File | Description
setup_jlab.csh | set-up script for farm environment at JLab
run.ffr.template | template configuration file for bggen with place-holder strings for the number of events and for the random number seed. Note that you must do a "ln -s run.ffr fort.15" in the run directory for bggen to respect the contents of run.ffr.
control.in_9001 | configuration file for hdgeant, run 9001
control.in_9002 | configuration file for hdgeant, run 9002
control.in_9003 | configuration file for hdgeant, run 9003
| | Perl script to replace place-holder strings in configuration files with actual values. Original file is overwritten. Backup is made first.
usage: <target-string> <replacement-string> <filename>
| | shell script example giving major steps to be performed
particle.dat | config file for bggen
pythia.dat | config file for bggen
| | config file for bggen
| | script for checking the output of the monitoring_hists plugin