#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gluex_newCanlib_debug.h" #include #include "gluex_pChCanlib.h" #include #include "includeAnaGate/AnaGateDllCan.h" #include using namespace std; int portNum; int anaNum; string anaIPs[8]; string anaPorts[4]; Device *dev[4]; int nReplies[4]={100,100,100,100}; int nPortsTot; int ext_id = 0x00000000; int linecount = 0; string dummy; int bases_on_strand=100; //---------------------------------------------------------- //Things to edit between full FCAL and test setup: //bases_on_strand //IP & port //big for loop //This program does everything for a single FCAL ANAGATE port. //It sets bootloader byte, uploads, //and resets to firmware mode with proper power switching //Also, this determines number of responses on a strand, so things //can run even if a base is not responding at startup //This code assumes you have a proper BASEFIRMWARE.HEX file in the //current directory int ResetBases(Device &dev, int nReplies); int my_failure_exit(Device &dev, vector initial, int nReplies); int main( int argc, char **argv ){ if(argc!=3) { cout << "ERROR: Unexpected number of arguments!!!" << endl; return 1; } int my_index = atoi(argv[1]); bool break_on_error = atoi(argv[2])==1 ? true : false; if(break_on_error) cout << "Exiting if errors are encountered (recommended)" << endl; else cout << "Not exiting if errors are encountered (recommended only to find poorly communicating bases)" << endl; time_t start_time; time(&start_time); /* //Note: must do each port separately due to power resets!!! anaIPs[0]=""; anaIPs[1]=""; anaIPs[2]=""; anaIPs[3]=""; anaIPs[4]=""; anaIPs[5]=""; anaIPs[6]=""; anaPorts[0]="A"; anaPorts[1]="B"; anaPorts[2]="C"; anaPorts[3]="D"; for(int i=0; i<7; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<4; ++j) { if(i*4+j==atoi(argv[1])) { dev[0] = OpenCANBus((char*)anaPorts[j].c_str(),(char*)anaIPs[i].c_str()); cout << "Opening anagate at IP: " << anaIPs[i] << " port " << anaPorts[j] << endl; } } } */ //Test setup in 351 //anaIPs[0]=""; //nReplies[0]=1; //For test setup in EEL //anaIPs[0]=""; //nReplies[0]=5; //anaPorts[0]="B"; //For testing single strand (#10) on FCAL anaIPs[0]=""; anaPorts[0]="B"; //for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) { for(int i = 0; i<1; ++i) { dev[i] = OpenCANBus((char*)anaPorts[i].c_str(),(char*)anaIPs[my_index].c_str()); cout << "Power cycling..." << endl; WriteDigital(*dev[0], 0x0f); usleep(100000); WriteDigital(*dev[0], 0x00); usleep(11000000); //Use this to get the true number of replies, then turn any LEDs off again cout << "Getting actual number of replies on port " << anaPorts[i] << endl; vector retVals; LightBad(*dev[i], ext_id, nReplies[i], retVals); //Used to get number of replies LEDSwitch(*dev[i], ext_id, 0x02); nReplies[i] = retVals.size(); cout << "Number of replies = " << nReplies[i] << endl; //Switch to bootloader mode, power cycle //Power cycle before too, just in case cout << endl<<"Switching to Bootloader Mode... " << endl; ResetBases(*dev[i],nReplies[i]); WriteStat(*dev[i], ext_id, nReplies[i], 1); usleep(1000000); int post_modeswitch_replies = ResetBases(*dev[i],nReplies[i]); if(post_modeswitch_replies!=nReplies[i]){ cout << "Error: missing bases after switching to bootloader!!!" << endl; my_failure_exit(*dev[i],retVals,nReplies[i]); continue; } //cout << "Power cycle now" << endl; //cin >> dummy; //Clear firmware cout << "Clearing firmware..." << endl; BootloaderClear(*dev[i], ext_id, nReplies[i]); usleep(1000000); int post_clear_replies = ResetBases(*dev[i],nReplies[i]); if(post_clear_replies!=nReplies[i]){ cout << "Error: missing bases after clearing!!!" << endl; my_failure_exit(*dev[i],retVals,nReplies[i]); continue; } //cout << "Power cycle now" << endl; //cin >> dummy; //Write new firmware cout << "Writing new firmware..." << endl; vector retVals2; int upload_fail = BootloaderAct(*dev[i], ext_id, nReplies[i], linecount, retVals2, break_on_error); usleep(1000000); int post_upload_replies = ResetBases(*dev[i],nReplies[i]); if(post_upload_replies!=nReplies[i]){ cout << "Error: missing bases after uploading!!!" << endl; my_failure_exit(*dev[i],retVals,nReplies[i]); continue; } //cout << "Power cycle now" << endl; //cin >> dummy; //Bases can get (and have been) bricked if you're not careful //So I require someone to manually put bases back into firmware //mode right now. if(bases_on_strand==post_upload_replies&&upload_fail==0) { cout << endl <<"Got expected number of replies after, probably safe to switch to firmware mode"<< endl; } if(bases_on_strand!=post_upload) cout << "WARNING! Not all bases on strand responded at start." << endl; if(upload_fail!=0) cout << "WARNING! UPLOAD ENCOUNTERED ERRORS!!!! DO NOT SWITCH TO FW MODE!!!!" << endl; //} LEDSwitch(*dev[i], ext_id, 0x02); //Turns off any lit up bases //cout << "Size of error vector is: " << retVals2.size() << endl; } time_t end_time; time(&end_time); double time_diff = - difftime(start_time,end_time)/60.; cout << "Process took " << time_diff << " minutes to run" << endl; cout << "Done. Values read from DAC may not work properly until you reset everything by hand." << endl; return 0; } int ResetBases(Device &dev, int nReplies){ //Does this twice, as sometimes bases go into error state on first reset //I've never seen bases go into error state on later resets cout << "Power cycling..." << endl; WriteDigital(dev, 0x0f); usleep(100000); WriteDigital(dev, 0x00); WriteDigital(dev, 0x0f); usleep(100000); WriteDigital(dev, 0x00); //Bases also seem to need ~11 seconds to leave error state on their own usleep(11000000); vector retVals; LightBad(dev, 0x00000000, nReplies, retVals); int trynum=0; int n_responses=retVals.size(); while(n_responses!=nReplies&&trynum!=20){ cout << "Not all bases are responding. Resetting again... (try " << trynum << ")" << endl; vector stuff; trynum++; WriteDigital(dev, 0x0f); usleep(100000); WriteDigital(dev, 0x00); usleep(11000000); LightBad(dev, 0x00000000, nReplies, stuff); n_responses=stuff.size(); } if(n_responses!=nReplies) cout << "Error: could not get all bases to respond while resetting after 20 tries " << endl; return retVals.size(); } int my_failure_exit(Device &dev, vector initial, int nReplies) { cout << "Bases communicating at startup:" << endl; for(unsigned int ii = 0; ii final; LightBad(dev, ext_id, nReplies, final); cout << "Bases communicating at failure:" << endl; for(unsigned int ii = 0; ii