subroutine usr_hbsummary c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c User HBOOK summary c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit none #include "" #include "" c Externals integer cmd_lenstr external cmd_lenstr c Local variables integer maxdir, mlen parameter (mlen = 40) parameter (maxdir = 40) integer icycle, leng_file, leng_dir, ndir, i character chdir(maxdir)*(mlen) logical lopen c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write(6,5000) write(mcp_llpt,5000) 5000 format('usr_hbsummary: this is default HBOOK summary') c call hs_complete call hcdir('//PAWC', ' ') call hrdir(maxdir, chdir, ndir) !Get list of subdirectories leng_file = cmd_lenstr(hbk_file) write(6,5011) hbk_file(:leng_file) write(mcp_llpt,5011) hbk_file(:leng_file) 5011 format('HBOOK output file: ',a) leng_dir = cmd_lenstr(hbk_topdir) write(6,5012) hbk_topdir(:leng_dir) write(mcp_llpt,5012) hbk_topdir(:leng_dir) 5012 format('Top directory: ',a) do i=1,ndir write(6,5002) chdir(i) write(mcp_llpt,5002) chdir(i) 5002 format('Sub directory: ', a) enddo call hcdir('//PAWC', ' ') call hcdir(hbk_topdir, ' ') c Create subdirectories in output file do i=1,ndir call hmdir(chdir(i), ' ') enddo call hrout(0, icycle, 'T') !Write all hists in all subdirectories call hrout(1, icycle, 'T') ! Write the ntuple call hldir(' ',' ') call hrend('mcfast') close(unit=hbk_lun) c call rzstat( c call houtpu(mcp_llpt) c call hldir(' ','T') !Write list of hists to lpt file c On many platforms, HBOOK automagically does IO in C, not in fortran. c If this done, then the fortran logical unit was never opened. c inquire( unit=hbk_lun, opened=lopen) c if ( lopen ) then c call hrend(hbk_topdir) c close(unit=hbk_lun) c else c call hrendc(hbk_topdir) c endif return end