subroutine evgen_start c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C... Produce B'S with the PYTHIA generator and find the relative frequency C of production of various B mesons and baryons. In the inialization C routine UPYTHINIT, use PYGIVE to input non-default values C of some PYTHIA variables. C C Convert events to the STDHEP HEPEVT format and write them to disk C c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit none C... HEPEVT common block #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" C... The level of detail to output for end-of-run statistics. INTEGER MSTAT PARAMETER (MSTAT=1) C... local variables integer nquark,lquark(50) integer i,j,l,m,lok,ikeep,nh1,ndif,istr,igen c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C... Initialize I/O and PYTHIA. CALL pyt_user_init(istr) C... Initialize QQ if appropriate if(lqq) call STDQQUSET C... Write begin run record CALL STDFLPYXSEC(maxev) CALL stdxwrt(100,istr,lok) C... Generate PYTHIA events. Make histos along the way. i = 1 igen = 0 do while (i.le.maxev) if( if (mod(igen,100).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) igen, i-1 elseif( if (mod(igen,1000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) igen, i-1 elseif( if (mod(igen,10000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) igen, i-1 else if (mod(igen,100000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) igen, i-1 endif CALL PYEVNT igen = igen + 1 C... Fill hepevt common CALL LUNHEP(1) NH1 = NHEP C we want to keep this event? call usr_filter_preqq(IKEEP) IF(IKEEP.EQ.1)THEN C... do QQ decay here if(lqq) call STDDECAYQQ C... fill stdcm1 common for each event call stdflpyxsec(maxev) we want to keep this event? call usr_filter_postqq(IKEEP) IF(IKEEP.EQ.1)THEN C... Print the event if requested if(i.le.maxpr) CALL HEPLST(1) C C... CALL STDQUARKLST(5,NQUARK,50,LQUARK) CALL HF1(1,FLOAT(NQUARK)+0.5,1.0) CALL HF1(2,FLOAT(NHEP)+0.5,1.0) if(lqq)then NDIF = NHEP - NH1 CALL HF1(3,FLOAT(NH1)+0.5,1.0) CALL HF1(4,FLOAT(NDIF)+0.5,1.0) endif call usr_end_event C... Write the event to disk CALL stdxwrt(1,istr,lok) IF(lok.NE.0) WRITE(LNHOUT,1001) lok i = i + 1 ENDIF ENDIF C... Continue generating events. enddo C... Write end run record call stdflpyxsec(maxev) call stdxwrt(200,istr,lok) C... Print end of run statistics. CALL PYSTAT(MSTAT) C... call user's end-of-job routine call usr_end_job C... Send HBOOK ouput to the user unit. CALL HIDOPT(0,'BLAC') CALL HPRINT(0) C... CALL HRPUT(0,file_hbk,'N') c... Save random number seed call pyt_save_seed C... Close up shop call stdxend(istr) CLOSE(LNHOUT) 1001 format(' problem ',I3,' encountered while writing event') 9001 format(1X,'Events Generated: ',I10,' Kept: ',I10) stop end c $Id$ c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:35 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.9 1998/06/25 15:49:03 bphyslib c add all necessary changes from v3_3 c