* * $Id$ * * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:52 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.35 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GUSTEP * ************************************************************************ * * * User routine called at the end of each tracking step * * MEC is the mechanism origin of the step * * INWVOL is different from 0 when the track has reached * * a volume boundary * * ISTOP is different from 0 if the track has stopped * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gcking.inc" #include "geant321/gcomis.inc" #include "geant321/gcvolu.inc" #include "geant321/gctmed.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #include "geant321/gcflag.inc" #include "geant321/gcnum.inc" #include "hdtrackparams.inc" * * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * character*4 cnames(15) equivalence (NAMES(1),cnames(1)) character*4 chfrom save chfrom data chfrom/'NULL'/ real vertx(3),tofgx,ubuf(99) integer ntbeamx,nttargx,nubuf integer ptype real xin(4),xout(4),pin(5),pout(5),dEsum,x0(4),p0(5),p1(5),ppol common /nt1/ ptype,xin,xout,pin,pout,dEsum,x0,p0,p1,ppol character*180 ntform parameter (ntform='kind:i,xin(4):r,xout(4):r,' + //'pin(5):r,pout(5):r,dEsum:r,' + //'x0(4):r,p0(5):r,p1(5):r,ppol:r') logical hexist external hexist if (.not.hexist(1)) then call hbnt(1,'microscope hits',' ') call hbname(1,'hits',ptype,ntform) call hbnt(2,'fixed array hits',' ') call hbname(2,'hits',ptype,ntform) call hbnt(3,'endpoint array hits',' ') call hbname(3,'hits',ptype,ntform) call hbnt(4,'microscope readout hits',' ') call hbname(4,'hits',ptype,ntform) call hbnt(5,'DET7 pseudovolume hits',' ') call hbname(5,'hits',ptype,ntform) call hbnt(6,'DET8 pseudovolume hits',' ') call hbname(6,'hits',ptype,ntform) endif CALL GDEBUG *#define GENERATE_BUT_DO_NOT_TRACK 1 #if GENERATE_BUT_DO_NOT_TRACK istop = 1 return #endif * Implement an importance-sampling cascade scheme #if TUNL_BACKSTREAMING_CASCADE_FACTOR if (INWVOL.eq.1.and.NSTEP.gt.0) then if (ISTORY.lt.2.and. + NLEVEL.ge.2.and.cnames(2).eq.'AREA'.and. + .not.(NLEVEL.ge.3.and.cnames(3).eq.'TUNL')) then if (chfrom.eq.'TUNL') then isave = ISTORY ISTORY = 2 call replicate(TUNL_BACKSTREAMING_CASCADE_FACTOR) * ISTORY = isave endif elseif (ISTORY.eq.0.and.cnames(NLEVEL).eq.'TUNL') then if (chfrom.eq.'EDHS') then ISTORY = 1 call replicate(EDHS_BACKSTREAMING_CASCADE_FACTOR) * ISTORY = 0 endif endif elseif (INWVOL.eq.2) then if ((NLEVEL.ge.2.and.cnames(2).eq.'TUNL').or. + (NLEVEL.ge.3.and.cnames(3).eq.'TUNL')) then if ((NLEVEL.ge.3.and.cnames(3).eq.'EDHS').or. + (NLEVEL.ge.4.and.cnames(4).eq.'EDHS')) then chfrom = 'EDHS' else chfrom = 'TUNL' endif else chfrom = cnames(NLEVEL) endif else chfrom = cnames(NLEVEL) endif #endif * Place any secondaries generated during this step onto the stack if (nosecondaries.eq.0) then do i=1,NGKINE itypa = GKIN(5,i) if (itypa.ne.4) call GSKING(i) enddo endif * Stop wimpy charged particles that are taking forever to range out if ((NSTEP.ge.9999).and.(CHARGE.ne.0)) then DESTEP = GEKIN ISTOP = 1 endif * Stop at exit from the tagger area c if (NLEVEL.eq.1) then c STOP = 1 c endif * If not a sensitive volume then exit here c if (NTMULT.eq.1.and.NSTEP.eq.0) then if (NSTEP.eq.0) then x0(1) = VECT(1) x0(2) = VECT(2) x0(3) = VECT(3) x0(4) = TOFG p0(1) = VECT(4) p0(2) = VECT(5) p0(3) = VECT(6) p0(4) = GETOT p0(5) = VECT(7) call gfvert(1,vertx,ntbeamx,nttargx,tofgx,ubuf,nubuf) ppol = ubuf(1) p1(1) = ubuf(2) p1(2) = ubuf(3) p1(3) = ubuf(4) p1(4) = ubuf(5) p1(5) = ubuf(6) elseif (ISVOL.eq.0) then return endif * Inside sensitive medium: accumulate info about track segment if (ISTOP.ne.0) then ! particle stops continue elseif (INWVOL.eq.2) then ! particle exits current volume continue elseif (INWVOL.eq.1) then ! particle enters new volume ptype = ipart xin(1) = VECT(1) xin(2) = VECT(2) xin(3) = VECT(3) xin(4) = TOFG pin(1) = VECT(4) pin(2) = VECT(5) pin(3) = VECT(6) pin(4) = GETOT pin(5) = VECT(7) dEsum = 0 return else dEsum = dEsum + DESTEP return endif * At end of track segment in sensitive medium: register hit dEsum = dEsum + DESTEP xout(1) = VECT(1) xout(2) = VECT(2) xout(3) = VECT(3) xout(4) = TOFG pout(1) = VECT(4) pout(2) = VECT(5) pout(3) = VECT(6) pout(4) = GETOT pout(5) = VECT(7) if (CNAMES(NLEVEL).eq.'MSFI') then call hfnt(1) elseif (CNAMES(NLEVEL)(1:2).eq.'FX') then call hfnt(2) elseif (CNAMES(NLEVEL)(1:4).eq.'ENDP') then call hfnt(3) elseif (CNAMES(NLEVEL)(1:4).eq.'MSRO') then call hfnt(4) elseif (CNAMES(NLEVEL)(1:4).eq.'DET7') then call hfnt(5) elseif (CNAMES(NLEVEL)(1:4).eq.'DET8') then call hfnt(6) elseif (CNAMES(NLEVEL).eq.'XTAL') then x0(1) = VECT(1) x0(2) = VECT(2) x0(3) = VECT(3) x0(4) = TOFG p0(1) = VECT(4) p0(2) = VECT(5) p0(3) = VECT(6) p0(4) = GETOT p0(5) = VECT(7) call gfvert(1,vertx,ntbeamx,nttargx,tofgx,ubuf,nubuf) ppol = ubuf(1) p1(1) = ubuf(2)/ubuf(6) p1(2) = ubuf(3)/ubuf(6) p1(3) = ubuf(4)/ubuf(6) p1(4) = ubuf(5) p1(5) = ubuf(6) endif END subroutine replicate(count) integer count real psave(3),xsave(3),wsave integer i #undef CERNLIB_GEANT321_GCKINE_INC #undef CERNLIB_GEANT321_GCTRAK_INC #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" if (count.le.1) return do i=1,3 xsave(i) = VERT(i) psave(i) = PVERT(i) VERT(i) = VECT(i) PVERT(i) = VECT(i+3)*VECT(7) enddo wsave = UPWGHT UPWGHT = count-1 call GSSTAK(0) UPWGHT = wsave do i=1,3 VERT(i) = xsave(i) PVERT(i) = psave(i) enddo end