SUBROUTINE LOWEN_EVE(IERR) C C--- Simulates 1 event of low energy (<3 GeV) photoproduction C Reaction: gamma+p C IDLOWEN - is the starting number of a set of predefined histograms with E,cos(th) distributions C C Processes: C 1) p pi0 C 2) n pi+ C 3) p pi+ pi- non res C 4) p rho0 C 5) Delta++ pi- C 6) p pi0 pi0 C 7) n pi+ pi0 C 8) p eta C 9) p pi+ pi- pi0 C 10) n pi+ pi+ pi- C IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER IERR C INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' C REAL HRNDM1,RNDM,HI,GBRWIGN LOGICAL HEXIST C INTEGER i,j,ip,np,ibin,nproc,iproc,ityp,ihi,ierr1,ntry,ires + ,id1,ifla,ityd,ntry1,ihel,np1 REAL ebeam,xstot,xssum,xstmp,rnd,ecm,ecm2,bet(4),qq,ct,st,phi,wgt + ,twopi + ,amtot ! sum of the masses + ,pcmm(4) ! 4-mom of the mesons + ,betm(4) ! vel of CM as seen from the rest frame of the mesons + ,ppf,epf1,epf2,ppi,tt,tmn,tmx,amdec,amd(6),xfac,pcms(4),par(6) + ,wdm C REAL ami(2),pcmi(4,2),plabi(4,2) + ,am(MXOUT),pcm(4,MXOUT),plab(4,MXOUT) + ,wgt4mx(MXPROC) ! max weight for the 4-body process (potentially, for each process) INTEGER ity(MXOUT),ndec(MXOUT),kdec(3,MXOUT),kdectyp(MXOUT) + ,it1dec(MXOUT),itorig(MXOUT) C DATA wgt4mx/10*-1./ C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C IERR=1 IEVPROC=-1 nproc=MXPROC ! number of defined processes C C--- Beam energy C ebeam=PIN(3,1) CALL HXI(IDBEAM,ebeam,ibin) ! get ibin - the bin number for this energy C NTRA=0 C C--- Initial state (beam goes along Z - no rotation applied) C DO i=1,2 ami(i)=AMIN(i) DO j=1,3 plabi(j,i)=PIN(j,i) ENDDO qq=plabi(1,i)**2+plabi(2,i)**2+plabi(3,i)**2 plabi(4,i)=SQRT(qq+ami(i)**2) ENDDO DO j=1,4 pcms(j)=plabi(j,1)+plabi(j,2) ENDDO C C write(6,*) 'ami', ami,plab(4,1),plab(4,2) ecm2=ami(1)**2+ami(2)**2+2.*plabi(4,1)*plabi(4,2) ecm=SQRT(ecm2) C C--- Choose a process C xstot=HI(IDBEAM+10,ibin) xssum=HI(IDLOWEN+15,ibin) ! sum of all processes C write(6,*) ' xstot..', IEVENT,xstot,xssum IF(xstot.LE.0.) GO TO 999 ! no simulation (low energy?) IF(xssum.LE.0.) GO TO 999 C xstmp=0. rnd=RNDM(xstmp) iproc=1 DO i=1,nproc-1 xstmp=xstmp+HI(IDLOWEN+10000*iproc,ibin)/xssum IF(xstmp.GE.rnd) GO TO 20 iproc=i+1 ENDDO 20 CONTINUE C IEVPROC=iproc C ntry=0 30 np=0 ntry=ntry+1 amtot=0. ires=0 DO ip=1,MXOUT ityp=ITYPROC(ip,IEVPROC) IF(ityp.GT.0.AND.ityp.LE.MXPART) THEN np=np+1 ity(np)=ityp am(np)=AM_PART(ityp) amdec=0. ndec(np)=0 itorig(np)=0 it1dec(np)=0 DO i=1,3 ityd=KD_PART(i,ityp) IF(ityd.GT.0.AND.ityd.LE.MXPART) THEN ndec(np)=ndec(np)+1 kdec(ndec(np),np)=ityd amdec=amdec+AM_PART(ityd) ENDIF ENDDO kdectyp(np)=KD_PART(4,ityp) IF(WG_PART(ityp).GT.0.) THEN ires=1 ntry1=0 35 ntry1=ntry1+1 wdm=WG_PART(ityp)*GBRWIGN(am) C write(6,*) am(np),wdm,amdec IF(am(np)+wdm.LT.amdec+0.01) THEN IF(ntry1.LT.1000) GO TO 35 WRITE(6,*) ' *** BGGEN_EVE unsuff mass for decay ' + ,ityp,am(np),wdm,am(np)+wdm,amdec GO TO 999 ENDIF am(np)=am(np)+wdm ENDIF amtot=amtot+am(np) ENDIF ENDDO C write(6,*) ' np..', np,amtot,ecm-0.01 IF(np.LT.1) GO TO 999 IF(amtot.GE.ecm-0.01) THEN IF(ntry.LT.1000) GO TO 30 GO TO 999 ENDIF C DO i=1,3 bet(i)=(plabi(i,1)+plabi(i,2))/(plabi(4,1)+plabi(4,2)) ENDDO bet(4)=(plabi(4,1)+plabi(4,2))/ecm DO i=1,2 CALL GLOREN(bet,plabi(1,i),pcmi(1,i)) ENDDO DO i=1,3 bet(i)=-bet(i) ENDDO C C--- Treat the kinematics as 2-body one, in CM C twopi=ACOS(0.)*4. ierr1=1 IF(np.EQ.2) THEN C IF(IEVPROC.LE.2.OR. ! SAID C + IEVPROC.EQ.6 ! eta C + ) THEN C--- In CM: momentum and energies of the particles C epf1=(ecm2+am(1)**2-am(2)**2)/2./ecm ppf =SQRT(epf1**2-am(1)**2) ! final momentum ppi=SQRT(pcmi(4,2)**2-ami(2)**2) ! initial momentum IF(ppf.LE.0.) GO TO 999 C id1=IDLOWEN+10000*IEVPROC ihi=0 IF(HEXIST(id1+1)) THEN ihi=INT(HI(id1+1,ibin)+0.1) IF(ihi.GT.0) THEN ct= HRNDM1(id1+10+ihi) ct=-ct ! first particle is the recoil - invert the COS(TH) ierr1=0 ENDIF ENDIF IF(ierr1.NE.0) THEN qq=ami(2)**2+am(1)**2-2.*epf1*pcmi(4,2) tmn=-(qq+2.*ppf*ppi) tmx=-(qq-2.*ppf*ppi) CALL GPXCOSTHR(IEVPROC,ebeam,tmn,tmx,ct,ierr1) ! generated for the secondary baryon ENDIF IF(ierr1.NE.0) THEN WRITE(6,*) ' *** Error in simulating COS(TH) ',ierr1 + ,' proc=',IEVPROC ENDIF C st=SQRT(1.-ct**2) phi=twopi*RNDM(st) C C--- 2-body C pcm(4,1)=epf1 C pcm(1,1)=ppf*st*COS(phi) pcm(2,1)=ppf*st*SIN(phi) pcm(3,1)=ppf*ct C DO i=1,3 pcm(i,2)=-pcm(i,1) ENDDO pcm(4,2)=ecm-pcm(4,1) C C--- Boost to Lab C DO i=1,2 CALL GLOREN(bet,pcm(1,i),plab(1,i)) ENDDO C C--- Decays? C DO i=1,2 IF(ndec(i).GT.0) THEN it1dec(i)=np+1 DO j=1,ndec(i) amd(j)=AM_PART(kdec(j,i)) am (np+j)=amd(j) ity(np+j)=kdec(j,i) ndec(np+j)=0 itorig(np+j)=i it1dec(np+j)=0 ENDDO IF(ndec(i).EQ.2) THEN ! 2-body decay ihel=kdectyp(i) ! decay angle flag =0 - unoform, =1 - rho-like, =2 - j/psi-like CALL OMDECA2(plab(1,i),amd(1),ihel,plab(1,np+1)) ELSE IF(ndec(i).EQ.3) THEN CALL OMDECA3(plab(1,i),amd(1),0.,plab(1,np+1)) ENDIF np=np+ndec(i) ENDIF ENDDO C ELSE IF(np.EQ.3) THEN C xfac=0. CALL OMDECA3(pcms(1),am(1),xfac,plab(1,1)) C ELSE IF(np.EQ.4) THEN C C--- Phase space: C IF(wgt4mx(IEVPROC).LT.0.) THEN ! initialize the max weight DO i=1,20000 wgt=0. CALL GDECAN(np,ecm,am,wgt,pcm(1,1)) wgt4mx(IEVPROC)=MAX(wgt4mx(IEVPROC),wgt) ENDDO wgt4mx(IEVPROC)=wgt4mx(IEVPROC)*1.2 ENDIF wgt=wgt4mx(IEVPROC) CALL GDECAN(np,ecm,am,wgt,pcm(1,1)) DO i=1,np CALL GLOREN(bet,pcm(1,i),plab(1,i)) ENDDO C ENDIF C DO i=1,np DO j=1,3 PTRA(j,i)=plab(j,i) ENDDO AMTRA(i)=am(i) ITPTRA(1,i)=ity(i) DO j=2,6 ITPTRA(j,i)=0 ENDDO C write(6,*) i,ity(i),MXPGEANT,IPLUND(ity(i)),itorig(i),it1dec(i) IF(ity(i).GT.0.AND.ity(i).LE.MXPGEANT) THEN ITPTRA(3,i)=IPLUND(ity(i)) ENDIF ITPTRA(4,i)=itorig(i) ITPTRA(5,i)=it1dec(i) IF(it1dec(i).GT.0) ITPTRA(6,i)=it1dec(i)+ndec(i)-1 ITPTRA(2,i)=1 IF(it1dec(i).NE.0) ITPTRA(2,i)=10 ! indicates that this particle should not be used in GEANT ENDDO NTRA=np C IERR=0 999 CONTINUE C write(6,*) ebeam,IEVPROC,ibin,xstot,xssum,NTRA C END C