subroutine main_fortran(argc, argv) c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c This is the pseudo main routine. The true main routine is written c in C and passes the command line arguments to this routine. c c The program is started by the command: c c name [-f cmd_file] [-l lpt_file] [-o out_file] [-i input_file] c [-hb hbook_file] [-qq] [-qu qq_user_file] c c where "name" is the name of the event generator. c c For help on the switches, type c c name -h c c If file_cmd is specified, commands are read from the file cmd_file. c Otherwise, commands are read from the user's terminal until a ^D c (EOF) is typed. c c If file_lpt is specified, it is taken as the name of the Ascii output c file containing status information, histograms, run summaries, etc. c If not specified, output is written to the file "mcparam.lpt". c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit none #include "" #include "" #include "" c Externals c Calling arguments integer argc !Number of arguments character*(*) argv(0:argc) !List of arguments c Local variables integer i, leng, status c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file_input = ' ' file_lpt = ' ' file_evt_rd = ' ' file_evt_wrt = ' ' file_hbk = ' ' qqufile = ' ' lqq = .false. i = 1 do while (i.le.argc) if( argv(i) .eq. '-f') then file_input = argv(i+1) i = i + 1 else if(argv(i) .eq. '-l') then file_lpt = argv(i+1) i = i + 1 else if(argv(i) .eq. '-i') then file_evt_rd = argv(i+1) i = i + 1 else if(argv(i) .eq. '-o') then file_evt_wrt = argv(i+1) i = i + 1 else if(argv(i) .eq. '-hb') then file_hbk = argv(i+1) i = i + 1 else if(argv(i) .eq. '-qq') then lqq = .true. else if(argv(i) .eq. '-qu') then qqufile = argv(i+1) i = i + 1 else if(argv(i) .eq. '-h') then call main_fortran_help endif i = i + 1 enddo call evgen_start return c Error 9991 write(6,5001) argc 5001 format('Main: Total of ',i1,' arguments. Must be even.') stop end subroutine main_fortran_help C write(6,1001) 1001 format(' Main: the following input line arguments are available:' 1 /10X,'-f cmd_file' 2 /10X,'-l lpt_file' 3 /10X,'-o event_output_file' 4 /10X,'-i event_input_file' 5 /10X,'-hb hbook_file' 6 /10X,'-qq (use QQ for decay)' 7 /10X,'-qu QQ_user_decay_file' 8 /10X,'-h (this help display)') return end c $Id$ c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:35 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.5 1998/06/25 15:49:01 bphyslib c add all necessary changes from v3_3 c