REAL FUNCTION GBRWIGN(DUMMY) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Breit-Wigner distribution * C. * ==>Called by : GDECAY * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. IMPLICIT NONE REAL DUMMY REAL RNDM INTEGER itry REAL gg,gm,xrn,pi,de C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C-- Create Lorentz distributed energy with FWHM HBAR/TLIFE. C-- (via integral-transformation of Lorentz-distribution) C-- (M.Guckes) C f(E)=gamma/2pi/(E**2+gamma**2/4) - non relativistic C--- Modified by E.Ch. May 2007 itry=0 10 itry=itry+1 C CALL GRNDM(rndm,1) C gamma=3.291086E-25/TLIFE*2. de=1./2.*TAN(3.1416*(RNDM(de)-0.5)) C write(6,*) itry,gamma,de IF(ABS(de).GT.2.0) THEN IF(itry.LT.1000) GO TO 10 WRITE(6,*) ' *** GBRWIGN: too many tries for tau=' + ,itry de=0. ENDIF GBRWIGN=de C RETURN END