Build Note for GXtwist Richard Jones January 25, 2006 GXtwist is the GEANT3-based simulation program for the GlueX tagging spectrometer and associated electron beam line. The geometry is defined in a xml document (HDDS-1.0 schema) and translated into a Geant3 volume description using the tool hdds-geant. This document is intended as a quick-start guide for building and using the hdds tools. For more information and for discussion of features and bugs, please go to and look for "forums". 1) Since you are reading this, you have already done the first step. From your cvs source directory you typed: halld> cvs checkout gxtwist To build the gxtwist executable you also need to check out the include module. If you want to be able to browse and modify the detector geometry (probably) then you should also check out the hdds module, and if you want to play with the hits structures (maybe) then you should check out the hddm module. The following lines do all three. halld> cvs checkout include halld> cvs checkout hdds halld> cvs checkout hddm 2) Download the xerces-c xml library from and unpack it somewhere on your system or GlueX working area. Getting the sources and doing the build yourself (next step) makes sure that you have a working installation for your configuration. 3) Build the xerces xml library for your system. This is pretty simple. The instructions are found on the web site. There are just three steps: define XERCESCROOT to point to the base directory where you unpacked xerces-c, then runConfigure and gmake. The result is a shared library in the directory xerces-c/lib. 4) Somewhere, preferably at the top of your cvs source directory you should make a script called setup that sets up some environment variables that are needed to locate the CERN libraries on your system. What that looks like depends on your shell, but for tcsh it looks like: halld> cat setup setenv CVS_RSH ssh setenv CVSROOT setenv CERN setenv CERN_LEVEL setenv CERN_ROOT ${CERN}/${CERN_LEVEL} setenv HALLD_ROOT setenv PATH ${HALLD_ROOT}/bin.Linux:${CERN_ROOT}/bin:${PATH} setenv BUILDS ${HALLD_ROOT} setenv HALLDLIB ${HALLD_ROOT}/lib.Linux setenv QQ_DIR ${HALLD_ROOT}/libmcfast/qq_v9_2b_Linux+2.2 setenv STDHEP_DIR ${HALLD_ROOT}/libmcfast/stdhep_v4_08_Linux+2.2 setenv XERCESCROOT setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/${XERCESCROOT}/lib For the bash or ksh shells you should use the export command instead of setenv. You will need to source this file before every session, (or invoke it with the . operator for ksh or bash). 5) Now go to gxtwist and build the interactive version. halld> cd ../gxtwist halld> make gxtwist++ Now find the start of the long string of errors that was just produced by make, and find out what you did wrong in steps 1..5. Iterate until the package builds without errors. 6) Start up interactive Geant and plot the detector. halld> ./gxtwist++ ... lots of output GEANT> next; dcut hill y 0 1 10 .01 .01 7) Install the field map in your working directory and generate events The field map is not stored in cvs as a part of the code repository because it is too large (over 200MB). Before you can start tracking particles through the tagger you need to fetch a copy of the file into your working directory. There are two varieties of the field map, one with the quadrupole magnet on and one with it off. They are available at the following web address. Now you are on your way. If you ever want to fiddle with the geometry, you need to know where to find it. The hdds description of the tagger is in the hdds directory inside this folder, not in the upper-level hdds project in cvs. It is checked out automatically when you check out gxtwist. Richard Jones Storrs, Connecticut Special note for users of Redhat 9 ---------------------------------- During the link step you may get an error that the library gcc_s is not found on your system. This seems to be a fault of g77 under gcc 3.2. The following workaround was verified to work by Ed Brash. Building the non-interactive gxtwist requires a library called libgcc_s.a (appears to be a g77 requirement). This library is no longer present in gcc3.2. The fix is to make a softlink from libgcc.a to libgcc_s.a in the /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2 directory. Special note for users of Fedora -------------------------------- The same note given above for Redhat 9 also applies to Fedora core X, except that the path to the libgcc_s.a library changes slightly with the release of gcc. For FC3, for example, the complete library path is /usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/3.4.2/libgcc_s.a . Mailing lists ------------- Please post problem reports, suggestions and fixes to the appropriate forum on the GlueX message board. The moderator of the list will respond to any requests or forward them to the correct party.