT(MAX(0.,1.-SINTH**2)) GKIN(1,NGKINE)=-PEL2*SINTH*COSPHI GKIN(2,NGKINE)=-PEL2*SINTH*SINPHI GKIN(3,NGKINE)=PEL2*COSTH GKIN(4,NGKINE)=EEL2 GKIN(5,NGKINE) = NTYPEL(2) TOFD(NGKINE)=0. GPOS(1,NGKINE) = VECT(1) GPOS(2,NGKINE) = VECT(2) GPOS(3,NGKINE) = VECT(3) IF(ROTATE) + CALL GDROT(GKIN(1,NGKINE),COSAL,SINAL,COSBT,SINBT) ELSE DESTEP = DESTEP + TEL2 IF(NTYPEL(2).EQ.2) CALL GANNI2 ENDIF ISTOP = 1 IF(NGKINE.EQ.0) ISTOP = 2 999 END #if defined(CERNLIB_HPUX) $OPTIMIZE ON #endif