E.Chudakov Aug 10, 2007 This directory contains the code for PYTHIA and tools to run it The main program: run_pyth.f a) Compile PYTHIA: > make makes run_pyth.exe b) PYTHIA input files: run.input - one line to define the number of events to simulate and the beam energy pythia-geant.map - mapping GEANT<->PYTHIA particle codes pythia.dat - redefinitions of PYTHIA flags (do not change unless you know what you are doing) c) Running PYTHIA: > ./run_pyth.exe An output binary file pytout.dat is written. It contains all relevant info for each event - the PYTHIA record and the GEANT code d) read_pout.f - a code to read the PYTHIA output file and print several events >./read_pout.exe Note, that the 7-th column contains the GEANT particle code for the entry. For the non-zero entries: call GSKINE the code can be compiled: g77 -o read_pout.exe read_pout.f