record(ai, "$(P)t_val") { field(SCAN, "Passive") field(PINI, "YES") field(VAL, 11 ) } record(ai, "$(P)setpoint") { field(SCAN, "Passive") field(PINI, "NO") field(VAL, 0 ) } # This record will only send shut off instructions # to the MPODs and will prevent turn back on instructions # from the interlock look to be sent to MPODs. record( calcout, "$(PV_2_ZERO)" ) { field( DESC, "Decide if switch is needed" ) field( SCAN, "Passive" ) field( OUT , "$(P)switchFO PP" ) field( CALC, "A=$(OPEN_VAL)") field( INPA, "$(PV_2_ZERO)") field( OOPT, "When Zero") field( DOPT, "Use CALC") } # Fanout the instruction to the two MPOD group swithces record( dfanout, "$(P)switchFO") { field( DESC, "Value send to MPOD switches" ) field( SCAN, "Passive" ) field( SELM, "All" ) field( OUTA, "$(P)mpod1:switch PP" ) field( OUTB, "$(P)mpod2:switch PP" ) } # Switch for group 0 (all channels) on the first LV MPOD record(longout, "$(P)mpod1:switch") { field(DESC, "Switch on/off all channels") field(DTYP, "Snmp") field(SCAN, "Passive") field(OUT, "@$(MPOD1) guru WIENER-CRATE-MIB::groupsSwitch.0 ( 100 i") } # Switch for group 0 (all channels) on the second LV MPOD record(longout, "$(P)mpod2:switch") { field(DESC, "Switch on/off all channels") field(DTYP, "Snmp") field(SCAN, "Passive") field(OUT, "@$(MPOD2) guru WIENER-CRATE-MIB::groupsSwitch.0 ( 100 i") }