README radlen_hists April 15, 2007 D. Lawrence This directory contins source code to make a plugin that will generate histograms of the number of radiation lengths there are in the detector as a function of theta, r, and z. The advantage of this is that it allows geant to track the particles through the geometry defined in hdds essentially integrating the path lengths and keeping track of the radiation length of the materials for you. To use this, you must first generate some events using hdgeant with the TRAJECTORY card enabled. This card tells GEANT to write out the step size and radiation length of the material for every step. It is usually also beneficial to "throw" non-interacting "geantino" particles. To make it easy, an example file already exists in this directory. Note that geantinos are not charged particles. To do this with charged particles, one should turn off energy loss and multiple scattering by the LOSS and MULS flags to 0 in To use the plugin, attach it to any DANA executable. For example, hd_root: > hd_root --plugin=radlen_hists hdgeant.hddm The histograms will be placed in the RADLEN directory in the ROOT file. The histograms whose names start with "i" are integrals of their non-"i" counterparts. These are probably the ones you wish to look at. Projections on the x-axis for a givne theta are most useful (try SetShowProjectionX()). ==== IMPORTANT === At this point in time, the results from this package are not in full agreement with pencil and paper calculations nor with the plots shown by Richard Jones at the April, 2007 collaboration meeting. While this tends to show the same structure, it always seems to report more radiation lengths than the other methods.