TOP=../.. include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG #---------------------------------------- # ADD MACRO DEFINITIONS AFTER THIS LINE #---------------------------------------------------- # Optimization of db files using dbst (DEFAULT: NO) #DB_OPT = YES #---------------------------------------------------- # Create and install (or just install) # databases, templates, substitutions like this DB += FCAL_Dark_Room_PLCout.db FCAL_Dark_Room_PLCin.db FCAL_Dark_Room_PLCarr.db DB += BCAL_US_PLCout.db BCAL_US_PLCin.db BCAL_US_PLCarr.db DB += BCAL_DS_PLCout.db BCAL_DS_PLCin.db BCAL_DS_PLCarr.db DB += FDC_Gas_Controls_PLCout.db FDC_Gas_Controls_PLCin.db FDC_Gas_Controls_PLCarr.db DB += HallD_HV_Reset_PLCout.db HallD_HV_Reset_PLCin.db HallD_HV_Reset_PLCarr.db DB += Tagger_HV_Reset_PLCout.db Tagger_HV_Reset_PLCin.db Tagger_HV_Reset_PLCarr.db DB += Development_PLCout.db Development_PLCin.db Development_PLCarr.db REQ += FCAL_Dark_Room_PLC.req REQ += BCAL_US_PLC.req BCAL_DS_PLC.req REQ += FDC_Gas_Controls_PLC.req REQ += HallD_HV_Reset_PLC.req REQ += Tagger_HV_Reset_PLC.req REQ += Development_PLC.req #Install the IOC status reporting DB DEVIOCSTAT_LOC=$(DEVIOCSTATS)/db DB += $(DEVIOCSTAT_LOC)/iocAdminSoft.db #---------------------------------------------------- # If .db template is not named *.template add # _TEMPLATE = include $(TOP)/configure/RULES #---------------------------------------- # ADD RULES AFTER THIS LINE # # These are the rules of how to crate PLCout, PLCin and PLCarr DB file for PLC-to-EPICS interface. # ../O.Common/%_PLCout.db: ../%.L5X ../%.cfg $(TOP)/scripts/RSLogixToEPICS/ -c $(word 2,$^) -x $< -o $@ ../O.Common/%_PLCin.db: ../%.L5X ../%.cfg $(TOP)/scripts/RSLogixToEPICS/ -c $(word 2,$^) -x $< -i $@ ../O.Common/%_PLCarr.db: ../%.L5X ../%.cfg $(TOP)/scripts/RSLogixToEPICS/ -c $(word 2,$^) -x $< -a $@ ../%_PLC.req: ../%.L5X ../%.cfg $(TOP)/scripts/RSLogixToEPICS/ -c $(word 2,$^) -x $< -s $@