rootEzca - Ken Livingston Oct 2012 ( - a root wrapper library for libezca the EPICS channel access library. Requirements. EPICS Base and Extensions need to be installed, and the environment variables set up eg. setenv EPICS_BASE "/home/epics/base" setenv EPICS_EXTENSIONS "/home/epics/extensions" setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH "linux-x86_64" Root needs to be installed and ROOTSYS evn variable defined. To build ./lib/${EPICS_HOST_ARCH}/ >make clean >make will build in the current directory. See the example macro for how to access EPICS channels: For example, run a the test soft ioc like this: >cd testioc >softIoc st.cmd This will set up the channels used in the test macro. To run the macro in a separate window do this: >root root [0] .L macros/epicsTest.C root [1] writeAll() root [2] readAll()