* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.14 2004/12/08 14:43:24 davidl * Change argument 4 of second call to GSVERT from 0 to 0.0 to avoid compiler warnings * * Revision 1.13 2003/12/10 15:32:57 jonesrt * -control.in : never mind [rtj] * -gukine.F : fixed a bug in the setting of polarization ppol used * for polarization studies of the coherent bremsstrahlung source [rtj] * -gustep.F : changed background studies facility to split data across * separate ntuples, one for each virtual detector [rtj] * -hit*.F : modified behaviour from "quit" to "truncate" in the case where * the number of hits exceeds the maximum allowed for that counter [rtj] * * Revision 1.12 2003/07/28 15:42:58 jonesrt * - gukine.F - added photon polarization as an additional attached info to * vertex [rtj] * * Revision 1.11 2003/07/28 15:31:33 jonesrt * - gukine.F - added conditional BEAM_BOX_SIZE to enable simulations with * artificial electron beam motion superimposed on coherent bremsstrahlung [rtj] * * Revision 1.10 2003/01/02 23:49:33 jonesrt * - included updates in gustep.F with conditional code for background * studies, by R. Jones and C. Gauthier [rtj] * - moved the beam origin a meter upstream in gukine.F to make room for * additional shielding in the collimator cave [rtj] * * Revision 1.9 2002/07/10 14:57:18 jonesrt * - fixed wierd problem with g77 compiler that wanted to interpret "slash star" * in a fortran comment line as a comment indicator a-la-c (complained about * unterminated comment) so I just removed the asterisk - rtj. * - corrected the statistics printout from gelh_last() -rtj. * - changed confusing use of VSCAN (card SCAP) to define the origin for single * particle generation; now gukine.F uses PKINE (card KINE) for both origin * and direction of single-particle generator, with the following format: * KINE kind energy theta phi vertex(1) vertex(2) vertex(3) * - fixed gelh_outp() to remove the BaBar-dependent code so that it correctly * updates the photo-hadronic statistics that get reported at gelh_last() -rtj. * - updated gelhad/Makefile to follow the above changes -rtj. * * Revision 1.8 2001/12/18 20:32:12 jonesrt * I added the track="int" information to the output event, at the request of * Dave Doughty. Track numbers are assigned by Geant in the order of declaration, * which is just the order they appear in the Reaction section, so it is not too * difficult to figure out which track goes with which final-state product. * However there is presently no internal identifier in the Reaction section that * matches up to the track number. Even calling it a track is a bit of a stretch * because it is assigned to neutrals as well as charged particles. But that is * the Geant nomenclature and it is simple to decode. * I also added some comments to the control cards file control.in that might * make it easier for a newbie to run his own simulations. * -rtj- * * Revision 1.7 2001/10/30 11:52:36 jonesrt * - fixed bug in gukine.F in coherent beam simulation * where variable spot was in meters but treated as if it were cm -rtj- * * Revision 1.6 2001/10/29 17:39:23 jonesrt * - added mc truth info to output event for internal track/photon generators * - added special code for background studies, selected by the conditional * #define BACKGROUND_STUDIES (in gustep.F) * - added conditional code to disable normal event output for bg studies, using * #define DISABLE_OUTPUT (in guout.F) * Both of the above defines are disabled in the distribution code by default. * -rtj- * * Revision 1.5 2001/08/02 03:08:05 jonesrt * Now the BEAM data card is supported, with correct generation of * coherent bremsstrahlung radiation. -rtj * * Revision 1.4 2001/07/27 21:04:09 jonesrt * With this release, HDGeant version 1.0 is now in beta. -rtj * * Revision 1.3 2001/07/24 05:37:16 jonesrt * First working prototype of hits package -rtj * * Revision 1.2 2001/07/15 07:31:37 jonesrt * HDGeant now supportskinematic input from Monte Carlo generators * via the routines in hddmInput.c -rtj * * Revision 1.1 2001/07/10 18:05:46 jonesrt * imported several of the gu*.F user subroutines for Hall D customization -rtj * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:52 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.35 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GUKINE * ************************************************************************ * * * Generates Kinematics for primary tracks * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" #include "geant321/gcflag.inc" #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gcscan.inc" #include "geant321/gcomis.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #include "geant321/gcnum.inc" #include "hdtrackparams.inc" #include "backgrounds.inc" #include "cobrems.inc" * DIMENSION VERTEX(4),PLAB(5) DIMENSION RNDM(20) real tgen real unif01(100) integer i,j character*20 pname integer nubuf real ubuf(99) real pmin, pmax, thetamin, thetamax * * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * UPWGHT = 1 ISTORY = 0 ev = IDEVT do i=1,10 ev = ev/10. if (ev.lt.10) goto 2 enddo 2 if (int(ev).eq.ev) then write(LOUT,*) IDEVT," events simulated" endif * * Try input from MonteCarlo generator first * itry = nextInput() if (itry .eq. 0) then itry = loadInput() * * Fake a tagger hit of the correct energy by adding up the energy * of all generated tracks and assigning them to the trigger time. * PLAB(1) = 0 PLAB(2) = 0 PLAB(3) = 0 PLAB(4) = -PMASS do nt=1,NTRACK call GFKINE(nt,VERT,PVERT,IPART,IVERT,ubuf,nubuf) call GFPART(IPART,pname,ITRTYP,AMASS,CHARGE,TLIFE,ubuf,nubuf) PLAB(1) = PLAB(1) + PVERT(1) PLAB(2) = PLAB(2) + PVERT(2) PLAB(3) = PLAB(3) + PVERT(3) PLAB(4) = PLAB(4) + + sqrt(AMASS**2+PVERT(1)**2+PVERT(2)**2+PVERT(3)**2) enddo PLAB(5) = PLAB(4) VERTEX(1) = VERT(1) VERTEX(2) = VERT(2) VERTEX(3) = VERT(3) VERTEX(4) = TOFG call hitTagger(VERTEX,VERTEX,PLAB,PLAB,0.,nt,0,0) if (bgrate.gt.0) then * * Superimpose background in the form of coherent bremsstrahlung * beam photons sent down the photon beam line. They are generated * with a random time distribution over the duration of the gate * to simulate the actual conditions of a bremsstrahlung beam. * ngen=0 tgen=bggate(1) do i=1,99999 call grndm(unif01,100) do j=1,100 tgen=tgen-log(unif01(j))/bgrate if (tgen.gt.bggate(2)) goto 10 call beamgen(tgen) ngen=ngen+1 enddo enddo 10 continue c print *, ngen,' background photons generated this event' endif elseif (itry .ne. 9) then ieorun = 1 ieotri = 1 return * * Try coherent bremsstrahlung beam generation next * elseif (E.gt.0) then call beamgen(0.) call storeInput(IDRUN,IDEVT,1); * * If all else fails, do automatic single-track generation * else TOFG=0 VERTEX(1)=VSCAN(1) VERTEX(2)=VSCAN(2) VERTEX(3)=VSCAN(3) IF (IKINE.GT.100) THEN IK=IKINE-100 CALL GRNDM(RNDM,3) * * If the PLOG(TLOG) card is non-zero in control.in, then * distribute evenly in the log of total momentum(theta). * Otherwise, distribute evenly in total momentum(theta). * 3/17/2009 DL IF (plog_particle_gun.EQ.0) THEN PABS=PKINE(1)+PKINE(4)*(RNDM(1)-0.5) ELSE pmin=PKINE(1)-0.5*PKINE(4) pmax=PKINE(1)+0.5*PKINE(4) IF (pmin.LE.0) pmin=0.100 PABS=pmin*(pmax/pmin)**RNDM(1) ENDIF IF (tlog_particle_gun.EQ.0) THEN THETA=(PKINE(2)+PKINE(5)*(RNDM(2)-0.5))*DEGRAD ELSE thetamin=PKINE(2)-0.5*PKINE(5) thetamax=PKINE(2)+0.5*PKINE(5) IF (thetamin.LE.0) thetamin=0.9 THETA=(thetamin*(thetamax/thetamin)**RNDM(2))*DEGRAD ENDIF PHI=(PKINE(3)+PKINE(6)*(RNDM(3)-0.5))*DEGRAD ELSE IK=IKINE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2) PABS=PKINE(1) THETA=PI*RNDM(1) PHI=TWOPI*RNDM(2) ENDIF PLAB(1) = PABS*SIN(THETA)*COS(PHI) PLAB(2) = PABS*SIN(THETA)*SIN(PHI) PLAB(3) = PABS*COS(THETA) CALL GSVERT(VERTEX,0,0,0.0,0,NVERT) CALL GSKINE(PLAB,IK,NVERT,0,0,NT) call storeInput(IDRUN,IDEVT,NT); endif * * Kinematic debug (controled by ISWIT(1)) * IF(IDEBUG.EQ.1.AND.ISWIT(1).EQ.1) THEN CALL GPRINT('VERT',0) CALL GPRINT('KINE',0) ENDIF * * If storing particle trajectories, clear the buffers if (storetraj.ne.0) then call cleartrajectories() endif END