* * $Id$ * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:52 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.35 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE UGINIT * ************************************************************************ * * * To initialise GEANT3 program and read data cards * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" #include "geant321/gcphys.inc" #include "hdtrackparams.inc" #include "halo.inc" * integer iskip integer infile(20) integer outfile(20) common /inputFile/ iskip,infile,outfile data iskip/0/ data infile/20*0/ data outfile/20*0/ integer openInput, skipInput, openOutput external openInput, skipInput, openOutput real beamE0, beamEpeak, beamEmin, radColDist common /beamPars/ beamE0,beamEpeak,beamEmin,radColDist data beamE0,beamEpeak,beamEmin,radColDist/0.,0.,0.,76./ data fhalo/0.0/ data bfield/-999.0/ data nosecondaries/0/ C Use this parameter to set up a minimum photon energy C for the coherent bremsstrahlung beam generator - see beamgen.F real xMinimum,freqMaximum,beamStartZ,Theta02 common /coherentGen/xMinimum,freqMaximum,beamStartZ,Theta02 * * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * * Initialize GEANT C..geant.. call trapfpe() CALL GINIT * * Prints version number * WRITE(LOUT,1000) * * IKINE = particle type (default=1=gamma) * PKINE(1)=particle energy * IKINE and PKINE can be changed with the data card KINE * PKINE(1)=10. PKINE(5)=4. IKINE=1 ICOMP=1 IPAIR=1 IBREM=1 IANNI=1 IPHOT=1 IHADR=1 * * Initialize GEANT/ZBOOK data structures * C..geant.. CALL GZINIT * * Define user FFREAD data cards (format free input) * * * Read the data cards * OPEN(UNIT=4,FILE='control.in',STATUS='UNKNOWN') CALL FFSET('LINP',4) call ffkey('infile',infile,20,'MIXED') call ffkey('skip',iskip,1,'INTEGER') call ffkey('outfile',outfile,20,'MIXED') call ffkey('beam',beamE0,4,'REAL') call ffkey('bfield', bfield,1,'REAL') call ffkey('nosecondaries', nosecondaries,1,'INTEGER') call ffkey('halo',fhalo,1,'REAL') call gtgamaff() CALL GFFGO * * Verify that the random number seeds are OK * call GRNDMQ(iseed1,iseed2,0,'G') if ((iseed1.eq.0).and.(iseed2.eq.0)) then write(LOUT,980) 'UGINIT error: ' 980 format(a14,'initial random number generator seeds are 0!') stop 'cannot continue without good random numbers' endif * * Open the input stream * if (infile(1) .gt. 0) then ifail = openInput(infile) if (ifail .ne. 0) then write(lout,9000) infile 9000 format('GUKINE ERROR - Could not open input stream ',20a4) stop endif if (iskip .gt. 0) then ifail = skipInput(iskip) endif if (nevent .eq. 0) then nevent = 999999999 endif endif * * Open the output stream * if (outfile(1) .eq. 0) then call UCTOH('gxtwist.hddm',outfile,4,12) endif ifail = openOutput(outfile) if (ifail .ne. 0) then write(lout,9010) outfile 9010 format('GUKINE ERROR - Could not open output stream ',20a4) stop endif * * Assign the beam parameters * if (beamEmin.lt.0) then print * print *, 'Error in uginit:', + ' beamEmin is specified with negative value,', + ' cannot continue.' stop elseif (beamEmin.gt.0.12) then print * print *, 'Error in uginit:', + ' beamEmin is larger than a default value of 0.12 GeV,', + ' cannot continue.' stop elseif (beamEmin.lt.1e-6) then print *, + ' beamEmin is smaller than a minimum value of 1 KeV,', + ' Using default (120 MeV).' beamEmin = 0.12 endif xMinimum = beamEmin/beamE0 call cobrems(beamE0,beamEpeak,radColDist) * * Initialize graphics package * CALL GDINIT * * Initialize the Hall D geometry * call HDDSgeant3 call Goptimize * * Open the HBOOK file for output * call HROPEN(50,'RZfile','geant.hbook','N',65536,istat) * * Initialize GEANT tracking structures * C..geant.. CALL GGCLOS CALL GPART CALL GPHYSI CALL GRFILE(3,'gxtwist.rz','ON') CALL HCDIR('//RZfile',' ') * * Initialize the GELHAD package and verify parameters * call gelh_vrfy() * * Load FLUKA and MICAP cross section data if selected * if (IHADR.ge.3) call FLINIT if (IHADR.eq.4) call GMORIN 1000 FORMAT(/,' MODE VERSION 1.00 : ',/) END