// $Id$ // // File: Event.h // Created: Tue Oct 13 09:55:12 EDT 2009 // Creator: davidl (on Darwin harriet.jlab.org 9.8.0 i386) // #ifndef _Event_ #define _Event_ #include #include #include #include #include "fcal_t.h" #include "sc_t.h" #include "bcal_t.h" class Event:public TObject{ public: Event(); ~Event(){delete fcal;} UInt_t event; // event number TLorentzVector beam; // Thrown beam photon parameters TLorentzVector proton_thrown; // Thrown proton parameters TLorentzVector eta_thrown; // Thrown eta parameters TVector3 vertex; // Thrown vertex position int prod_mech; // Production mechanism (Primakoff, Nucl. Coherent, ...) int decay_mode; // Decay mode of eta (gg or 3pi0) UInt_t Nfcal; // Number of elements in fcal TClonesArray *fcal; //-> Array of all photons reconstructed in FCAL TLorentzVector eta_best; float t; UInt_t Nstart; // Number of elements in sc TClonesArray *sc; //-> Array of all hits reconstructed in Start Counter float E_bcal_tot; // Total energy deposited in BCAL UInt_t Nbcal; // Number of elements in bcal TClonesArray *bcal; //-> Array of all photons reconstructed in BCAL void Clear(void); void AddFCAL(TLorentzVector &p, TVector3 &x); void AddBCAL(TLorentzVector &p); void AddSC(int sector); private: ClassDef(Event,1); }; #endif // _Event_