// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Projekt : Analytica AnaGate API // File : AnaGateDllCAN.h // Author : Axel Schmidt // Copyright : (C) 2004 by Analytica GmbH // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Id: AnaGateDllCan.h,v 2010/07/16 18:12:17 ctarbert Exp $ // // $Log: AnaGateDllCan.h,v $ // Revision 2010/07/16 18:12:17 ctarbert // // // Revision 1.17 2009/04/30 13:24:56 stefanwelisch // Referenzen als Pointer implementiert // // Revision 1.16 2009/03/30 11:17:18 stefanwelisch // Timestamp hinzugefügt // // Revision 1.15 2008/05/13 12:19:33 stefanwelisch // DevicePort bei CANOpenDevice hinzugefügt // // Revision 1.14 2008/04/18 10:23:39 stefanwelisch // neue Parameter bei CAN-Kommunikation (Termination, HighSpeed, ConsiderPrio) // // Revision 1.13 2008/01/14 17:00:53 axelschmidt // zusätzlicher Parameter für CAN callback // // Revision 1.12 2007/11/21 09:19:22 axelschmidt // real c interface for DLL // // Revision 1.11 2007/11/08 11:11:43 StefanWelisch // Defaultwert bei SetGlobals() angegeben // // Revision 1.10 2007/11/07 12:09:14 StefanWelisch // In Get/SetGlobals() die Terminierung mit aufgenommen // // Revision 1.9 2007/10/29 08:53:11 axelschmidt // new define for VB6 support (special DLL) // // Revision 1.8 2007/05/21 11:43:39 axelschmidt // standard timeout 500 -> 1000 ms // // Revision 1.7 2005/09/16 09:18:48 axelschmidt // Digital IO support for I2C and CAN // // Revision 1.6 2005/08/15 14:54:49 axelschmidt // TCP-Protocol changed for global settings // // Revision 1.5 2005/08/03 16:28:39 axelschmidt // SetFiter/GetFilter implementation // // Revision 1.4 2005/07/08 12:04:07 AxelSchmidt // Baurate is int32 // // Revision 1.3 2005/06/09 16:11:43 axelschmidt // new CANWrite + CANSetCallback // // Revision 1.2 2005/02/09 12:09:08 axelschmidt // function to set baudrate // // Revision 1.1 2005/01/31 16:24:31 axelschmidt // initial // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _ANAGATE_DLL_CAN_H #define _ANAGATE_DLL_CAN_H // Defines -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AnaGateDLL.h" // Prototyping ---------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // __cplusplus typedef void (WINAPI * CAN_PF_CALLBACK) ( int nID, const char *pcBuf, int nLen, int nFlags, int hHandle ); typedef void (WINAPI * CAN_PF_CALLBACK_EX) ( int nID, const char *pcBuf, int nLen, int nFlags, int hHandle, long nSeconds, long nMicroseconds ); /** Opens an AnaGate CAN device. @param pHandle Pointer to an integer, in which the device handle is stored, if device is opened successfully. @param bDataCnf Telegrams are to be confirmed by client and AnaGate CAN. @param bMonitor AnaGate CAN sents all CAN messages to client anyway. @param nDevicePort Portnumber of the Angate (0 - DEVICE_PORT_MAX). @param pcIPAddress Tcp/ip address of the AnaGate device (Port is always 5001). @param nTimeout Standard tcp/ip timeout in millseconds. @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANOpenDevice( int *pHandle, BOOL bDataCnf, BOOL bMonitor, int nDevicePort, const char * pcIPAddress, int nTimeout = 1000 ); /** Closes an open AnaGate CAN device. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANCloseDevice( int hHandle ); /** Restarts an AnaGate CAN device. @param pcIPAddress Tcp/ip address of the AnaGate device (Port is always 5001). @param nTimeout Standard tcp/ip timeout in millseconds. @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANRestart( const char * pcIPAddress, int nTimeout = 1000 ); /** Gets the defined filter set of the current connection. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param pnFilter Pointer to 8 software filter definitions. A single filter definiton contains of two 32 bit values, so pnFilter should be a pointer array of 16 integer values. @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANGetFilter( int hHandle, int * pnFilter ); /** Sets the filter set of the current connection. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param pnFilter Pointer to 8 software filter definitions. A single filter definiton contains of two 32 bit values, so pnFilter should be a pointer array of 16 integer values. @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANSetFilter( int hHandle, const int * pnFilter ); /** Sets the global settings of an AnaGate CAN device. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param nBaudrate Baud rate. @param nBaudrate Operating mode. @param bTermination Termination on/off. @param bHighSpeed HighSpeed on/off. @param bTimestamp Timestamp in DataIndication on/off. @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANSetGlobals( int hHandle, int nBaudrate, unsigned char nOperatingMode, BOOL bTermination, BOOL bHighSpeed, BOOL bTimestampOn ); /** Gets the global settings of an open AnaGate CAN device. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param nBaudrate Baud rate. @param nBaudrate Operating mode. @param bTermination Termination on/off. @param bHighSpeed HighSpeed on/off. @param bTimestamp Timestamp in DataIndication on/off. @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANGetGlobals( int hHandle, int * pnBaudrate, unsigned char * pnOperatingMode, BOOL * pbTermination, BOOL * pbHighSpeed, BOOL * pbTimestampOn); /** Sends telegramm to the CAN bus. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param nIdentifier Id of the sendet message. @param pcBuffer Pointer to the buffer containing the CAN data. @param nBufferLen Length of the data buffer. @param nFlags format flags (bit 0 = extended CAN id, bit 1 = remote telegram). @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANWrite ( int hHandle, int nIdentifier, const char *pcBuffer, int nBufferLen, int nFlags ); /** Sends telegramm to the CAN bus. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param nIdentifier Id of the sendet message. @param pcBuffer Pointer to the buffer containing the CAN data. @param nBufferLen Length of the data buffer. @param nFlags format flags (bit 0 = extended CAN id, bit 1 = remote telegram). @param pnSeconds Pointer to long in which the seconds of the timeval will be written. @param pnMicroseconds Pointer to long in which the microseconds of the timeval will be written. @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANWriteEx ( int hHandle, int nIdentifier, const char *pcBuffer, int nBufferLen, int nFlags, long * pnSeconds, long * pnMicroseconds ); /** Sets the callback function which is called every time an incoming CAN message arrives. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param pFunciotn Pointer to the function which is to be called (NULL for reset). @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANSetCallback( int hHandle, CAN_PF_CALLBACK pFunction ); /** Sets the callbackex function which is called every time an incoming CAN message arrives. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param pFunciotn Pointer to the function which is to be called (NULL for reset). @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANSetCallbackEx( int hHandle, CAN_PF_CALLBACK_EX pFunction ); /** Retrieves a textual error description of the supplied return code. @param nRC Return code. @param pcMessage Pointer to a c-style character buffer, in which the retrieved error string is stored. @param nMessageLen Length of the supplied charcter buffer. If the error string does not fit into the buffer, the string is shortened. @return The byte of the returned error string. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANErrorMessage( int nRC, char *pcMessage, int nMessageLen ); /** Reads data from digital io register of the partner. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param nInputBits Pointer to the variable that receives the digtial input register read. @param nOutputBits Pointer to the variable that receives the digtial output register read. @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANReadDigital( int hHandle, unsigned long * pnInputBits, unsigned long * pnOutputBits ); /** Writes data to digital io register of the partner. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param nOutputBits Variable that hold the digtial IO output register bits to write. @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANWriteDigital( int hHandle, unsigned long nOutputBits ); /** Writes the time to the CAN partner. @param nSeconds seconds elapsed since 01.01.1970 (attribut tv_sec of struct timeval). @param nMicroseconds microseconds since the last full second (attribut tv_usec of struct timeval). @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int ANAGATEDLL_CALLING CANSetTime( int hHandle, unsigned long nSeconds, unsigned long nMicroseconds ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // __cplusplus #endif // _ANAGATE_DLL_CAN_H