BarrelEMcal_HDDS.xml_3x3: Bcal geometry with a 3x3 readout of the inner layers. Also the inner side aluminum plate is present, which was not the case for the initial studies done with the 3x3 readout at IU in July 2008. Both of the files below replace defaults in: libraries/BCAL DBCALGeometry_factory.cc_3x3: Geometry definition in reconstruction for 3x3 readout DBCALPhoton_factory.cc_3x3: Photon calibration for 3x3 readout ######################################################################################### Tue Sep 16 16:08:11 EDT 2008 B.Z. --------------------------------- update: made the upstream light guides 50cm long for fine mesh PMTs. modified cables for CDC, FDC and BCAL accordingly.