TOP=../.. include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG #---------------------------------------- # ADD MACRO DEFINITIONS AFTER THIS LINE #---------------------------------------------------- # Optimization of db files using dbst (DEFAULT: NO) #DB_OPT = YES #---------------------------------------------------- # Create and install (or just install) into /db # databases, templates, substitutions like this HARDWARE_DB_LOC=$(EPICS_DRIVERS)/db DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/HVCAENx527ch.db # Hardware channels for boards in CAENx527 chassis DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/HVCAENx527chItLk.db # Hardware PVs for protecting channels on CAENx527 chassis DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/HVCAENx527cr.db # Hardware channels for CAENx527 chassis DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/HVCAENx527.db # Hardware channels for CAENx527 chassis DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/readConfigGlobalMPOD.db DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/readConfigChassisMPOD.db DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/readConfigBoardsMPOD.db DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/mpod_chassis.db # PVs for an MPOD chassis DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/mpv_8008.db # Hardware channels for LV 8008l board DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/mpv_8008l.db # Hardware channels for LV 8008l board DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/mpv_8030.db # Hardware channels for LV 8030 board DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/mpv_8016.db # Hardware channels for LV 8016l board DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/mpv_8120.db # Hardware channels for LV 8016l board DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/mpv_8120l.db # Hardware channels for LV 8016l board DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/ehs_f_205pf.db # Hardware channels for BIAS ISEG Ehs_f_205pf board DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/ehs_f_201pf.db # Hardware channels for BIAS ISEG Ehs_f_201pf board DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/powerChassisIU.db # Hardwar PVs for IU chassis DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/pmtBaseIU.db # PMT channels for IU bases DB += $(HARDWARE_DB_LOC)/readConfigBaseIU.db # Hardware PV for IU base control DB += voltageWaveformSNC.db # PVs for waveform SNCs DB += setGroupVoltageParametersSNC.db # PVs for SNC for changing voltage parameters for groups DB += getGroupVoltageStatusSNC.db # PVs for monitoring voltages of groups of channels DB += DetCh.db # Detector channels for HV CAEN boards DB += DetChItLk.db # Software interlock to restrict maximum voltage achived (CAEN) DB += DetEhs_f_205pf.db # Detector channels for BIAS ISEG Ehs_f_205pf board DB += DetEhs_f_201pf.db # Detector channels for BIAS ISEG Ehs_f_201pf board DB += DetMpv_8008.db # Detector channels for LV 8008l board DB += DetMpv_8008l.db # Detector channels for LV 8008l board DB += DetMpv_8016.db # Detector channels for LV 8016 board DB += DetMpv_8030l.db # Detector channels for LV 8030l board DB += DetMpv_8030.db # Detector channels for LV 8030 board DB += DetMpv_8120l.db # Detector channels for LV 8120l board DB += DetMpv_8120.db # Detector channels for LV 8120 board DB += DetChItLk_FDC.db # Software interlock to change the ramp up speed for FDC positive HV channels (CAEN) DB += DetMpv_8008lItLk.db # Inter lock for paired +/- channels DB += DetMpv_8016ItLk.db # Inter lock for paired +/- channels DB += DetMpv_8030ItLk.db # Inter lock for paired +/- channels DB += DetMpv_8008lItLk_triplet.db # Inter lock for triplet channels DB += Det_BCAL_bias_Voffset.db # BCAL temperature offsets DB += DetMPODItLk.db # Software interlock to restrict maximum voltage achived DB += DetPmtBaseIU.db # Detector channels for IU PMT bases DB += DetReadbackInterlockFCAL.db # Boltage interlock on the voltage readback to prevent from overvoltage. DB += bcalPulserVoltages.db # Group operation for bcalPulser DB += DetPmtBaseIU_alarm.db # Detector alarm channels for IU PMT bases DB += tagmVoltageStatus.db # Records for UCON groups voltage scan of TAGM DB += tagmBiasSiPM.db # Records for UCON groups bias voltage client/server DB += voltageMonitorChannel.db # Records to monitor a voltage channel parameter for changes DB += voltageMonitorDetector.db # Records to monitor a voltage detector for changes #---------------------------------------------------- # If .db template is not named *.template add # _template = include $(TOP)/configure/RULES #---------------------------------------- # ADD RULES AFTER THIS LINE