Some notes on Evgen

July 3, 1998

Evgen operates in a two step process. First Evgen runs one of pythia, isajet or herwig to do most of the event generation. When run from within Evgen, all of these generators run until they have generated hadrons. At this point there are some differences in the behaviour of the generators. The common behaviour is that all use QQ to decay all weakly decaying b and c hadrons. Pythia also uses QQ to decay all other hadrons in the event, while the other two generators decay the remaining hadrons using their own decay rules. For pythia and isajet, the evgen job is a clean two step process, with QQ running only after the other generator has completed. For herwig, on the other hand, the calls to QQ are embedded within herwig.

The interface between QQ and isajet/pythia uses the stdhep package. The output format for all evgen jobs is in stdhep format.

The following note points out some of the differences which arise because of differences in the event generators, pythia, isajet and herwig. It also points out some of the quirks and oddities of Evgen.

Documentation for underlying event generators

Pythia: Document PM0087 in the Computing Division library.
FNAL PythiaDocumentation, CERN Pythia Documentation,
Isajet: $ISAJET_DIR/isatext.doc
Herwig: $HERWIG_DIR/doc/herwig58.doc, FNAL Herwig Documentation
QQ: FNAL QQ Documentation

Job Control and Access to Generator Control Parameters

  1. Under normal circumstances, most users will only be interested in one of two user routines, either usr_filter_postqq or usr_filter_preqq, which tells evgen to keep or discard the event.
  2. The call to usr_filter_preqq is done after the main generator, but before the call to qq; therefore b and c hadrons are not yet decayed. The call to usr_filter_postqq is done after the call to QQ.
  3. There are two other user routines: usr_end_event and usr_end_job. The former makes some standard diagnostic histograms. The latter is a dummy; it is called just before the histograms are written out. Normally the user will not need to modify either of these.
  4. It should be clear how to modify the number of events, Ecm, etc for the herwig and pythia examples. For the isajet example the information is on the second line, which has the format:
    where NSKIP events are skipped between each event which is printed out.
  5. In the pythia and herwig examples one asks to run until a specific number of accepted output events have been created. In the isajet example one asks to run a specific number of hard scatters. It is clear how to modify the isajet example to behave like the pythia and herwig examples - however, if you do this, you should not believe the luminosity information which is printed out in the isajet .lpt file.
  6. The input card file for the isajet example is a native isajet input file. On the other hand the input card files for the other two generators have Evgen wrappers around them. In pythia one can modify the selected processes and other pythia control variables by using the pygive command, which passes the rest of that command line to the pythia command parsing routine, pygive. In the herwig example a handful of the herwig control variables have been included as Evgen commands. To see which ones, you need to look at the code,
    To modify other variables one must edit either this routine or $MCFAST_DIR/evgen/src/herwig_exam.F

Precision Bugs and their far Reaching Consequences

  1. There are some precision problems inside pythia which result in particles with both high momentum and high rapidity having an incorrect mass; that is sqrt(e**2-p**2) is not equal to the book value of the mass. This is not a misunderstanding of the natural width of resonances - almost always the offending particle is a pion and the error can be many MeV. Occasionally a negative mass**2 results. The problem is most pronounced for the lightest particles and it is very rare for hadrons containing b or c quarks - fewer than about 1 per thousand of these are off by more than one MeV.
  2. On very rare occasions this problem results in a charged pion which has a mass less than that of the muon, or a pi0 which has a negative mass**2. Such particles cause many problems when one tries to decay them. In previous versions the way to work around this problem was to disable all decays all pions in both evgen and mcfast. QQ now contains a trap to catch these situations; the trap declares the particle to be stable and prints a warning message. This fix works whether QQ is called from within evgen or from within MCFast ( By default, some long lived particles are not decayed in QQ, but are passed to MCFast so that the user can choose to let them interact with the detector material before decaying. )
  3. In previous versions of evgen, the above problems caused the output of the pythia+QQ chain to fail to conserve p_z and E. This is now explicitly forced by calling STDFIXMASS before calling QQ; this routine assumes that the 3 momentum and mass are correct coming out of pythia ( phep(1..3,i) and phep(5,i) ) - it then recomputes the energy.
  4. A legacy of this problem is that the default example still decays B's, D's, K0S, long lived hyperons etc within the generator. The consequences of this are:

    A separate example has been set up to illustrate how to decay these particles inside of MCFast. See:


  5. Isajet does not conserve charge; this problem is apparently internal to isajet and is not the result of the isajet/QQ/stdhep interfaces. Both herwig and pythia do conserve charge.
  6. Isajet also produces off-shell particles and the problem is again fixed using STDFIXMASS. The fix is also in place in herwig but, because herwig is internally double precision, the problem is much less pronounced.
  7. There is currently a bug in the herwig-QQ interface which adds a few extra particles to the event record. The solution is known and will be installed soon. Please contact the authors ( see bottom of page ) if you need to have the fix before then.

Random Number Seeds

  1. Setting the random number seed is different for each generator.
  2. In the next release of MCFast, the above mess will be cleaned up so that a user supplied random number generator can be specified to be used by any of pythia, herwig, isajet and QQ.
  3. In the mean time, contact the authors ( see bottom of page ) if you need to modify the behavior of the random number generators.


  1. When herwig and isajet fill the stdhep commons, they do not fill the jmohep and jdahep variables exactly as prescribed by the stdhep documentation. Here is a summary of the situation:
  2. A consequence of the preceding is that the stdhep routines stdstdsclst and stdchgdsclst can have infinite loops when called on herwig generated events. The fix is present in STDHEP version 3.03 and higher.
  3. The J/psi generator in QQ has decay radation built into it. That is, even if you explicitly request a final state of mu^+ mu^- you will sometimes get mu^+ mu^- gamma. Similarly for e^+ e^-. This is very important for the e^+e^- final state but still signficant at the few percent level for the mu^+mu^- final state. You can disable decay radiation by changing the matrix element code in your user decay.dec file.
  4. Unlike the other two generators, herwig declares the following particles to be stable: pi0, K0, K0bar, K0S, and all of the weakly decaying hyperons. When QQ is called, it only operates on hadrons containing b and c quarks so the above particles are left undecayed. On the other hand,if QQ produces a K0S or a pi0 in the decay of a heavy hadron, then QQ will decay the K0s and pi0. This leads to some odd looking event dumps, with some K0s decayed and some not. However it should not severely prejudice any results obtained so far. It also should be straightforward to fix when it becomes important.
  5. In most (all?) of isajet/herwig/pythia, some of K0s and the long lived hyperons are decayed with zero decay length. However, when one of these particles is created by a B or D decay, then QQ gives it a correct lifetime. This will be fixed in a later release.
  6. In order to disable the decay of heavy hadrons inside isajet, we have modified the file isadecay.dat. The modified version is stored in:

    The code to produce this file from the default isadecay.dat is found in in the above directory. The scripts inside the evgen examples look after setting this correctly.

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Rob Kutschke