July 10, 2015 David Lawrence davidl@jlab.org Updated Jul 22,2015 DL Updated Jul 24,2015 DL This system contains software for running CODA on the single board computer (aka ROC=readout controller) for the purposes of reading out a fADC-125 module. The operating system is Linux CentOS5 and is contained on a CompactFlash card on the ROC itself. No external network is therefore needed to boot the ROC. There are 2 other disks required for running the system: 1. USB thumb drive - plugged into any USB port on ROC 2. USB hard drive - plugged into any USB port on ROC The first drive must have a volume name "CPP_thumb" and the second "CPP_500GB". Otherwise, they will not be mounted properly. The thumb drive contains the CODA software while the USB hard drive is used to hold the data. It is formatted using vFAT so this drive can then be moved over to any other computer (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X) for data analysis. To unmount the data drive: $ sudo umount /mnt/CPP_500GB To mount the data drive: $ sudo mount /mnt/CPP_500GB Before you start ==================================== Before starting up the DAQ system make sure both drives are mounted. The USB thumb drive will usually not mount automatically when the crate is powered on (not sure why). If the drive is not glowing orange then un plug it and plug it back in. You may then need to mount it by hand using "sudo mount /mnt/CPP_thumb". If in doubt about the status, just enter "df" to see a list of all mounted drives. In order for CODA to work it needs to be connected to a network. (This is due to the heavy use of multicasting.) The minimal system needed is to have an ethernet hub attached to the top LAN port on the ROC. Make sure the hub has its power cord plugged in and that you see a green link light on it before starting CODA. Running CODA ==================================== To start CODA just open a terminal window and enter the following: $ start_daq Multiple windows will open including the Run Control Gui which is used to control the DAQ and take data. Occasionally the rcgui window won't open. This is due to the "platform" program not being ready when rcgui tries to connect to it. If this happens then just kill the DAQ system and restart it. To kill all CODA programs, enter the following: $ kill_daq This should kill all of the CODA processes. Use this if the system does not behave properly and you need to restart from scratch. Analyzing the data ==================================== Data is stored in the Disk2/data directory. To convert the data from EVIO format to ROOT format, issue a command like the following while in the data directory: > hd_root -o fmwpc_proto_000078_000.root -PPLUGINS=DAQTree fmwpc_proto_000078_000.evio where "78" is replaced with the run number of interest. Also in the data directory are two files: scan_waveform.C scan_waveform.h These were initially created using the TTree::MakeSelector() method. For example: > root fmwpc_proto_000078_000.root root [0] Df125WindowRawData->MakeSelector("mytest") creates 2 files: mytest.C and mytest.h. The file scan_waveform.C was modified to display individual waveforms as histograms. It is intended to serve as an example for how one may access the data in the ROOT file. CONFIGURING the fADC-125 ==================================== Configuration settings on the fADC-125 will need to be adjusted in order to capture the signals within the time window that is read out. The CONFIG directory contains the relevant files and the README file there gives some details on each.