###################################################################### # Author: Hovanes Egiyan #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # An alarm handler that monitors key signals and pages the oncall # in the event of an alarm. The handler uses two scripts: # pageOnCall.pl - a perl script that does the paging # alhKeepAlive.pl - a perl script that makes sure this alarm # handler is always running. Polled via cron. ###################################################################### GROUP NULL ON_CALL_PAGER #$COMMAND netscape "$APP/general/alh/oncall_pager/On_Call_List_03_Rev_2.html" >> /dev/null #$COMMAND acroread $APP/general/alh/oncall_pager/On_Call_List_03_Rev_2.xls.pdf >> /dev/null $COMMAND firefox http://halldeweb1.jlab.org/user/web/plc_urls.html $GUIDANCE This alarm handler monitors signals of interest and pages oncall personnel if there is a problem. Please do not close this handler. If in the event it is closed, a cron job will start it back up. $END # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # GUARD_SHACK GROUP #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # GROUP ON_CALL_PAGER GUARD_SHACK #$COMMAND $GUIDANCE The alarms for the PVs in this group should also autonatically inform the JLAB Guard Shack about the problem. The pages will also be send to the expert autimatically. $END CHANNEL GUARD_SHACK cj:Guard_Shack_Alarm_ioc $ALARMCOUNTFILTER 9999999999 300 $COMMAND medm -x -attach -cmap -macro "sig=cj:Guard_Shack_Alarm_ioc" bibo_alarm.adl >> /dev/null $STATCOMMAND STATE pageOnCall.pl -grp "GuardShack" -sig "cj:Guard_Shack_Alarm_ioc" -m "cj:Guard_Shack_Alarm_ioc STATE" >> /dev/null $GUIDANCE Solenoid PLC has encountered a major problem and is not functioning properly. Expert on-call has been paged. $END CHANNEL GUARD_SHACK cj:plc_hb_check $ALARMCOUNTFILTER 9999999999 300 $COMMAND medm -x -attach -cmap -macro "sig=cj:plc_hb_check" bibo_alarm.adl >> /dev/null $STATCOMMAND STATE pageOnCall.pl -grp "GuardShack" -sig "cj:plc_hb_check" -m "cj:plc_hb_check STATE" >> /dev/null $GUIDANCE Solenoid PLC heartbeat is no present, it might be dead. Expert on-call has been paged. $END # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # SOLENOID GROUP #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # GROUP ON_CALL_PAGER SOLENOID $GUIDANCE The alarms for the PVs in this group will not automatically inform the JLAB Guard Shack about the problem. The pages will be send to the expert autimatically. $END #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # SILENCE PAGER GROUP #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # GROUP ON_CALL_PAGER SILENCE_PAGER $COMMAND touch "/tmp/auto_bail" >>/dev/null; medm -x -attach -cmap "$APP/general/alh/oncall_pager/auto_bail_msg.adl" >> /dev/null $GUIDANCE Pressing P will silence the pager for 15 minutes $END