E.Chudakov Nov 30, 2007 This directory contains the code and tools to generate the low energy (0.15 cd code > make makes ./.bin/bggen b) Input files: run.input - one line to define the number of events to simulate, the beam energy: C # write Bremsstr. Gamma Collimator C events ntuple E e- Peak Emin Emax L (cm) 312000 1 12. 9. 0.15 3.00 7600. If the second field is 0 - no ntuple is written out. particle.dat - particle table Attention: set the 2-nd parameter to 0 is no NTUPLE is needed. NTUPLE may give problems for large files (>1M event) c) Running: > cd ../run/ > ../code/.bin/bggen > log Output files: bggen.dat - events bggen.his - histograms bggen.nt - CW-ntuple with events bggen.hddm - HDDM file d) In order to study the output one can use the ntuple: > cd ../paw/ PAW> exec example_1 - plots several variables of interest e) A code to read the output file bggen.dat: > cd ../paw/ > make > ./bgg_read.exe f) The particle numbering (apart from HDDM): # 1 - beam # 2 - target particle # 3-etc - secondary particles, starts with baryons g) The particle numbering (HDDM): #1 - .. secondary particles beam, target momenta are defined in the "Reaction" structure For feeding these data to GEANT one should take all secondary particles