#This file contains information on EPICS PVs to be pulled filled when json formatted messages are sent to an ActiveMQ message broker. #The TOPIC is the title of this file (without the .dat suffix) #makefile in the ioc directory will use this file to generate an ioc startup file called st.TOPIC. #The remaining lines specify the PVs, with column headings as follows: #Name: A string with no spaces, underscores etc. #Type: A single character D,I,S (=Double, Integer, String) #Nelem: Number of elements for the PV. If >1, a waveform array type will be used. #Tminor: Timeout(s) for minor alarm (=0 to set to NO_ALARM) #Tmajor: Timeout(s) for minor alarm (=0 to set to NO_ALARM) #Comment: Anything you like - it won't go into the EPICS db. Just for use here. ## Name #Type(D,I,S,H) #Eelem #Tminor #Tmajor #Comment pv: RAWMSG S 1000 0 0 RAWMSG will keep a string with the fill amqmessage pv: LiveTime D 1 10 20 System live time pv: EventRate I 1 10 20 DAQ Event Rate pv: TestScalers I 20 10 20 scaler thing pv: TestVals F 20 5 10 vals pv: NameAddress S 100 0 0 a single string up to 100 chars pv: TestHist H 100 10 20 Test Histogram. end: Need this line!