// -*- C++ -*- // // Package: Showering // Module: Calorimeter // // Description: Detector-based class implementing Calorimeter. // // Implimentation: // // // Author: Martin Lohner, Julia Yarba // Created: Jan 23, 1997 // RCS(Id) // // Revision history // // RCS(Log) // system include files #include #include // user include files #include "const.hh" #include "cc_fortran_types.hh" #include "DetCalorimeter.hh" #include "CalorSignal.hh" #include "MCParticle.hh" #include "externFortran.hh" #include "UserSettings.hh" #include "report.hh" // STL files // // constants, enums and typedefs // // // static data member definitions // // // constructors and destructor // Calorimeter::Calorimeter() : m_stochasticTermEM( 0 ) , m_constantTermEM( 0 ) , m_stochasticTermHAD( 0 ) , m_constantTermHAD( 0 ) , m_samplingFactor( 1 ) , m_ratioEMtoHAD( 1 ) , m_resolutionFactor( 1 ) , m_segmentationType( 0 ) , m_nHits( 0 ), m_gridOfCells( 0 ) { m_numberOfSegments[0] = 1 ; m_numberOfSegments[1] = 1 ; m_cellSize[0] = 0 ; m_cellSize[1] = 0 ; m_limits = 0 ; } Calorimeter::Calorimeter( const DFLOAT stochTermEM, const DFLOAT constTermEM, const DFLOAT stochTermHAD, const DFLOAT constTermHAD, const DFLOAT ratioEMtoHAD, const DFLOAT samplingFactor) { m_stochasticTermEM = stochTermEM ; m_constantTermEM = constTermEM ; m_stochasticTermHAD = stochTermHAD ; m_constantTermHAD = constTermHAD ; m_ratioEMtoHAD = ratioEMtoHAD ; m_samplingFactor = samplingFactor ; m_nHits = 0; m_gridOfCells = 0 ; m_limits = 0 ; m_segmentationType = 0 ; m_numberOfSegments[0] = 1 ; m_numberOfSegments[1] = 1 ; m_cellSize[0] = 0 ; m_cellSize[1] = 0 ; m_resolutionFactor = 1 ; } Calorimeter::Calorimeter( const DFLOAT stochTermEM, const DFLOAT constTermEM, const DFLOAT stochTermHAD, const DFLOAT constTermHAD, const DFLOAT ratioEMtoHAD, const DFLOAT samplingFactor, const int segmentationType, const int numberOfSegments[2] ) { m_stochasticTermEM = stochTermEM ; m_constantTermEM = constTermEM ; m_stochasticTermHAD = stochTermHAD ; m_constantTermHAD = constTermHAD ; m_ratioEMtoHAD = ratioEMtoHAD ; m_samplingFactor = samplingFactor ; m_nHits = 0; m_segmentationType = segmentationType ; if ( segmentationType == 0 || segmentationType == 2 ) { m_limits = new DFLOAT[2] ; m_limits[0] = m_limits[1] = 0 ; } else if ( segmentationType == 1 ) { m_limits = new DFLOAT[4] ; m_limits[0] = m_limits[1] = m_limits[2] = m_limits[3] = 0 ; } m_numberOfSegments[0] = numberOfSegments[0] ; m_numberOfSegments[1] = numberOfSegments[1] ; m_cellSize[0] = 0 ; m_cellSize[1] = 0 ; m_resolutionFactor = 1 ; m_gridOfCells = new CalorSignal* [m_numberOfSegments[0]] ; int i ; for ( i=0; i 0 ) ; assert ( m_cellSize[1] > 0 ) ; } void Calorimeter::setLimits( int segmentationType, DFLOAT* limits ) { m_segmentationType = segmentationType ; if ( segmentationType != 1 ) { if ( m_limits == 0 ) m_limits = new DFLOAT[2] ; *m_limits = limits[0] ; *(m_limits+1) = limits[1] ; } else { if ( m_limits == 0 ) m_limits = new DFLOAT[4] ; *m_limits = limits[0] ; *(m_limits+1) = limits[1] ; *(m_limits+2) = limits[2] ; *(m_limits+3) = limits[3] ; } } void Calorimeter::resetResolutionFactor( MCParticle& particle, DFLOAT xSmear ) { if ( ! particle.showeringHasStarted() ) { report( ::ERROR ) << "Calorimeter::resetResolutionFactor : trying to set resolution for MIP" << "\n" ; return ; } if ( particle.shower().N_radlen_pass > 0 ) { report( ::ERROR ) << "Calorimeter::resetResolutionFactor : trying to reset resolution illegally" << "\n" ; return ; } if ( particle.isElectron() || particle.isPhoton() ) { m_resolutionFactor = sqrt( ( m_stochasticTermEM * m_stochasticTermEM * particle.shower().E_original ) + ( m_constantTermEM * particle.shower().E_original ) * ( m_constantTermEM * particle.shower().E_original ) ) ; } else { m_resolutionFactor = sqrt( ( m_stochasticTermHAD * m_stochasticTermHAD * particle.shower().E_original ) + ( m_constantTermHAD * particle.shower().E_original ) * ( m_constantTermHAD * particle.shower().E_original ) ) ; } m_resolutionFactor *= xSmear ; m_resolutionFactor /= particle.shower().E_original ; m_resolutionFactor += 1 ; } // // const member functions // // clone operation Calorimeter* Calorimeter::clone() const { return new Calorimeter(*this); } MCFBool Calorimeter::generateResponse( MCParticle& particle, MCFBool& oHitActiveArea, DFLOAT signal ) const { // // Calorimeter // MCFBool returnValue = true; if ( signal <= 0 ) { return returnValue ; } if ( m_resolutionFactor <= 0 ) { return returnValue ; } if ( m_gridOfCells == 0 ) { if ( m_numberOfSegments[0] < 0 && m_numberOfSegments[1] < 0 ) { return( returnValue = false ) ; } ((Calorimeter*)this)->m_gridOfCells = new CalorSignal* [m_numberOfSegments[0]] ; int i ; for ( i=0; im_nHits++ ; signal *= m_resolutionFactor ; signal *= m_samplingFactor ; if ( particle.showeringHasStarted() && !particle.isMuon() && !particle.isElectron() && !particle.isPhoton() ) signal *= m_ratioEMtoHAD ; m_gridOfCells[cellAddress[0]][cellAddress[1]].updateInfo( particle.hepIndexF(), signal ) ; if ( particle.isMuon() || !particle.showeringHasStarted() ) { m_gridOfCells[cellAddress[0]][cellAddress[1]].addSignalMIP( signal ) ; } else { if ( particle.isElectron() || particle.isPhoton() ) { m_gridOfCells[cellAddress[0]][cellAddress[1]].addSignalEM( signal ) ; } else { m_gridOfCells[cellAddress[0]][cellAddress[1]].addSignalHAD( signal ) ; } } return returnValue; } extern "C" { DFLOAT phi_norm_( DFLOAT& arg ) ; } int Calorimeter::findCell1( MCParticle& particle ) const { assert( m_cellSize[0] > 0 ) ; assert( m_numberOfSegments[0] > 0 ) ; int address ; if ( m_segmentationType == 0 ) { // eta-phi segmentation; find ieta DFLOAT radius = sqrt( particle.wtrack().x*particle.wtrack().x + particle.wtrack().y*particle.wtrack().y ) ; DFLOAT theta ; if ( particle.wtrack().z != 0 ) { theta = atan2( radius, particle.wtrack().z ) ; if ( theta < 0 ) theta *= -1 ; } else theta = kPI / 2 ; theta /= 2 ; DFLOAT eta = -log( tan( theta ) ) ; address = int( ( eta - m_limits[0] ) / m_cellSize[0] ) ; if ( eta < 0 && address < 0 ) address = 0 ; if ( eta > 0 && address >= m_numberOfSegments[0] ) address = m_numberOfSegments[0] - 1 ; } else if ( m_segmentationType == 1 ) { // x-y segmentation; find ix address = int( ( particle.wtrack().x - m_limits[0] ) / m_cellSize[0] ) ; } else if ( m_segmentationType == 2 ) { // z-phi segmentation; find iz address = int( ( particle.wtrack().z - m_limits[0] ) / m_cellSize[0] ) ; if ( address == m_numberOfSegments[0] ) address = m_numberOfSegments[0] - 1 ; } if ( address < 0 || address >= m_numberOfSegments[0] ) return -1 ; return address ; } int Calorimeter::findCell2( MCParticle& particle ) const { assert( m_cellSize[1] > 0 ) ; assert( m_numberOfSegments[1] > 0 ) ; int address ; if ( m_segmentationType == 0 || m_segmentationType == 2 ) { // eta-phi or z-phi segmentation; find iphi DFLOAT radius = sqrt( particle.wtrack().x*particle.wtrack().x + particle.wtrack().y*particle.wtrack().y ) ; DFLOAT phi ; if ( radius != 0 ) { DFLOAT arg = atan2( particle.wtrack().y, particle.wtrack().x ) ; phi = phi_norm_( arg ) ; } else phi = 0 ; address = int( phi / m_cellSize[1] ) ; } else if ( m_segmentationType == 1 ) { // x-y segmentation; find iy address = int( ( particle.wtrack().y - m_limits[2] ) / m_cellSize[1] ) ; } if ( address < 0 || address >= m_numberOfSegments[1] ) return -1 ; return address ; } const char* Calorimeter::segmentationType() const { if ( m_segmentationType == 0 ) return "Eta-Phi" ; if ( m_segmentationType == 2 ) return "Z-Phi" ; return "X-Y" ; } // // static member functions // // ================================================================== // Comments, suggestions, get on line 1! // // $Id$ // $Log$ // Revision 1.1 1999/10/26 22:27:29 eugenio // new port // // Revision 1.19 1999/02/17 00:58:03 yarba_j // minor cleanup // // Revision 1.18 1999/02/16 23:48:55 yarba_j // implemented z-phi and x-y segmentation // // Revision 1.17 1999/01/15 17:50:52 yarba_j // hit generation in calorimeters reimplemented in C++; also includes user // interface on calorimetry hits for C++ programmers // // Revision 1.14 1998/08/04 22:58:53 mkl // implemented Detector::generateResponse with extra output argument: // oHitActiveArea; only if true, do material effects // // Revision 1.13 1998/02/23 18:02:11 yarba_j // implemented showering in DenseMedium (incl. trans.prof.) // // Revision 1.8 1997/08/25 16:12:29 mkl // eliminated some of the unnecessary Unsuccessful Tracing of Particle messages // // Revision 1.7 1997/07/03 03:33:45 mkl // new approach: surfaces vs volumes; box tracing // // Revision 1.6 1997/04/24 15:25:38 bphyslib // stop traces at shower conversion point // // Revision 1.5 1997/04/19 21:57:20 bphyslib // new method "distanceToDecay()" in MCParticle makes similar function in // DetCalorimeter obsolete; added generateTimeOfDecay as private method to // MCParticle (was static local before). // // Revision 1.4 1997/04/19 11:39:39 mkl // fixes suggested by Julia: change from layerIndex to deviceIndex in // DetCalorimeter.cc; reversal of if logic in Material::doPhotonConversion(). // // Revision 1.3 1997/03/27 22:46:59 mkl // changes suggested by Julia: splash-->shower, location of addTrace( Trace::kCalor ) // // Revision 1.2 1997/03/15 19:02:17 mkl // moved src/tracing/Types.hh to inc/event/cc_fortran_types.hh. // fixed commend headers for .inc files from # to c. // // Revision 1997/03/14 22:52:34 mkl // Imported sources for Martin Lohner s new c++ tracing code //