subroutine beamgen(t0) real t0 ! beam bucket, ns * * Generates a single beam photon according to the coherent bremsstrahlung * model in cobrems.F using beam energy and primary coherent edge energies * specified by the user. The photon begins its lifetime just upstream of * the primary collimator (WARNING: position hard-wired in the code below) * and is tracked by the simulation from there forward, but its time t0 * identifies its beam bucket, ie. the time the photon would reach the time- * reference plane at the middle of the target. Beam bucket t0=0 is the * one that generates the event and defines the time origin for all hit times. * * To enable beam motion spreading, define the beam box size below (cm) * #define BEAM_BOX_SIZE 5 #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "" real vertex(4),plab(5),pbeam real rhom,phim real rhop,phip real rhoc,phic integer nvert,nt real rndm(20) c freqMaximum = probability density cutoff for coherent/incoherent c bremsstrahlung generator, defined on the measure [dx dphi dy] where c x = E_gamma/E_end_point c phi = azimuthal angle (radians) c y = a normalized polar angle parameter defined by the relation c dy = theta0^2 dtheta^2 / (theta0^2 + theta^2)^2 with 0<=y<=1. c The probability is for a single electron, so the scale is that of c the target thickness (radiation lengths) divided by 2pi. A good c choice for freqMaximum is the target thickness in radiation lengths. c A warning is printed in the simulation output log each time a value c freq > freqMaximum is generated; a few ppm of these is no problem. real xMinimum,freqMaximum,beamStartZ,Theta02 common /coherentGen/xMinimum,freqMaximum,beamStartZ,Theta02 data xMinimum/0.01/ data freqMaximum/1.0e-4/ data beamStartZ/-2200.0/ data Theta02/1.8/ save /coherentGen/ integer nubuf real ubuf(10) call GRNDM(rndm,7) phim = rndm(1)*TWOPI rhom = mospread*sqrt(-2*log(rndm(2))) thxMosaic = rhom*cos(phim) thyMosaic = rhom*sin(phim) phib = rndm(3)*TWOPI rhob = sqrt(-2*log(rndm(4))) thxBeam = (emitx/spot)*rhob*cos(phib) thyBeam = (emity/spot)*rhob*sin(phib) phis = rndm(5)*TWOPI varMS = sigma2MS(t*rndm(6)) rhos = sqrt(-2*varMS*log(rndm(7))) thxMS = rhos*cos(phis) thyMS = rhos*sin(phis) cos45 = 1/sqrt(2d0) rotate(1,1) = 0 rotate(1,2) = cos45 !point (1,0,0) along beam rotate(1,3) = -cos45 !point (0,1,1) vertically rotate(2,1) = 0 rotate(2,2) = cos45 rotate(2,3) = cos45 rotate(3,1) = 1 rotate(3,2) = 0 rotate(3,3) = 0 call rotmat(rotate,thxBeam+thxMS-thx-thxMosaic,0d0,0d0) call rotmat(rotate,0d0,thyBeam+thyMS-thy-thyMosaic,0d0) do i=1,10000 call GRNDM(rndm,5) phi = rndm(1)*TWOPI x = xMinimum**rndm(2) if (rndm(4).lt.0.5) then !try coherent generation freq = dNcdxdp(x,phi) f = freq*rndm(3) do ip=1,q2points if (f.le.q2weight(ip)) then theta2 = q2theta2(ip) goto 5 endif enddo 5 continue ppol = polarization(x,theta2) else !try incoherent generation theta2 = Theta02*rndm(3)/(1-rndm(3)+1e-30) freq = dNidxdt2(x,theta2) freq = freq*(Theta02+theta2)**2/(TWOPI*Theta02) ppol = 0 endif freq = x*freq if ( then print *, 'Warning from beamgen: freq=',freq, + ' is greater than freqMaximum=',freqMaximum endif if (*rndm(5)) then goto 50 endif enddo print *, 'Error in beamgen:', + ' photon beam generator failed, giving up!' stop 50 continue call GRNDM(rndm,2) phip = rndm(1)*TWOPI rhop = sqrt(-2*log(rndm(2))) pbeam = E+Erms*rhop*cos(phip) theta = sqrt(theta2)*(me/E) thetaX = thxBeam+thxMS+theta*cos(phi) thetaY = thyBeam+thyMS+theta*sin(phi) plab(5) = pbeam*x plab(1) = plab(5)*thetaX plab(2) = plab(5)*thetaY plab(3) = sqrt(plab(5)**2-plab(1)**2-plab(2)**2) plab(4) = plab(5) call GRNDM(rndm,2) phic = rndm(1)*TWOPI rhoc = spot*sqrt(-2*log(rndm(2))) vertex(1) = (rhoc*cos(phic)-D*thxBeam+D*thetaX)*100 vertex(2) = (rhoc*sin(phic)-D*thyBeam+D*thetaY)*100 vertex(3) = beamStartZ ubuf(1) = ppol nubuf = 1 #if defined BEAM_BOX_SIZE call GRNDM(rndm,2) ubuf(2) = rndm(1)*BEAM_BOX_SIZE ubuf(3) = rndm(2)*BEAM_BOX_SIZE vertex(1) = vertex(1) + ubuf(2) vertex(2) = vertex(2) + ubuf(3) nubuf = 3 #endif call settofg(vertex,t0) call GSVERT(vertex,0,0,ubuf,nubuf,nvert) call GSKINE(plab,1,nvert,0,0,nt) ! push the beam photon on the stack vertex(4) = TOFG call hitTagger(vertex,vertex,plab,plab,0.,nt,0,0) end