July 24, 2015 David Lawrence This directory contains 4 files used to configure the fADC-125 module: threshold offset lookback window Each contains a single number in plain text format. The numbers are read during the prestart transition of CODA in the cpp_test_list readout list. These numbers are used to configure all 72 channels. Note that the fADC-125 module is capable of having different threshold and offset values for each channel. This is not utilized for this test setup since it is assumed that the rates will be low enough that the full sample spectrum may be recorded for every channel, every event. Thresholds and offsets can therefore be effectively adjusted in the postprocessing/analysis stage. Thus, the use of common values for the threshold and offset in the acquisition stage. Details on each file follow. threshold ========================== The value for "threshold" is set to "0" to effectively disable the threshold. This forces every channel to be read out for every event. Keep in mind though that the readout list is hardcoded to only read out the first connector (i.e. first 24 channels). offset ========================== The value of offset is used to program a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) that applies a DC offset to the channels. This is used to compensate for any DC offset on the signal lines and to push the signals up slightly. Because the samples are recorded as unsigned integers, any reading that goes below zero results in an underflow condition. The convention used in Hall-D has been to adjust the offset value until the samples read 100 counts when no signal is present. This must be done empirically by taking data and adjusting the value of offest and then taking data again. By way of example, in the EEL 126 lab at Jefferson Lab with no inputs attached, the following values were observed: offset pedestal ------ -------- 36864 2364 16384 937 4371 93 lookback ========================== This value specifies the number of samples to look back from when the trigger is received. This must be adjusted based on how long it takes the trigger signal to get to the module after the detector signals have made it there. window ========================== This indicates how many samples should be read out for the event. This value must be less than the "lookback" value. The samples recorded to disk will be from (trig_time-lookback) to (trig_time-lookback+window). Intially, one may need to set a large lookback and a large window value just to identify where the signal lies in time relative to the trigger. These should be tightened up a bit though once that is determined since the amount of data one has to deal with will be directly proportional to "window".