subroutine pyt_command c c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c Read Pythia commands from file. c c Input is interpreted by a simple parsing package. c c input file format: c keyword value c or keyword value1 value2 c or pygive string c c where string is passed to routine pygive. It has the form c C 'PYVAR0=X; PYVAR1(I,J)=Y; PYVAR2(K)=Z' C 'PYVAR3(L,M)=T; PYVAR4=U' C 'PYVAR5(L)=V; ...etc.' C 'etc.....' C 'etc.....' C C Where: C PYVARi refers to some Pythia variable in the Pythia common blocks. C I,J,K,L,M are indices for array variables. C For example, MSTU(32) = ... c Author: Paul Avery 3-7-94 c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" c Externals integer cmd_match, cmd_integer, cmd_lenstr real cmd_real character cmd_string*200 external cmd_match, cmd_integer, cmd_lenstr external cmd_real external cmd_string c Local variables integer mlen, mcommand parameter (mlen = 120) parameter (mcommand = 17) character chr*1, keyword*20, command*20 character string*(mlen), remain*(mlen), cmdlist(mcommand)*(mlen) integer pos, error, list(10), nread, icmd, leng, status real xlist(10) character clist(10)*(mlen) equivalence (list, xlist) data cmdlist/ * 'maxev', 'maxpr', 'ranseed','qq','qq_user_file', * 'pygive', 'frame', 'beam', 'target', 'cms_energy', * 'file_lpt', 'file_hbk', 'file_evt_wrt', 'file_evt_rd', * 'jetset_decay_file','exit', 'stop'/ c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c Read commands to process the job. If no command file specified, c read from user's terminal call cmd_init call cmd_open(file_input, error) if(error .gt. 0) goto 9992 nstring_list = 0 npygv = 0 qqufile = ' ' c set default jetset_decay_file call getenv('EVGEN_DIR',string) leng = index(string,' ') - 1 jetset_decay_file = string(:leng) // '/input/jetset.dcy' c Read loop. cmd_readcmd reads in a line of text, skipping comments c and stripping off inline comments. The commmands 'exit', 'stop', c and 'include' are recognized by the program and dealt with internally. 100 call cmd_readline(string, status) if(status .eq. 1) goto 1000 !End of input if(status .eq. 2) goto 9998 !Error c Get initial keyword and match it to our command list call cmd_keyword(string, keyword, pos) icmd = cmd_match(keyword, cmdlist, mcommand) if(icmd .le. 0) goto 9997 remain = string(pos+1:) command = cmdlist(icmd) c "exit" or "stop" encountered: quit reading the file if(command.eq.'exit' .or. command.eq.'stop') then goto 1000 c "pygive" ... pass string to pygive for further processing c just store the remainder of the string here and call pygive later else if(command .eq. 'pygive') then npygv = npygv + 1 pygvlst(npygv) = remain c "maxev" else if(command .eq. 'maxev') then list(1) = cmd_integer(remain, error) if(error .ne. 0) goto 9997 maxev = list(1) c "maxpr" else if(command .eq. 'maxpr') then list(1) = cmd_integer(remain, error) if(error .ne. 0) goto 9997 maxpr = list(1) c "ranseed" else if(command .eq. 'ranseed') then list(1) = cmd_integer(remain, error) if(error .ne. 0) goto 9997 mrpy(1) = list(1) c "qq" else if(command .eq. 'qq') then lqq = .true. c "qq_user_file" else if(command .eq. 'qq_user_file') then clist(1) = cmd_string(remain, error) if(error .ne. 0) goto 9997 qqufile = clist(1) c "frame" else if(command .eq. 'frame') then clist(1) = cmd_string(remain, error) if(error .ne. 0) goto 9997 frame = clist(1) c "beam" else if(command .eq. 'beam') then clist(1) = cmd_string(remain, error) if(error .ne. 0) goto 9997 beam = clist(1) c "target" else if(command .eq. 'target') then clist(1) = cmd_string(remain, error) if(error .ne. 0) goto 9997 target = clist(1) c "cms_energy" else if(command .eq. 'cms_energy') then xlist(1) = cmd_real(remain, error) if(error .ne. 0) goto 9997 cms_energy = xlist(1) c "file_hbk" else if(command .eq. 'file_hbk') then file_hbk = cmd_string(remain, error) c "file_lpt" else if(command .eq. 'file_lpt') then file_lpt = cmd_string(remain, error) c "file_evt_rd" else if(command .eq. 'file_evt_rd') then file_evt_rd = cmd_string(remain, error) c "file_evt_wrt" else if(command .eq. 'file_evt_wrt') then file_evt_wrt = cmd_string(remain, error) c "jetset_decay_file" else if(command .eq. 'jetset_decay_file') then jetset_decay_file = cmd_string(remain, error) endif goto 100 c Come here when done 1000 continue return c Come here if could not open file 9992 leng = cmd_lenstr(file_input) write(6,5011) file_input(:leng) 5011 format('Could not open file "',a,'"') stop c Come here if error reading line 9997 leng = cmd_lenstr(string) write(6,5012) string(:leng) 5012 format('Problem reading line: "',a,'"') stop 9998 leng = cmd_lenstr(file_input) write(6,5013) file_input(:leng) 5013 format('Error reading file: "',a,'"') stop end c $Id$ c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:35 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.7 1999/09/13 20:04:14 garren c need to be able to recognize a longer keyword c c Revision 1.6 1998/07/09 21:00:23 garren c for lund v6_115, herwig v5_9a, and isajet v7_37 c c Revision 1.5 1998/06/25 15:49:01 bphyslib c add all necessary changes from v3_3 c