* * wc.kumac - Geant++ macros to accept drawing origin arguments u,v * in world coordinates (cm) instead of the viewport coordinates * expected by the Geant3 drawing package commands. Otherwise * the arguments are the same as those of the Geant++ commands. * * Usage : exec wc#dcut site x .1 10 10 .01 .01 * * The following drawing commands are supported: * draw - plot a view of a named volume in its own reference frame * dcut - plot a planar intersection with a named volume in its frame * dxcut - same as dcut, but plane is general instead of only xy, xz or yz * dvolume - same as draw, but can use master reference frame and select * particular instances of a given volume in the geometry tree * The following graphical queries are supported * pick - clicks of the mouse are converted into 3d points using the * current drawing parameters and cut plane (see below). * Multiple clicks of the mouse with the left button select the points, * while the pick input is terminated with a click of the right button. * Special arguments to the pick command produce special results: * pick m - pick two points followed by a right-click, and the * distance between the two points is computed and printed. * pick o - pick a single point, and that will be the new origin for * subsequence wc drawing commands. * The following calls modify the behavior of the above macros * setorigin x y z - wc origin (drawing focus) is set to (x,y,z) * setview u0 v0 su sv theta phi psio * - sets location of drawing focus in graphics window to (u0,v0) * - sets scale factors for drawing in graphics window to (su,sv) * - sets viewing angles (degrees) to Geant angles theta,phi,psio * where psio differs from the Euler psi of the camera in that * psio=0 is defined as the psi for which the y axis projects to * the up direction on the graphics window, unless the projection * of yhat is zero, in which case xhat is chosen as up * setangles theta phi psio * - attempts to calculate the actual Euler psi corresponding to the * Geant convention for psio (degrees) and save them all as globals * setcutplane ctheta cphi xint * - defines the virtual cut plane in the graphics image as the * plane perpendicular to the ctheta,cphi (degrees) direction, * whose intercept with the axis ctheta,cphi is xint (cm). * * author: Richard Jones * date: May 10, 2004 * MACRO wc mess 'wc.kumac - Geant++ macros to accept drawing origin arguments u,v' mess ' in world coordinates (cm) instead of the viewport coordinates' mess ' expected by the Geant3 drawing package commands. Otherwise' mess ' the arguments are the same as those of the Geant++ commands.' mess mess 'Usage : exec wc#dcut site x .1 10 10 .01 .01' mess mess 'The following drawing commands are supported:' mess ' draw - plot a view of a named volume in its own reference frame' mess ' dcut - plot a planar intersection with a named volume in its frame' mess ' dxcut - same as dcut, but plane is general instead of only xy, xz or yz' mess ' dvolume - same as draw, but can use master reference frame and select' mess ' particular instances of a given volume in the geometry tree' mess 'The following graphical queries are supported' mess ' pick - clicks of the mouse are converted into 3d points using the' mess ' current drawing parameters and cut plane (see below).' mess ' Multiple clicks of the mouse with the left button select the points,' mess ' while the pick input is terminated with a click of the right button.' mess ' Special arguments to the pick command produce special results:' mess ' pick m - pick two points followed by a right-click, and the' mess ' distance between the two points is computed and printed.' mess ' pick o - pick a single point, and that will be the new origin for' mess ' subsequence wc drawing commands.' mess ' The following calls modify the behavior of the above macros' mess ' setorigin x y z - wc origin (drawing focus) is set to (x,y,z)' mess ' setview u0 v0 su sv theta phi psio' mess ' - sets location of drawing focus in graphics window to (u0,v0)' mess ' - sets scale factors for drawing in graphics window to (su,sv)' mess ' - sets viewing angles (degrees) to Geant angles theta,phi,psio' mess ' where psio differs from the Euler psi of the camera in that' mess ' psio=0 is defined as the psi for which the y axis projects to' mess ' the up direction on the graphics window, unless the projection' mess ' of yhat is zero, in which case xhat is chosen as up' mess ' setangles theta phi psio' mess ' - attempts to calculate the actual Euler psi corresponding to the' mess ' Geant convention for psio (degrees) and save them all as globals' mess ' setcutplane ctheta cphi xint' mess ' - defines the virtual cut plane in the graphics image as the' mess ' plane perpendicular to the ctheta,cphi (degrees) direction,' mess ' whose intercept with the axis ctheta,cphi is xint (cm).' mess mess 'author: Richard Jones' mess 'date: May 10, 2004' mess RETURN MACRO draw if ([1].eq.' ') then message "Error: first argument (volume name) is mandatory" exitm endif global/import wc* if ([2].ne.' ') then theta=[2] elseif ($defined(wctheta).eq.wctheta) then theta=[wctheta] else theta=30 endif if ([3].ne.' ') then phi=[3] elseif ($defined(wcphi).eq.wcphi) then phi=[wcphi] else phi=30 endif if ([4].ne.' ') then psio=[4] elseif ($defined(wcpsio).eq.wcpsio) then psio=[wcpsio] else psio=0 endif if ([5].ne.' ') then u0=[5] elseif ($defined(wcu0).eq.wcu0) then u0=[wcu0] else u0=0 endif if ([6].ne.' ') then v0=[6] elseif ($defined(wcv0).eq.wcv0) then v0=[wcv0] else v0=0 endif if ([7].ne.' ') then su=[7] elseif ($defined(wcsu).eq.wcsu) then su=[wcsu] else su=1 endif if ([8].ne.' ') then sv=[8] elseif ($defined(wcsv).eq.wcsv) then sv=[wcsv] else sv=1 endif if ($defined(wcoriginx).ne.wcoriginx) then exec setorigin 0 0 0 endif if (([su].eq.0).or.([sv].eq.0)) then message "Error: horizontal and vertical scale factors must be non-zero" exitm endif exec setangles [theta] [phi] [psio] global/import wc* sigma wcx0=([wcoriginx])*cos([wcphi]*pi/180)+([wcoriginy])*sin([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcy0=-([wcoriginx])*sin([wcphi]*pi/180)+([wcoriginy])*cos([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcz0=[wcoriginz] sigma wcz1=wcz0*cos([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcx0*sin([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcx1=-wcz0*sin([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcx0*cos([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcy1=wcy0 sigma wcx2=wcx1*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcy1*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcy2=-wcx1*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcy1*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcz2=wcz1 u=$sigma([u0]-(wcx2*[su])) v=$sigma([v0]-(wcy2*[sv])) satt * lsty 7 next draw [1] [theta] [phi] [psio] [u] [v] [su] [sv] exec setview [theta] [phi] [psio] [u0] [v0] [su] [sv] exec setcutplane [theta] [phi] 0 RETURN MACRO dcut if ([1].eq.' ') then message "Error: first argument (volume name) is mandatory" exitm endif global/import wc* if ([2].ne.' ') then caxis=$lower([2]) elseif ($defined(wcaxis).eq.wcaxis) then caxis=[wcaxis] else caxis=z endif if ([3].ne.' ') then cxing=[3] elseif ($defined(wcxing).eq.wcxing) then cxing=[wcxing] else cxing=0 endif if ([4].ne.' ') then u0=[4] elseif ($defined(wcu0).eq.wcu0) then u0=[wcu0] else u0=10 endif if ([5].ne.' ') then v0=[5] elseif ($defined(wcv0).eq.wcv0) then v0=[wcv0] else v0=10 endif if ([6].ne.' ') then su=[6] elseif ($defined(wcsu).eq.wcsu) then su=[wcsu] else su=1 endif if ([7].ne.' ') then sv=[7] elseif ($defined(wcsv).eq.wcsv) then sv=[wcsv] else sv=1 endif if ($defined(wcoriginx).ne.wcoriginx) then exec setorigin 0 0 0 endif if (([su].eq.0).or.([sv].eq.0)) then message "Error: horizontal and vertical scale factors must be non-zero" exitm endif global/import wc* if ([caxis].eq.x) then u=$sigma([u0]-([wcoriginz]*[su])) v=$sigma([v0]-([wcoriginy]*[sv])) h=$sigma([cxing]+([wcoriginx])) phi=0; theta=-90; psi=0 cutthe=90; cutphi=0 elseif ([caxis].eq.y) then u=$sigma([u0]-([wcoriginz]*[su])) v=$sigma([v0]-([wcoriginx]*[sv])) h=$sigma([cxing]+([wcoriginy])) phi=-90; theta=-90; psi=0 cutthe=90; cutphi=90 elseif ([caxis].eq.z) then u=$sigma([u0]-([wcoriginx]*[su])) v=$sigma([v0]-([wcoriginy]*[sv])) h=$sigma([cxing]+([wcoriginz])) phi=0; theta=0; psi=0 cutthe=0; cutphi=0 else message Error: argument 2=[caxis] must be either x, y or z exitm endif satt * lsty 7 next dcut [1] [caxis] [h] [u] [v] [su] [sv] global/create wcaxis [caxis] 'cut axis for wc' global/create wcxing [cxing] 'cut axis crossing value for wc' exec setview [theta] [phi] 0 [u0] [v0] [su] [sv] exec setcutplane [cutthe] [cutphi] [cxing] RETURN MACRO dxcut if ([1].eq.' ') then message "Error: first argument (volume name) is mandatory" exitm endif global/import wc* if ([2].ne.' ') then cutthe=[2] elseif ($defined(wcthecut).eq.wcthecut) then cutthe=[wcthecut] else message "Error: no default for argument CUTTHE" exitm endif if ([3].ne.' ') then cutphi=[3] elseif ($defined(wcphicut).eq.wcphicut) then cutphi=[wcphicut] else message "Error: no default for argument CUTPHI" exitm endif if ([4].ne.' ') then cutval=[4] elseif ($defined(wcvalcut).eq.wcvalcut) then cutval=[wcvalcut] else cutval=0 endif if ([5].ne.' ') then theta=[5] elseif ($defined(wctheta).eq.wctheta) then theta=[wctheta] else theta=30 endif if ([6].ne.' ') then phi=[6] elseif ($defined(wcphi).eq.wcphi) then phi=[wcphi] else phi=30 endif if ([7].ne.' ') then u0=[7] elseif ($defined(wcu0).eq.wcu0) then u0=[wcu0] else u0=10 endif if ([8].ne.' ') then v0=[8] elseif ($defined(wcv0).eq.wcv0) then v0=[wcv0] else v0=10 endif if ([9].ne.' ') then su=[9] elseif ($defined(wcsu).eq.wcsu) then su=[wcsu] else su=1 endif if ([10].ne.' ') then sv=[10] elseif ($defined(wcsv).eq.wcsv) then sv=[wcsv] else sv=1 endif if ($defined(wcoriginx).ne.wcoriginx) then exec setorigin 0 0 0 endif if (([su].eq.0).or.([sv].eq.0)) then message "Error: horizontal and vertical scale factors must be non-zero" exitm endif exec setangles [theta] [phi] 0 global/import wc* sigma wcnx=sin([cutthe]*pi/180)*cos([cutphi]*pi/180) sigma wcny=sin([cutthe]*pi/180)*sin([cutphi]*pi/180) sigma wcnz=cos([cutthe]*pi/180) sigma wcx0=([wcoriginx])*cos([wcphi]*pi/180)+([wcoriginy])*sin([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcy0=-([wcoriginx])*sin([wcphi]*pi/180)+([wcoriginy])*cos([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcz0=[wcoriginz] sigma wcz1=wcz0*cos([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcx0*sin([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcx1=-wcz0*sin([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcx0*cos([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcy1=wcy0 sigma wcx2=wcx1*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcy1*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcy2=-wcx1*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcy1*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcz2=wcz1 u=$sigma([u0]-(wcx2*[su])) v=$sigma([v0]-(wcy2*[sv])) cut=$sigma([cutval]+([wcoriginx]*wcnx)+([wcoriginy]*wcny)+([wcoriginz]*wcnz)) satt * lsty 7 next dxcut [1] [cutthe] [cutphi] [cut] [theta] [phi] [u] [v] [su] [sv] exec setview [theta] [phi] 0 [u0] [v0] [su] [sv] exec setcutplane [cutthe] [cutphi] [cutval] RETURN MACRO dvolume if ([1].eq.' ') then message "Error: first argument (n) is mandatory" exitm endif if ([2].eq.' ') then message "Error: second argument (volume list) is mandatory" exitm endif if ([3].eq.' ') then chnrs=[3] else chnrs=MARS endif global/import wc* if ([4].ne.' ') then theta=[4] elseif ($defined(wctheta).eq.wctheta) then theta=[wctheta] else theta=30 endif if ([5].ne.' ') then phi=[5] elseif ($defined(wcphi).eq.wcphi) then phi=[wcphi] else phi=30 endif if ([6].ne.' ') then psi=[6] elseif ($defined(wcpsi).eq.wcpsi) then psi=[wcpsi] else psi=30 endif if ([7].ne.' ') then u0=[7] elseif ($defined(wcu0).eq.wcu0) then u0=[wcu0] else u0=10 endif if ([8].ne.' ') then v0=[8] elseif ($defined(wcv0).eq.wcv0) then v0=[wcv0] else v0=10 endif if ([9].ne.' ') then su=[9] elseif ($defined(wcsu).eq.wcsu) then su=[wcsu] else su=1 endif if ([10].ne.' ') then sv=[10] elseif ($defined(wcsv).eq.wcsv) then sv=[wcsv] else sv=1 endif if ($defined(wcoriginx).ne.wcoriginx) then exec setorigin 0 0 0 endif if (([su].eq.0).or.([sv].eq.0)) then message "Error: horizontal and vertical scale factors must be non-zero" exitm endif exec setangles [theta] [phi] [psi] global/import wc* sigma wcx0=([wcoriginx])*cos([wcphi]*pi/180)+([wcoriginy])*sin([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcy0=-([wcoriginx])*sin([wcphi]*pi/180)+([wcoriginy])*cos([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcz0=[wcoriginz] sigma wcz1=wcz0*cos([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcx0*sin([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcx1=-wcz0*sin([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcx0*cos([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcy1=wcy0 sigma wcx2=wcx1*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcy1*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcy2=-wcx1*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcy1*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcz2=wcz1 u=$sigma([u0]-(wcx2*[su])) v=$sigma([v0]-(wcy2*[sv])) satt * lsty 7 next dvolume [1] [2] [chnrs] [theta] [phi] [psi] [u] [v] [su] [sv] exec setview [theta] [phi] [psi] [u0] [v0] [su] [sv] exec setcutplane [theta] [phi] 0 RETURN MACRO pick opt global/import wc* if (($defined(wcu0).ne.wcu0).or. _ ($defined(wcv0).ne.wcv0).or. _ ($defined(wcsu).ne.wcsu).or. _ ($defined(wcsv).ne.wcsv).or. _ ($defined(wcthecut).ne.wcthecut).or. _ ($defined(wcphicut).ne.wcphicut).or. _ ($defined(wcvalcut).ne.wcvalcut)) then message "Error: you must use wc#xxx to create a drawing first" exitm endif sigma wcnx=sin([wcthecut]*pi/180)*cos([wcphicut]*pi/180) sigma wcny=sin([wcthecut]*pi/180)*sin([wcphicut]*pi/180) sigma wcnz=cos([wcthecut]*pi/180) sigma wcn1=wcnx*cos([wcphi]*pi/180)+wcny*sin([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcn2=-wcnx*sin([wcphi]*pi/180)+wcny*cos([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcn3=wcnz sigma wcn6=wcn3*cos([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcn1*sin([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcn4=-wcn3*sin([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcn1*cos([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcn5=wcn2 sigma wcnu=wcn4*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcn5*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcnv=-wcn4*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcn5*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcnw=wcn6 vec/del wcvec* vlocate wcvecu wcvecv if ($vexist(wcvecu).eq.0) then message ' no points entered' exitm else nhit=$vdim(wcvecu,1) endif sigma wcx0=(wcvecu-[wcu0])/[wcsu] sigma wcy0=(wcvecv-[wcv0])/[wcsv] sigma wcz0=([wcvalcut]-(wcx0*wcnu+wcy0*wcnv))/wcnw sigma wcx1=wcx0*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180)-wcy0*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcy1=wcx0*sin([wcpsi]*pi/180)+wcy0*cos([wcpsi]*pi/180) sigma wcz1=wcz0 sigma wcz2=wcz1*cos([wctheta]*pi/180)-wcx1*sin([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcx2=wcz1*sin([wctheta]*pi/180)+wcx1*cos([wctheta]*pi/180) sigma wcy2=wcy1 sigma wcx3=wcx2*cos([wcphi]*pi/180)-wcy2*sin([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcy3=wcx2*sin([wcphi]*pi/180)+wcy2*cos([wcphi]*pi/180) sigma wcz3=wcz2 sigma wcx=[wcoriginx]+wcx3 sigma wcy=[wcoriginy]+wcy3 sigma wcz=[wcoriginz]+wcz3 if ([opt].eq.o) then exec setorigin $sigma(wcx(1)) $sigma(wcy(1)) $sigma(wcz(1)) message wc origin reset to ([wcoriginx],[wcoriginy],[wcoriginz]) elseif ([opt].eq.m) then sigma d=sqrt((wcx([nhit])-wcx(1))**2_ +(wcy([nhit])-wcy(1))**2_ +(wcz([nhit])-wcz(1))**2) message measured distance $sigma(d) cm elseif ([opt].eq.l) then line $sigma(wcvecu(1)) $sigma(wcvecv(1)) $sigma(wcvecu(2)) $sigma(wcvecv(2)) elseif ($fexist(wc.f).gt.0) then call wc.f77 call wcprint([nhit],wcx,wcy,wcz) else do i=1,[nhit] message ' point' [i]: $sigma(wcx([i])) $sigma(wcy([i])) $sigma(wcz([i])) enddo message 'To print volume and medium info you need to copy wc.f to your working directory' endif RETURN MACRO setorigin 1=0 2=0 3=0 global/create wcoriginx [1] 'x of wc origin in current DRS (cm)' global/create wcoriginy [2] 'y of wc origin in current DRS (cm)' global/create wcoriginz [3] 'z of wc origin in current DRS (cm)' RETURN MACRO setview theta phi psio u0 v0 su sv global/create wcu0 [u0] 'u offset of wc origin in drawing coordinates' global/create wcv0 [v0] 'v offset of wc origin in drawing coordinates' global/create wcsu [su] 'x scale factor of drawing in wc' global/create wcsv [sv] 'y scale factor of drawing in wc' exec setangles [theta] [phi] [psio] RETURN MACRO setcutplane theta phi w global/create wcthecut [theta] 'euler theta of normal to cut plane' global/create wcphicut [phi] 'euler phi of normal to cut plane' global/create wcvalcut [w] 'w-intercept of cut plane (for picking)' RETURN MACRO setangles theta phi psio global/import wc* sigma tanphi=tan([phi]*pi/180) sigma costhe=cos([theta]*pi/180) sigma tanpsi=-costhe*tanphi sigma cospsi=1/sqrt(1+tanpsi**2) sigma cosphi=cos([phi]*pi/180) sigma sinphi=sin([phi]*pi/180) if ($sigma(abs(costhe)).lt.0.005) then if ($sigma(abs(cosphi)).lt.0.005) then sigma psi=pi theta=90 phi=90 elseif ($sigma(cosphi).ge.0) then sigma psi=0 else sigma psi=pi endif elseif ($sigma(cosphi*cospsi).ge.0) then sigma psi=atan(tanpsi) else sigma psi=atan(tanpsi)+pi endif psi=$sigma((psi*180/pi)-([psio])) global/create wcpsi [psi] 'euler psi of view in wc frame' global/create wctheta [theta] 'euler theta of view in wc frame' global/create wcphi [phi] 'euler phi of view in wc frame' global/create wcpsio [psio] 'euler psi offset of view in wc frame' RETURN