#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gluex_Canlib.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* time_t, struct tm, difftime, time, mktime */ #include using namespace std; Device *dev[30]; int portNum; int anaNum; int nDevices; void ADC_menu( int id, int nReplies ); void TP_menu( int id ); void BL_menu(Device* dev[], int id, int nReplies, bool fcal_anagate ); void HV_menu( Device &dev , int id, int nReplies ); void Power_menu(Device *dev[], int nDevices); void CheckForMissingIDs(vector all_ids, vector current_ids, string ADC_type); void uploadModules(); void sortStrands(); void thresholdHV(); void testUpload(); double mean( float x[], int size); double stddev( float x[], int size); void orderedTest(); void HVStripes(); string anaIPs[8]; string anaPorts[4]; vector all_ids; bool exit_monitoring; int HV_setpoint; /* int bases[5000], basesTemp[5000]; int CAN_ID[5000], CAN_IDTemp[5000]; int xCoord[5000], xCoordTemp[5000]; int yCoord[5000], yCoordTemp[5000]; int strands[5000]; int PMT_ID[5000], PMT_IDTemp[5000]; float PMT_fit_A[5000], PMT_fit_ATemp[5000]; float PMT_fit_B[5000], PMT_fit_BTemp[5000]; float HV[5000]; */ //---------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char **argv ){ int cmd = 0; bool Exit_Prog = false; int nReplies = 0; string argument=""; string my_port=""; int ext_id=0; HV_setpoint=0; bool fcal_anagate=false; if(argc==2||argc==3) argument = argv[1]; if(argc==3) my_port = argv[2]; anaIPs[0]=""; //1L anaIPs[1]=""; //1R anaIPs[2]=""; //2L anaIPs[3]=""; //2R anaIPs[4]=""; //3L anaIPs[5]=""; //3R anaIPs[6]=""; //4L anaPorts[0]="A"; anaPorts[1]="B"; anaPorts[2]="C"; anaPorts[3]="D"; if(argc==2&&argument=="help") { cout << "To run on a single FCAL anagate (e.g. 1L) and all strands use:" << endl; cout << "> baseControl 1L" << endl << endl; cout << "To run on a single FCAL strand (e.g. 1L port A) use:" << endl; cout << "> baseControl 1L A" << endl << endl; cout << "To run on jlab small test setup use:" << endl; cout << "> baseControl F117" << endl << endl; cout << "To run on larger F-Wing Electronics Room setup use either:" << endl; cout << "> baseControl jlabL [A-D]" << endl << endl; cout << "or" << endl << endl; cout << "> baseControl jlabR [A-D]" << endl << endl; cout << "To run on IU test setup use:" << endl; cout << "> baseControl IU" << endl << endl; cout << "All arguments are case sensitive" << endl; return 0; } else if(argc==3&&argument=="jlabL") { nDevices=1; cout << "Enter the number of bases currently connected:" << endl; cin >> nReplies; dev[0] = OpenCANBus(const_cast(my_port.c_str()),""); anaIPs[0]=""; anaPorts[0]=my_port; cout <<"Opening first device with " << nReplies << " bases on bus" << endl; } else if(argc==3&&argument=="jlabR") { nDevices=1; cout << "Enter the number of bases currently connected:" << endl; cin >> nReplies; dev[0] = OpenCANBus(const_cast(my_port.c_str()),""); anaIPs[0]=""; anaPorts[0]=my_port; cout <<"Opening first device with " << nReplies << " bases on bus" << endl; } else if(argc==2&&argument=="F117") { nDevices=1; cout << "Assuming bases are connected to port A..." << endl; cout << "Enter the number of bases currently connected:" << endl; cin >> nReplies; dev[0] = OpenCANBus("A",""); anaIPs[0]=""; anaPorts[0]="A"; } else if(argc==2&&argument=="IU") { nDevices=1; cout << "Assuming bases are connected to port A..." << endl; cout << "Enter the number of bases currently connected:" << endl; cin >> nReplies; dev[0] = OpenCANBus("A",""); anaIPs[0]=""; anaPorts[0]="A"; } else if(argc==2&&argument.size()==2&& (argument[1]=='L' || argument[1]=='R') ) { nDevices=4; nReplies = 100; fcal_anagate=true; string anaIP_single; if(argument=="1L") anaIP_single=anaIPs[0]; if(argument=="1R") anaIP_single=anaIPs[1]; if(argument=="2L") anaIP_single=anaIPs[2]; if(argument=="2R") anaIP_single=anaIPs[3]; if(argument=="3L") anaIP_single=anaIPs[4]; if(argument=="3R") anaIP_single=anaIPs[5]; if(argument=="4L") anaIP_single=anaIPs[6]; dev[0] = OpenCANBus("A",const_cast(anaIP_single.c_str())); dev[1] = OpenCANBus("B",const_cast(anaIP_single.c_str())); dev[2] = OpenCANBus("C",const_cast(anaIP_single.c_str())); dev[3] = OpenCANBus("D",const_cast(anaIP_single.c_str())); } else if(argc==3&&argument.size()==2&& (argument[1]=='L' || argument[1]=='R') ) { nDevices=1; nReplies = 100; cout << argv[2] <(anaIP_single.c_str())); cout << "Connecting to Anagate IP " << anaIP_single << endl;} if(my_port=="B") {dev[0] = OpenCANBus("B",const_cast(anaIP_single.c_str())); cout << "Connecting to Anagate IP " << anaIP_single << endl;} if(my_port=="C") {dev[0] = OpenCANBus("C",const_cast(anaIP_single.c_str())); cout << "Connecting to Anagate IP " << anaIP_single << endl;} if(my_port=="D") {dev[0] = OpenCANBus("D",const_cast(anaIP_single.c_str())); cout << "Connecting to Anagate IP " << anaIP_single << endl;} } else if(argc==1) { nDevices=28; nReplies = 100; fcal_anagate=true; for(int i=0; i<7; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<4; ++j) { dev[i*4+j] = OpenCANBus((char*)anaPorts[j].c_str(),(char*)anaIPs[i].c_str()); cout << "Opening anagate at IP: " << anaIPs[i] << " port " << anaPorts[j] << endl; } cout << "No options passed on startup --- addressing full FCAL!!!!" << endl; cout << "To see options for addressing a single anagate, single strand, or test stand use:" << endl; cout << "> baseControl help" << endl << endl; } } else { cout << "Invalid initialization, exiting...." << endl; return 0; } //If using any setup besides FCAL, then get all IDs for later use if(argument=="IU"||argument=="jlabL"||argument=="F117"||argument=="jlabR") { all_ids = GetMyIDs( *dev[0], ext_id, nReplies,false ); map HV_status_map = HVControl( *dev[0], ext_id, 0, 0, true, nReplies,true ); if(HV_status_map.size()!=all_ids.size()) { cout << "I AM ERROR: PROBLEMS WITH NREPLIES FOR INITIAL CHECKS " << endl; return 0; } //If base doesn't send back HV = all enable, then send HV set = 0 //This avoids misinterpreting HV setpoint values for( map::iterator it = HV_status_map.begin(); it!=HV_status_map.end(); it++) { if(it->second != 212 && it->first!=0) { cout << "Setting HV = 0 base with HV enable OFF (avoids HV setpoint issue): " << it->first << endl; SetVoltage(*dev[0], it->first, 0); } } } if(argument=="IU"||argument=="jlabL"||argument=="F117"||argument=="jlabR") { if(nReplies != all_ids.size() ) { cout << "ERROR: Not all IDs could be determined on startup!!! Exiting... " << endl; return 0; } } while(!Exit_Prog) { cout << "\t 1. Set LED red"< "; cin >> cmd; if(cmd<=-1 || cmd >=17) { cout << "Please enter a valid selection" << endl; continue; } switch(cmd) { case(0): Exit_Prog=true; break; case(1): //LED RED for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { LEDSwitch(*dev[i], ext_id, LEDRED); usleep(50000); } break; case(2): //LED GREEN for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { LEDSwitch(*dev[i], ext_id, LEDGREEN); usleep(50000); } break; case(3): //LED OFF for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { LEDSwitch(*dev[i], ext_id, LEDOFF); usleep(50000); } break; case(4): //HV ON for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { HVControl(*dev[i], ext_id, 0xFF, 0x00, false, nReplies,false); usleep(50000); } break; case(5): //HV SET double Voltage; cout<<"Enter a value from 0 - 2047.5 (in steps of 0.5):\n"; cout<<"> "; cin>>Voltage; HV_setpoint=Voltage; for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { SetVoltage(*dev[i], ext_id, Voltage); usleep(50000); } break; case(6): //HV OFF for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { HVControl(*dev[i], ext_id, 0xF0, 0x00, false, nReplies,false); usleep(50000); } break; case(7): //Power Controls Power_menu(dev,nDevices); break; case(8): // Read an ADC ADC_menu(ext_id,nReplies); break; case(9): // Change nReplies cout << "Enter a new number of bases: \n >"; cin >> nReplies; break; case(10): //Test Pulser TP_menu(ext_id); break; case(11): //HV Controls for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { cout << "DON'T DO THIS FOR FULL FCAL!!!" << endl; HV_menu( *dev[i], ext_id, nReplies); usleep(50000); } break; case(12): //Read firmware for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { ReadVersion( *dev[i], ext_id, nReplies ); } break; case(13): //Bootloader menu BL_menu(dev, ext_id, nReplies, fcal_anagate ); break; case(14): //Get Ids for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { all_ids = GetMyIDs( *dev[i], ext_id, nReplies,true ); } break; case(15): cout << "Enter board address (decimal value) or 0 to communicate with all bases again" <"<> ext_id; nReplies=1; if(ext_id==0) { cout << "How many bases are connected (per strand)? "<"; cin >> nReplies; } break; case(16): //Read firmware for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { ListenForMessages( *dev[i], ext_id, nReplies ); } break; } } return 0; } void Power_menu(Device *dev[], int nDevices) { cout << "\t Power Control Options: " << endl; cout << "\t Note: Will only work if anagate has digital I/O hooked up" << endl; cout << "\t\t 1. Reset all bases" << endl; cout << "\t\t 2. Power off all bases" << endl; cout << "\t\t 3. Power on all bases" << endl; bool exit_now=false; int cmd=0; cin >> cmd; if(cmd<=0 || cmd >= 4) { cout << "Invalid response." << endl; return; } switch(cmd){ case(1): for(int i =0; i retVals; int position; int statByte; int linecount = 0; string r_u_sure; cout<<"Bootloader Menu. \n"; cout<<"\t 1. Read Firware/Bootloader Status Byte\n"; cout<<"\t 2. Upload Firmware\n"; cout<<"\t 3. Clear Firmware\n"; cout<<"\t 4. Jump to Bootloader Mode\n"; cout<<"\t 5. Jump to Firmware Mode \n"; cout<<"\t 6. Light Up Non-Responding Bases\n"; cout<<"> "; cin>>position; switch(position){ case(1): for(int i=0; i"; cin >> r_u_sure; if(r_u_sure=="y") { cout << "Switching to FW mode and power cycling..." << endl; for(int i=0; i "; cin>>position; if(position > 0 && position < 10){ switch(position){ case(1): command = ADC_MVB; break; case(2): command = ADC_MVT; break; case(3): command = ADC_DYN; break; case(4): command = ADC_CAT; break; case(5): command = ADC_DAC; break; case(6): command = ADC_TEM; break; case(7): command = ADC_CUR; break; case(8): command = READ_HV; break; case(9): output = true; } if (!output){ for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; i++){ ADC( *dev[i], ext_id, command, nReplies ); usleep(1000000); } return; } } if (output){ std::fstream* outFile = new fstream(); string outFileStr; cout << "Output file name: "; cin >> outFileStr; cout << endl; cerr << "To exit press ctlr+z" << endl; while(1){ for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; i++){ //if (i==5&&j==0) continue; //if (i==6&&j==3) continue; time_t rawtime; time (&rawtime); //printf ( "The current date/time is: %s", ctime (&rawtime) ); //Added 3/9/16: check that HV is enabled and all HV setpoints are above zero // exit if this is not the case // 3/31/16: Also sets to HV setpoint. Setpoint defaults to zero though //Removed again 4/19/16 /* usleep(10000); HVControl(*dev[0], ext_id, 0xFF, 0x00, false, nReplies,true); usleep(10000); exit_monitoring=false; exit_monitoring = CheckSetpoints( *dev[0], ext_id, READ_HV, nReplies ); for(int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { SetVoltage(*dev[i], ext_id, 1600); usleep(50000); } if(exit_monitoring) { cout << "HV setpoint = 0 detected. Exiting monitoring..." << endl; return; } */ outFile->open(outFileStr.c_str(), std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app); if (i==0) *outFile << "Time:\t" << ctime (&rawtime); vector current_ids; usleep(1000000); cerr << "Anagate: " << anaIPs[int(floor(i/4.))] << "\tPort: " << anaPorts[i%4] << endl; *outFile << "Anagate: " << anaIPs[int(floor(i/4.))] << "\tPort: " << anaPorts[i%4] << endl; //cout << "Getting cathode HV" << endl; current_ids=getADC( *dev[i], ext_id, ADC_CAT, nReplies, outFile); CheckForMissingIDs(all_ids,current_ids,"vmon"); current_ids.clear(); usleep(1000000); //cout << "Getting temperature" << endl; current_ids=getADC( *dev[i], ext_id, ADC_TEM, nReplies, outFile); CheckForMissingIDs(all_ids,current_ids,"temp"); current_ids.clear(); usleep(1000000); //cout << "Getting current" << endl; current_ids=getADC( *dev[i], ext_id, ADC_CUR, nReplies, outFile); CheckForMissingIDs(all_ids,current_ids,"imon"); current_ids.clear(); usleep(1000000); //cout << "Getting mvb" << endl; current_ids=getADC( *dev[i], ext_id, ADC_MVB, nReplies, outFile); CheckForMissingIDs(all_ids,current_ids,"mvb"); current_ids.clear(); usleep(1000000); //cout << "Getting mvt" << endl; current_ids=getADC( *dev[i], ext_id, ADC_MVT, nReplies, outFile); CheckForMissingIDs(all_ids,current_ids,"mvt"); current_ids.clear(); usleep(1000000); //cout << "Getting dyn" << endl; current_ids=getADC( *dev[i], ext_id, ADC_DYN, nReplies, outFile); CheckForMissingIDs(all_ids,current_ids,"dyn"); current_ids.clear(); usleep(1000000); //cout << "Getting DAC" << endl; current_ids=getADC( *dev[i], ext_id, ADC_DAC, nReplies, outFile); CheckForMissingIDs(all_ids,current_ids,"imon"); current_ids.clear(); usleep(1000000); //cout << "Getting HV setpoint" << endl; current_ids=getADC( *dev[i], ext_id, READ_HV, nReplies, outFile); CheckForMissingIDs(all_ids,current_ids,"hv_setpoint"); current_ids.clear(); outFile->close (); usleep(1000000); } sleep(1); //Wait for about 1 second. //sleep(60); //Wait for about 1 minute. Can be modified if desired } } else cout<<"STOP IT!\n"; } void HV_menu( Device &dev , int ext_id, int nReplies) { int command[2]; int choice,pinchoice; bool GOOD_CHOICE=false; bool GOODPINCHOICE=false; bool HVread=false; while(!GOOD_CHOICE){ cout<<"\n\tVoltage status options:\n"; cout<<"\t\t1. Read Voltage Status\n"; cout<<"\t\t2. Enable all Voltage (not JAM)\n"; cout<<"\t\t3. Disable all Voltage (not JAM)\n"; cout<<"\t\t4. Enable all High Pins (not JAM)\n"; cout<<"\t\t5. Disable all High Pins (not JAM)\n"; cout<<"\t\t6. Enable all Medium Pins\n"; cout<<"\t\t7. Disable all Medium Pins\n"; cout<<"\t\t8. Enable Specific Pin\n"; cout<<"\t\t9. Disable Specific Pin\n"; cout<<"\tChoose Voltage status option:\n"; cout<<"> "; cin>>choice; if(choice<=0 || choice>=10) return; switch(choice){ case(1): command[0]=0x00; command[1]=0x00; HVread = true; GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; case(2): command[0]=0xFF; command[1]=0x00; cout<<"\tEnabling All (not JAM)\n"; GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; case(3): command[0]=0xF0; command[1]=0x00; cout<<"\tDisabling All (not JAM)\n"; GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; case(4): command[0]=0xCC; command[1]=0x00; cout<<"\tEnabling All High Pins (not JAM)\n"; GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; case(5): command[0]=0xC0; command[1]=0x00; cout<<"\tDisabling All High Pins (not JAM)\n"; GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; case(6): command[0]=0x33; command[1]=0x00; cout<<"\tEnabling All Medium Pins\n"; GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; case(7): command[0]=0x30; command[1]=0x00; cout<<"\tDisabling All Medium Pins\n"; GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; case(8): GOODPINCHOICE=false; while(!GOODPINCHOICE){ cout<<"\n\t\tEnable Pin Options:\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t1. ENBHVT\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t2. ENBHVB\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t3. ENBMVT\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t4. ENBMVB\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t5. JAMHVT\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t6. JAMHVB\n"; cout<<"\t\tChoose pin:\n"; cout<<"> "; cin>>pinchoice; if(pinchoice==1){ command[0]=0x88; command[1]=0x00; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==2){ command[0]=0x44; command[1]=0x00; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==3){ command[0]=0x22; command[1]=0x00; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==4){ command[0]=0x11; command[1]=0x00; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==5){ command[0]=0x00; command[1]=0x0A; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==6){ command[0]=0x00; command[1]=0x05; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else{ cout<<"\n\tChoose from the list!\n"; GOODPINCHOICE=false; } } GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; case(9): GOODPINCHOICE=false; while(!GOODPINCHOICE){ cout<<"\n\t\tDisable Pin Options:\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t1. ENBHVT\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t2. ENBHVB\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t3. ENBMVT\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t4. ENBMVB\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t5. JAMHVT\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t6. JAMHVB\n"; cout<<"\t\tChoose pin:\n"; cout<<"> "; cin>>pinchoice; cout<<"\n"; if(pinchoice==1){ command[0]=0x80; command[1]=0x00; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==2){ command[0]=0x40; command[1]=0x00; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==3){ command[0]=0x20; command[1]=0x00; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==4){ command[0]=0x10; command[1]=0x00; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==5){ command[0]=0x00; command[1]=0x08; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else if(pinchoice==6){ command[0]=0x00; command[1]=0x04; GOODPINCHOICE=true; } else{ cout<<"\n\tChoose from the list!\n"; GOODPINCHOICE=false; } } GOOD_CHOICE=true; break; default: cout<<"\nChoose from the list!\n"; GOOD_CHOICE=false; break; } } HVControl( dev, ext_id, command[0], command[1], HVread, nReplies,false ); return; } void TP_menu( int ext_id ) { int position, amount; int command = 0xFF; cout<<"Amount to Address\n"; cout<<"\t 1. Single Base\n"; cout<<"\t 2. All Bases\n"; cin>>amount; if(amount==1) cout << "Removed.. See commented code in TP_menu function to re-enable" << endl; cout<<"Test Pulser Menu.\n"; cout<<"\t 1. Fire the test pulser\n"; cout<<"\t 2. Enable external sync of test pulser\n"; cout<<"\t 3. Disable external sync of test pulser\n"; cout<<"> "; cin >> position; if(amount < 1 || amount > 2 || position < 1 || position > 3) { cout<<"NO!\n"; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } switch( position ){ case(1): command = TP_FIRE; break; case(2): command = TP_ENBSYNC; break; case(3): command = TP_DISSYNC; break; } if(amount == 1) { /* int xVal, yVal; cout<<"X Coordinate: "< all_ids, vector current_ids, string ADC_type){ for(int j = 0; j!=all_ids.size(); ++j) { const int my_all_id = all_ids[j]; bool found = false; for(int k=0; k!=current_ids.size();++k){ const int my_curr_id = current_ids[k]; if(my_all_id==my_curr_id) found = true; } if(!found) { cout << endl << "Missing base id: " << my_all_id << endl; cout << "ADC being read: " << ADC_type << endl << endl; } } }