#include #include #include #include #define MAXHISTO 100000 void hlimit(int size) { hlimit_(&size); } void hrput(int id, char *file, char *opt) { hrput_(&id,file,opt,strlen(file),strlen(opt)); } void hf1(int id, float data, float weight) { hf1_(&id,&data,&weight); } void hf2(int id,float data1,float data2,float weight) { hf2_(&id,&data1,&data2,&weight); } void hdelet(int id) { hdelet_(&id); } void hrin( int id, int icycle , int iofset ) { hrin_( &id, &icycle, &iofset); } void hfn(int id, float data[]) { hfn_(&id,&data[0]); } void hfithn(int id, char *chfun, char *chopt, int np, float par[], float step[], float pmin[], float pmax[], float sigpar[], float *chi2) { hfithn_(&id, chfun, chopt, &np, par, step, pmin, pmax, sigpar, chi2, strlen(chfun), strlen(chopt)); } void hunpak(int histo,float contents[],char choice[], int num) { hunpak_(&histo,contents,choice,&num,strlen(choice)); } void hidopt( int id, char *chopt) { hidopt_( &id, chopt , strlen( chopt)); } void hpak(int histo,float contents[]) { hpak_(&histo,contents); } void hrget( int id, char *chfile, char *chopt) { hrget_( &id, chfile, chopt, strlen(chfile), strlen(chopt)); } void hldir(char dir[],char flag[]) { hldir_(dir,flag,strlen(dir),strlen(flag)); } void hmdir(char dir[],char flag[]) { hmdir_(dir,flag,strlen(dir),strlen(flag)); } void hcdir(char dir[],char flag[]) { hcdir_(dir,flag,strlen(dir),strlen(flag)); } /* void hplzon(int x, int y, int num, char *opt) { hplzon_(&x, &y, &num, opt, strlen(opt)); } void hplcon(int histonum, int x, int y) { hplcon_(&histonum, &x, &y); } */ void hropen(int lun, char *name, char*filename, char*status, int stor, int istat) { hropen_(&lun, name, filename, status, &stor, &istat, strlen(name), strlen(filename), strlen(status)); /*warning the value of istat will be lost*/ return; } void hrout(int num, int icycle, char*opt) { hrout_(&num, &icycle, opt, strlen(opt)); return; } void hrend(char*filename) { hrend_(filename, strlen(filename)); return; } void hreset(int no, char* opt) { hreset_(&no, opt, strlen(opt)); return; } void hbook2(int no, char*name, int xbins, float xmin, float xmax, int ybins, float ymin, float ymax, float weight) { hbook2_(&no, name, &xbins, &xmin, &xmax, &ybins,&ymin, &ymax, &weight, strlen(name)); } void hbook1(int no, char*name, int nbins, float min, float max, float v) { hbook1_(&no, name, &nbins, &min, &max, &v, strlen(name)); } void hfill(int no, float xvalue, float yvalue, float weight) { hfill_(&no, &xvalue, &yvalue, &weight); }