subroutine evgen_start C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C generate herwig events and translate to stdhep format C optionally decay heavy quarks with QQ C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #include "" #include "" #include "" integer iquest,ierr external hwudat integer i,j,n,lok,ikeep,istr,nh1,igen C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C call user initialization routine call hwg_user_init c Open output files call hwg_open(istr) C---initialise other common blocks call hwigin c--- user can reset parameters at this point, c--- otherwise values set in HWIGIN will be used. C This has to be called because hwigin sets parameters call hwg_user_reset C set random number seeds using time of day if they are 0 if(nrn(1) .eq. 0) then call get_ranseed_from_time(nrn(1)) nrn(2) = abs( 9999999 - nrn(1) ) endif lrsud = 0 lwsud = 0 tlout = 15. C---define b-hadron decay model if(lqq) bdecay = 'CLEO' C---compute parameter-dependent constants call hwuinc C---call HWUSTA to make any particle stable call hwusta('PI0 ') call hwusta('K_S0 ') C---user's initial calculations call hwabeg C---initialise elementary process call hweini C---initialize QQ if appropriate if(lqq) call stdqquset C---write begin run record call stdflhwxsec call stdxwrt(100,istr,lok) C---loop over events n = 1 igen = 0 do while (n.le.maxev) if( if (mod(igen,100).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) igen, n-1 elseif( if (mod(igen,1000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) igen, n-1 elseif( if (mod(igen,10000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) igen, n-1 else if (mod(igen,100000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) igen, n-1 endif C---these are filled by qq but not by herwig. call vzero ( vhep, 8*nmxhep ) C---initialise event call hwuine C---generate hard subprocess call hwepro C---generate parton cascades call hwbgen C---do heavy quark decays call hwdhob C---do cluster hadronization call hwcfor C---do cluster decay call hwcdec C---do unstable particle decays call hwdhad C---do heavy flavour decays igen = igen + 1 C... first check to see if we want to keep the event call hwghep(1) call usr_filter_preqq(ikeep) nh1 = nhep if(ikeep.eq.1)then call hwdhvy C---add soft underlying event if needed call hwmevt C---finalise event call hwufne C---translate to STDHEP common block call hwghep(1) C we want to keep this event? call usr_filter_postqq(ikeep) if(ikeep.eq.1)then call stdflhwxsec if(n.le.maxpr) call heplst(1) C---user's event analysis call hwanal(nh1) C... Write the event to disk call stdxwrt(1,istr,lok) if( write(lnhout,1001) lok n = n +1 endif else C---finalise event even if it is not kept call hwufne endif enddo C---terminate elementary process call hwefin C---user's terminal calculations call hwaend C---write end run record call stdflhwxsec call stdxwrt(200,istr,lok) C...print histograms call houtpu(lnhout) call histdo C... Close up shop call stdxend(istr) close(unit=lnhout) stop 1001 format(' Problem ',I3,' encountered while writing event') 9001 format(1X,'Events Generated: ',I10,' Kept: ',I10) end subroutine hwabeg C USER'S ROUTINE FOR INITIALIZATION 999 end subroutine hwaend C USER'S ROUTINE FOR TERMINAL CALCULATIONS, HISTOGRAM OUTPUT, ETC #include "" call usr_end_job call hrput(0,file_hbk,'N') 999 end subroutine hwanal (nh1) C USER'S ROUTINE TO ANALYSE DATA FROM EVENT C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C... fill histograms C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #include "" #include "" C... local variables integer nquark,lquark(50),nh1,ndif C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> call stdquarklst(5,nquark,50,lquark) call hf1(1,float(nquark)+0.5,1.0) call hf1(2,float(nhep)+0.5,1.0) if ( lqq ) then ndif = nhep - nh1 call hf1(3,float(nh1)+0.5,1.0) call hf1(4,float(ndif)+0.5,1.0) endif call usr_end_event return end c c $Id$ c c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:35 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.17 2000/01/26 02:51:43 bphyslib c use c c Revision 1.16 2000/01/25 21:18:16 garren c hwdhqk has been renamed hwdhob c c Revision 1.15 1998/07/09 22:05:18 garren c character name of K0S changed c c Revision 1.14 1998/07/09 21:00:21 garren c for lund v6_115, herwig v5_9a, and isajet v7_37 c c Revision 1.13 1998/05/11 19:19:44 garren c get mods from v3_3_0 c c Revision 1.12 1998/05/06 23:10:46 kutschke c vzero vhep/vheps. Add heartbeat printout. c c