subroutine isim(chdet,chmeth) c implicit none character*(*) chdet, ! 'hybrid', 'lg' & chmeth ! 'simfast', 'libs', 'libr' - seq. or random lib. reading real zmcplane, x, y, nx, ny logical sim_inited data sim_inited /.false./ save sim_inited #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "" * * zmcplane = 625.0506 * if(.not.sim_inited) then sim_inited = .true. call init_sim_geom(chdet,zmcplane) endif * if (VECT(6).ne.0.) then nx = VECT(4)/VECT(6) ny = VECT(5)/VECT(6) else nx = 0. ny = 0. endif x = VECT(1) + nx*(VECT(3)-zmcplane) y = VECT(2) + ny*(VECT(3)-zmcplane) * if( then if(chmeth.eq.'simfast') then icase = 0 call addhits_sim(x,y,nx,ny,getot) if(igeometry.eq.1) then icase = 1 call addhits_sim(x,y,nx,ny,getot) endif else icase = 0 call addhits_sim(x,y,nx,ny,getot) if(igeometry.eq.1) then icase = 1 if(chmeth.eq.'libr') then call addhits_lib(x,y,nx,ny,getot,'r') elseif(chmeth.eq.'libs') then call addhits_lib(x,y,nx,ny,getot,'s') else print*, 'unknown option ', chmeth call exit(1) endif endif endif else if(ipart.eq.4) then else if(ipart.eq.7.or.ipart.eq.17) then else if( then icase = 0 call addhits_mip(x,y,nx,ny,getot) if(igeometry.eq.1) then icase = 1 call addhits_mip(x,y,nx,ny,getot) endif else if(ipart.le.32.and.charge.eq.0) then icase = 0 call addhits_had(x,y,nx,ny,getot) if(igeometry.eq.1) then icase = 1 call addhits_had(x,y,nx,ny,getot) endif else if( then icase = 0 call addhits_mip(x,y,nx,ny,getot) call addhits_had(x,y,nx,ny,getot) if(igeometry.eq.1) then icase = 1 call addhits_mip(x,y,nx,ny,getot) call addhits_had(x,y,nx,ny,getot) endif endif * return end * * * define geometry and cuts here * subroutine init_sim_geom(chdet,z) implicit none * character*(*) chdet ! 'hybrid', 'lg' real z ! [cm] distance from target to calorimeter * #include "" #include "" #include "" * if(chdet.eq.'hybrid') then igeometry = 1 elseif(chdet.eq.'lg') then igeometry = 0 else print*, 'init_sim_geom err: Unknowon option chdet= ', chdet call exit(1) endif * dtarg(1,1) = 2.077/2. ! HyCal PWO semisizes dtarg(1,2) = 2.075/2. dtarg(1,3) = 18./2. NROW(1) = 36 ! 73x73 modules (151cmx151cm) NCOL(1) = 36 c icase = 1 ! PWO * dtarg(0,1) = 3.815/2. ! HyCal LG semisizes dtarg(0,2) = 3.815/2. dtarg(0,3) = 45./2. NROW(0) = 30 ! R = 120cm NCOL(0) = 30 c icase = 0 ! LG * a(1) = 0.942003 ! profile parameters and sigma reduction factor b(1) = 0.107323 c(1) = -1.0674 d(1) = 1.42019 e(1) = 1.1254 f(1) = 1.21292 sfactor(1) = 0.007 ! 0.022 * a(0) = .796 b(0) = 0.21 c(0) = -.096 d(0) = 2. e(0) = .3 f(0) = 0.0516 sfactor(0) = 0.1 * * cut and parameter values: * zhycal = z ! [cm] min_energy = 0.1 ! [GeV] discard clusters with energy below this threshold global_gain= 1.000 ! global energy gain factor ("calibration") delch = 4. ! chi2 improvement cut for tgamma xm2cut = 1.2 ! inv. mass over e cut to split hits minpk = 9 ! [10MeV] min cell energy to be good for the peak chisq1 = 3 ! min chi2 to try to split at prelimnirary stage chisq2 = 1.4 ! 0.4 ! min chi2 to try to split at final stage event_flag = 1 ! break event loop if 0 event_display = 0 ! whether to run event display * * Notes: * 1) hole size is hardcoded to 5x5 cells for PWO and 3x3 cells for LG * 2) id_adcgam now is 10*col+row of central id of a cluster * 3) type_adcgam now: 0 signle; +10 from multimaxima island; +1 or +2 from split * return end *