import sys import lxml.etree import re import clfOptions class UselessDataType( Exception ): def __init__(self, value="Useless DataType"): self.val = value def __str__(self): return repr( self.val ) class plcElementXML: """ Base class for XML element for PLC program parsing""" #=========================================================================== # Class for searching the object tree based on the path #=========================================================================== class treeSeacrh: rootObject = None # This is the root object on the tree where the search sohuld start nFailed = 0 # Number of failed searches def search(self, searchPaths): # This is the function that looks for the object with the path equal to "searchName" argument # Go through over all children lists returnList = [] if( plcElementXML.treeSeacrh.rootObject != None ): # print "Searching for tag <{0}> in root object {1}".format( searchPaths, ) for childList in plcElementXML.treeSeacrh.rootObject.daughters: # Loop over all children in the current list for elem in childList: for path in searchPaths: matchedElement = elem.matchPath( path ) if( matchedElement != None ): # print "Found match <{0}> at <{1}>".format(, matchedElement.path ) returnList.append( matchedElement ) # Add the matched element to the list to be returned # if( == searchName ): # returnList.append( elem ) # Add the matched element to the list to be returned # print returnList, " : ", len( returnList ) if( len( returnList ) == 0 ): plcElementXML.treeSeacrh.nFailed += 1 return returnList # Define a static object for tree searches elementSearch = treeSeacrh() # Thsi is the character that separates the elements of the structures in RSLogix5000 elementSeparator = "." # DataType-s that are not needed in EPICS uselessDataTypes = [] if( clfOptions.globOptions.getOption( "IgnoreRSLogixDataType" ) != None ): uselessDataTypes.extend( clfOptions.globOptions.getOption( "IgnoreRSLogixDataType" ) ) # Get them from config file options # uselessDataTypes = clfOptions.globOptions.getOption( "IgnoreRSLogixDataType" ) # Patterns of DataTypes that are not needed in EPICS uselessDataTypePatterns = [] if( clfOptions.globOptions.getOption( "IgnoreRSLogixDataTypePattern" ) != None ): uselessDataTypePatterns.extend( clfOptions.globOptions.getOption( "IgnoreRSLogixDataTypePattern" ) ) # uselessDataTypePatterns = [ "^FBD_.*$" ] # Constructor def __init__(self, rootElement, parentObj=None, forcedName=None ) : self.root = rootElement # Root XML element for this data, that is where its xML tag is self.parent = parentObj # Parent object for this object (not in the XML tree) = "" # Name of this instance self.path = "" # This is how the RSLogix5000 refers this tag self.regex = "^$" # This is the regular expression which can be used when searching for targets in aliases self.daughters = [] # Contains information who the daughter lists are (next level down) self.elementTag = self.root.tag # The name of the XML tag that this object is created for self.dataType = "" # DataType of the XML element corresponding to this object self.prefix = "" # Program prefix to specify the scope self.scalar = None self.array = None self.dimensions = None # For orphan elements the name and path starts from empty string and the parent # for the orphans is himself. if( parentObj == None ): = "" self.path = "" self.parent = self # If frocedName argument is defined in the call it overrides the name from XML if( forcedName != None ): = forcedName # If the XML files specifies what the name should be, so be it elif( "Name" in list(self.root.attrib.keys()) and forcedName != "" ): = self.root.attrib["Name"] if( "Dimensions" in list(self.root.attrib.keys()) ): self.dimensions = self.root.attrib["Dimensions"] # By default the name does not contribute to the path # But the parent's path is inhereted self.path = self.parent.path # Program prefix gets inherited from the parent object self.prefix = self.parent.prefix # Check to see if DataType is defined and assign the class attribute if( "DataType" in list(self.root.attrib.keys()) ): self.dataType = self.root.attrib["DataType"] # print "Created base element ", plcElementXML.__repr__(self) # Do not process any tags that are of DataType-s which do not need to go to EPICS # TO accomplish that we raise an exception if( self.dataTypeIsUseless() ) : raise UselessDataType( "Useless DataType <{0}>".format( self.dataType ) ) return def __repr__(self): retString = self.elementTag + " ^^^^ " + + " *** " + self.dataType + " !!!! " + self.path + "\n" for daughter in self.daughters: for elem in daughter: retString += repr( elem ) return retString def __str__(self): retString = self.elementTag + " ^^^^ " + + " *** " + self.dataType + " !!!! " + self.path + "\n" for daughter in self.daughters: for elem in daughter: retString += str( elem ) return retString # Adds the newName to the path, including the element separator at the end def addNameToPath( self, newName ): if( newName != "" ): self.path += newName + self.elementSeparator return # Strips the last dot from the path def removeLastDotFromPath(self): self.path = self.path.rstrip(".") return # Adds the newName to the regualr expression, including the element separator at the end def appendRegEx(self, newName ): if( newName != "" ): self.regex += newName + self.elementSeparator # Strips the last dot from the regular expression for the alias recognition def removeLastDotFromRegEx(self): self.regex = self.regex.rstrip(".") return def matchPath( self, checkPath ): if( self.path == checkPath ): return self else : for elmList in self.daughters: for elem in elmList: matchedElement = elem.matchPath( checkPath ) if ( matchedElement != None ): return matchedElement return None # Recursively return scalar elements in a single list def getScalarsList(self): retList = [] # Add its own scalar if exists if( self.scalar != None ): retList.extend( [self.scalar] ) # Append in form of single list elelemnt # Go down the tree and add scalars of the daughter elements for daughter in self.daughters: for elem in daughter: if( elem != None ): retList.extend( elem.getScalarsList() ) return retList # Recursively return array elements in a single list def getArraysList(self): retList = [] # Add its own array if exists if( self.array != None ): retList.extend( [self.array] ) # Append in form of single list elelemnt # Go down the tree and add arrays of the daughter elements for daughter in self.daughters: for elem in daughter: if( elem != None ): retList.extend( elem.getArraysList() ) return retList # Return True if the dataType of this object is not needed in EPICS, otherwise return False def dataTypeIsUseless(self): # If dataTyoe is not defined it will not be declared useless if( self.dataType == None or self.dataType == "" ): return False # Check if this DataType is explicitly specified as useless in EPICS if( self.dataType in plcElementXML.uselessDataTypes ): return True # Check if this DataType matches one of the patterns for types that are nto needed in EPICS. for pattern in plcElementXML.uselessDataTypePatterns: regexPattern = re.compile( pattern ) if( regexPattern.match( self.dataType ) != None ): return True return False # If we got here then this DataType might be uselful in EPICS