! below follows commands sent to PYGIVE msel=2 MSTP(13)=2 ! MSTP(17)=6 ! MSTP(20)=4 MSTP(20)=0 ! MSTP(38)=4 ! MSTP(51)=11 ! if pdflib is linked than non pythia-pdfs are available, ! like MSTP(51)=4046 MSTP(58)=4 ! MSTP(61)=0 ! MSTP(71)=0 ! MSTP(81)=0 ! MSTP(82)=1 MSTP(92)=4 MSTP(101)=1 MSTP(121)=1 ! ----------- Now all the PARPs ----------- PARP(2)=3.5 ! ecm, E+gamma =6.06 GeV PARP(18)=0.17 PARP(89)=1000 PARP(91)=0.40 PARP(93)=2. PARP(99)=0.40 PARP(102)=0.5 PARP(103)=0.5 PARP(104)=0.3 PARP(111)=0. PARP(121)=2. PARP(161)=3.00 PARP(162)=24.6 PARP(165)=0.47679 PARP(166)=0.67597 ! ----------- Now come all the switches for Jetset ----------- PARJ(1)=0.029 PARJ(2)=0.283 PARJ(3)=1.20 PARJ(21)= 0.40 PARJ(23)=0.03 PARJ(41)= 1.94 PARJ(42)= 0.544 PARJ(45 )= 1.05 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- MSTJ(12)=1 MSTJ(45)=4 MSTU(112)=4 MSTU(113)=4 MSTU(114)=4 ! ----------- Now all the CKINs for pythia ----------- CKIN(1)=1. CKIN(66)=100.0 ! Max for Q^2