* * $Id: gsstak.F,v 1.1 2006/04/15 04:38:38 jonesrt Exp $ * * $Log: gsstak.F,v $ * Revision 1.1 2006/04/15 04:38:38 jonesrt * gltrac.F, gsstak.F * - replacements for geant321 library functions that enable stacking of * secondaries with repeat counts and saving of ISTORY on the stack, * both for the purposes of enabling cascaded simulations. [rtj] * gustep.F * - new code to support electron beam dump simulations with a two-level * cascade to enhance the statistics of dump-related backgrounds. [rtj] * taggerCoords2.xls * - updates to the dimensions of the building and electron beam dump. [rtj] * hdds/Spectrometer.xml, hdds/TaggerArea.xml * - new geometry description including the electron beam dump attached * by a corridor to the tagger building. [rtj] * hdds/Makefile hdds/ElectronDump.xml * - added new document to describe the electron beam dump geometry [rtj] * gxtwist, gxtwist++, hdgeant [deleted] * - binary files removed from repository [rtj] * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:43 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.23 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GSSTAK (IFLAG) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * SUBR. GSSTAK (IFLAG) * C. * * C. * Stores in auxiliary stack JSTAK the particle currently * C. * described in common /GCKINE/. * C. * * C. * On request, creates also an entry in structure JKINE : * C. * IFLAG = * C. * 0 : No entry in JKINE structure required (user) * C. * 1 : New entry in JVERTX / JKINE structures required (user) * C. * <0 : New entry in JKINE structure at vertex -IFLAG (user) * C. * 2 : Entry in JKINE structure exists already (from GTREVE) * C. * * C. * Called by : GSKING, GTREVE * C. * Author : S.Banerjee, F.Bruyant * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gcjloc.inc" #include "geant321/gcmzfo.inc" #include "geant321/gcnum.inc" #include "geant321/gcstak.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_USRJMP) #include "geant321/gcjump.inc" #endif * COMMON/VTXKIN/NVTX,ITR DIMENSION UBUF(1) DATA UBUF/0./ C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * IF (IPART.LE.0.OR.IPART.GT.NPART) THEN PRINT *, ' GSSTAK - Unknown particle code, skip track ', IPART GO TO 999 ENDIF * * *** Give control to user for track selection * #if !defined(CERNLIB_USRJMP) CALL GUSKIP(ISKIP) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_USRJMP) CALL JUMPT1(JUSKIP,ISKIP) #endif IF (ISKIP.NE.0) GO TO 999 * * *** Check if an entry in JKINE structure is required * IF (IFLAG.EQ.1) THEN CALL GSVERT (VERT, ITRA, 0, UBUF, 0, NVTX) CALL GSKINE (PVERT, IPART, NVTX, UBUF, 0, ITR) ELSE IF (IFLAG.LT.0) THEN NVTX = -IFLAG CALL GSKINE (PVERT, IPART, NVTX, UBUF, 0, ITR) ELSE IF (IFLAG.EQ.0) THEN * Store -ITRA in stack for a track without entry in JKINE ITR = -ITRA ELSE ITR = ITRA ENDIF ENDIF * * *** Store information in stack * IF (JSTAK.EQ.0) THEN NDBOOK = NTSTKP*NWSTAK +3 NDPUSH = NTSTKS*NWSTAK CALL MZBOOK (IXCONS,JSTAK,JSTAK,1,'STAK', 0,0,NDBOOK, IOSTAK,3) IQ(JSTAK+2) = NTSTKP ELSE IF (IQ(JSTAK+1).EQ.IQ(JSTAK+2)) THEN CALL MZPUSH (IXCONS, JSTAK, 0, NDPUSH, 'I') IQ(JSTAK+2) = IQ(JSTAK+2) +NTSTKS ENDIF * JST = JSTAK +IQ(JSTAK+1)*NWSTAK +3 IQ(JSTAK+1) = IQ(JSTAK+1) +1 IF (IQ(JSTAK+3).EQ.0) IQ(JSTAK+3) = IQ(JSTAK+1) IF (IQ(JSTAK+1).GT.NSTMAX) NSTMAX = IQ(JSTAK+1) * IQ(JST+1) = ITR IQ(JST+2) = IPART #ifdef USE_UPWGHT_AS_REPEAT_COUNT IQ(JST+3) = ISTORY #else IQ(JST+3) = 0 #endif DO 90 I = 1,3 Q(JST+3+I) = VERT(I) Q(JST+6+I) = PVERT(I) 90 CONTINUE Q(JST+10) = TOFG Q(JST+11) = SAFETY Q(JST+12) = UPWGHT * #ifdef USE_UPWGHT_AS_REPEAT_COUNT NALIVE = NALIVE + UPWGHT #else NALIVE = NALIVE +1 #endif * END GSSTAK 999 END