TOP=../.. include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG #---------------------------------------- # ADD MACRO DEFINITIONS AFTER THIS LINE #---------------------------------------------------- # Optimization of db files using dbst (DEFAULT: NO) #DB_OPT = YES #---------------------------------------------------- # Create and install (or just install) into /db # databases, templates, substitutions like this #DB += xxx.db DB += xpsMotor.substitutions DB += XPSAux.substitutions DB += XPSAux_1.substitutions DB += xpsMotor_1.substitutions DB += xpsHallD.substitutions DB += xpsTaggerHall.substitutions DB += xpsPCO.substitutions DB += xpsPVT.substitutions DB += xpsComCal.substitutions DB += xpsTaggerHallHPS.substitutions # DB += collimatorX.db # DB += collimatorY.db # DB += collimators.db #DB += amorphous_radiators.db DB += converters.db DB += tac.db DB += polarimeter.db DB += bpu_positions.db DB += comptonCalorimeter.db #DB += harp.db DB += xpsPCO.substitutions DB += XPS_PCO.template DB += xpsGoniometer.substitutions DB += xpsHarp.substitutions DB += XPS2_Aux_ai.substitutions DB += XPS3_Aux_ai.substitutions DB += XPSAuxAi.db DB += XPSAuxAiTrig.db # DB += collimatorScan.substitutions #DB += beamCheck4scan.db DB += goni_aliases.db #DB += timer4scan.db #DB += tagElecHaloVoltagesScan.db DB += mainHallMotorAliases.db DB += taggerHallMotorAliases.db DB += taggerHallMotorAliasesHPS.db #DB += saveData.req MOTOR_DB_LOC=$(MOTOR)/db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/motor.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/basic_motor.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/basic_asyn_motor.db #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/XPSAuxAi.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/XPSAuxAo.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/XPSAuxBi.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/XPSAuxBo.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/XPSAuxLi.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/XPSAuxLo.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/XPS_extra.db #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/ACRAux.template #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/ACRAuxRead.template #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/ACRAuxLi.template #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/ACRAuxBi.template #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/ACRAuxBo.template #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/ACRAuxBoRBV.template DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/TransPos.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/motorUtil.db DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/asyn_motor.db #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/profileMoveController.template #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/profileMoveAxis.template #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/profileMoveControllerXPS.template #DB += $(MOTOR_DB_LOC)/profileMoveAxisXPS.template SSCAN_DB_LOC=$(SSCAN)/sscanApp/Db DB += $(SSCAN_DB_LOC)/saveData.db DB += $(SSCAN_DB_LOC)/scanProgress.db DB += $(SSCAN_DB_LOC)/standardScans.db # REQ += collimatorScan.req REQ += motorsHallD.req #REQ += taggerHarpScan.req REQ += goniScanXY.req #REQ += singleScan.req #---------------------------------------------------- # If .db template is not named *.template add # _template = include $(TOP)/configure/RULES #---------------------------------------- # ADD RULES AFTER THIS LINE