grecord( stringin, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):SNL:TEXT" ) { } grecord( bi, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):status" ) { field(DESC, "status of pulser $(ID)") field(ZNAM, "OFF") field(ONAM, "ON") } grecord( longin, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):width_r" ) { field(DESC, "width for pulser $(ID)") field(EGU , "ns") field(LOPR, "100") field(HOPR, "100000000") } grecord( ai, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):freq_r" ) { field(DESC, "frequency for pulser $(ID)") field(EGU , "Hz") field(LOPR, "0.047") field(HOPR, "50000000") } grecord( longin, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):npulses_r" ) { field(DESC, "N pulses for pulser $(ID)") field(LOPR, "-1") field(HOPR, "2147483647") } grecord( bo, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):switch" ) { field(DESC, "switch of pulser $(ID)") field(ZNAM, "OFF") field(ONAM, "ON") field(PINI, "NO") } grecord( longout, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):width_w" ) { field(DESC, "width for pulser $(ID)") field(EGU , "ns") field(LOPR, "100") field(HOPR, "100000000") field(PINI, "NO") } grecord( ao, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):freq_w" ) { field(DESC, "frequency for pulser $(ID)") field(EGU , "Hz") field(LOPR, "0.047") field(HOPR, "50000000") } grecord( longout, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):npulses_w" ) { field(DESC, "N pulses for pulser $(ID)") field(LOPR, "-1") field(HOPR, "2147483647") } # Syncing records grecord( longout, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):width_sync" ) { field(DESC, "width sync for pulser $(ID)") field(EGU , "ns") field(LOPR, "100") field(HOPR, "100000000") field(SCAN, "Passive") field(DOL , "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):width_r CPP" ) field(OUT , "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):width_w PP" ) field(OMSL, "closed_loop") } grecord( ao, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):freq_sync" ) { field(DESC, "freq sync for pulser $(ID)") field(EGU , "ns") field(LOPR, "100") field(HOPR, "100000000") field(SCAN, "Passive") field(DOL , "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):freq_r CPP" ) field(OUT , "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):freq_w PP" ) field(OMSL, "closed_loop") } grecord( longout, "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):npulses_sync" ) { field(DESC, "npulses sync for pulser $(ID)") field(EGU , "ns") field(LOPR, "100") field(HOPR, "100000000") field(SCAN, "Passive") field(DOL , "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):npulses_r CPP" ) field(OUT , "$(DET):pulser:$(ID):npulses_w PP" ) field(OMSL, "closed_loop") }