// This file contains the content included on the main page of
// the Hall-D software documentaion generated by doxygen. It
// has a suffix of .c++ just to make doxygen find it.
\mainpage Hall-D Analysis Software
\section intro Introduction
This documentation was generated automatically from the source
code using the doxygen program. The content of this page is
taken from the file src/doc/mainpage.c++
Use the links at the top to help navigate through this documentation.
Use the search form to search the documentation.
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\section starting Getting Started
First, take a quick look at the Class Heirarchy link at the top
of the page. You don't have to spend a lot of time becoming
intimately familiar with every class in the heirarchy. There are
really just two classes you'll need to deal with directly when
writing an event processor: DEventLoop and DEventProcessor. The
DEventLoop will be used "as-is" while you'll write a class which
inherits from DEventProcessor (read on).
Next, checkout the MyProcessor class in hd_ana. The hd_ana
program is meant as an example of how to write an event processor.
It is kept in src/programs/Analysis/hd_ana in the repository.
The main program for hd_ana
is very short. It really just instantiates a DEventLoop object
and a MyProcessor object. The DEvent Loop object automatically
instantiates a DEventSource object, or rather one of its decendants
(DEventSourceFile, DEventSourceET, ...).