// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Projekt : Analytica AnaGate Renesas DLL // File : AnaGateDllRenesas.h // Author : Axel Schmidt // Copyright : (C) 2007 by Analytica GmbH // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Id: AnaGateDllRenesas.h,v 2010/07/16 18:12:17 ctarbert Exp $ // // $Log: AnaGateDllRenesas.h,v $ // Revision 2010/07/16 18:12:17 ctarbert // // // Revision 1.3 2009/04/30 13:24:56 stefanwelisch // Referenzen als Pointer implementiert // // Revision 1.2 2007/10/25 07:02:35 axelschmidt // Block-Erase added // // Revision 1.1 2007/05/21 11:41:00 axelschmidt // initial // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ANAGATE_DLL_RENESAS_H #define ANAGATE_DLL_RENESAS_H // Defines -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes-------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AnaGateDLL.h" // Prototyping ---------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { /** Opens an AnaGate Renesas device. @param pHandle Pointer to an integer, in which the device handle is stored, if device is opened successfully. @param pcIPAddress Tcp/ip address of the AnaGate device. @param nTimeout Standard tcp/ip timeout in millseconds. @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasOpenDevice( int *pHandle, const char * pcIPAddress, int nTimeout = 1000 ); /** Closes an open AnaGate Renesas device. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @return If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasCloseDevice( int hHandle ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasInit( int hHandle ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasCheckID( int hHandle, const char *pcIDBuffer, int nBufLen ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasComplete( int hHandle ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasEraseAll( int hHandle ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasBlockErase( int hHandle, unsigned short nPageAddress ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasGetVersion( int hHandle, char *pcBuffer, int nBufLen ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasSetBaudrate( int hHandle, int nBaudrate ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasReadPage( int hHandle, unsigned short nPageAddress, char *pcBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead, int * pnNumberOfBytesRead ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasWritePage ( int hHandle, unsigned short nPageAddress, const char *pcBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite ); ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasVerifyCheck ( int hHandle, unsigned short nStartAddress, unsigned short nEndAddress, unsigned short * pnChecksum); /** Retrieves a textual error description of the supplied return code. @param nRC Return code. @param pcMessage Pointer to a c-style character buffer, in which the retrieved error string is stored. @param nMessageLen Length of the supplied charcter buffer. If the error string does not fit into the buffer, the string is shortened. @return The byte of the returned error string. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasErrorMessage( int nRC, char *pcMessage, int nMessageLen ); /** Reads data from digital io register of the partner. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param nInputBits Pointer to the variable that receives the digtial input register read. @param nOutputBits Pointer to the variable that receives the digtial output register read. @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasReadDigital( int hHandle, unsigned long * pnInputBits, unsigned long * pnOutputBits ); /** Writes data to digital io register of the partner. @param hHandle Device handle (from a successfull #OpenDevice call). @param nOutputBits Refererence to the variable that hold the digtial IO output register bits to write. @return. If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is non zero. */ ANAGATEDLL_API int RenesasWriteDigital( int hHandle, unsigned long nOutputBits ); } #endif // ANAGATE_DLL_RENESAS_H