subroutine usr_hbinit c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c User initialization c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit none #include "" integer iquest common /quest/ iquest(100) integer nwords parameter (nwords = 2000000) integer hmemor common/pawc/hmemor(nwords) c Externals integer cmd_lenstr external cmd_lenstr c Local variables integer leng, ioerr character topdir*30 data topdir/'mcfast'/ c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write(6,5000) 5000 format('usr_hbinit: this is the default HBOOK init routine') call usr_hsinit call hlimit(nwords) iquest(10) = 32000 !HBOOK default call cmd_getlun(hbk_lun) call hropen(hbk_lun, topdir, hbk_file, 'NQ', 1024, ioerr) if ( goto 9999 c Turn top directory into full pathname hbk_topdir = '//'//topdir call hcdir('//PAWC', ' ') return c Come here if error opeing Hbook output file 9999 continue leng = cmd_lenstr(hbk_file) write (6, 10000, iostat=ioerr) hbk_file(:leng), ioerr 10000 format (' usr_hbinit: Unable to open ',A,' error number = ',I5) stop end