program read_xdr C C read in MCFio events and histogram contents C implicit none #ifdef vms include '' include '' #else #include "" #include "" #endif integer lok,ifl,ikeep,icnt(300),i,istr,ntries data icnt/300*0/ save icnt C initialize HEP logical units lnhwrt=0 lnhrd=0 lnhdcy=24 lnhout=22 ntries = 1000 C...Open the input file open(lnhdcy,file='read_xdr.std',status='old') read(lnhdcy,9500) file_lpt read(lnhdcy,9500) file_evt_rd close(lnhdcy) open and read events open(unit=lnhout,file=file_lpt,status='new') call stdxrinit(file_evt_rd,ntries,istr,lok) if( go to 200 histograms call tstbkem C...keep reading the file until you reach the end 10 call stdxrd(ifl,istr,lok) if( goto 100 C...keep count if(ifl.le.300) icnt(ifl) = icnt(ifl) + 1 if(ifl.eq.1)then if(icnt(1).lt.1000)then if (mod(icnt(1),100).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) icnt(1) elseif(icnt(1).lt.10000)then if (mod(icnt(1),1000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) icnt(1) elseif(icnt(1).lt.100000)then if (mod(icnt(1),10000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) icnt(1) else if (mod(icnt(1),100000).eq.0) write(lnhout,9001) icnt(1) endif endif C...fill histograms if(ifl.eq.1)then call usr_filter(ikeep) if(ikeep.eq.1) call tstflem endif go to 10 100 continue call stdxend(istr) C...print statistics write(lnhout,1002) do i=1,300 if(icnt(i).gt.0) write(lnhout,1003) icnt(i),i enddo C...print histograms call houtpu(lnhout) call histdo close(unit=lnhout) stop 200 continue call stdxend(istr) write(lnhout,1001) file_evt_rd close(unit=lnhout) 1001 format(' Unable to open event file: ',A50) 1002 format(//5X,' Record types read:') 1003 format(10X,I10,' events of type ',I3) 9001 format(1X,'Events Read: ',I10) 9500 format(A250) end subroutine tstflem C... fill histograms C--- HEPEVT common block #ifdef vms include '' include '' #else #include "" #include "" #endif integer i call hfill(11,float(nevhep),0.,1.) call hfill(12,float(nhep),0.,1.) do 100 i=1,nhep call hfill(13,float(idhep(i)),0.,1.) call hfill(14,float(isthep(i)),0.,1.) call hfill(15,float(jmohep(1,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(16,float(jmohep(2,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(17,float(jdahep(1,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(18,float(jdahep(2,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(21,sngl(phep(1,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(22,sngl(phep(2,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(23,sngl(phep(3,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(24,sngl(phep(4,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(25,sngl(phep(5,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(26,sngl(vhep(1,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(27,sngl(vhep(2,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(28,sngl(vhep(3,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(29,sngl(vhep(4,i)),0.,1.) 100 continue return end subroutine tstbkem C--- book histograms C implicit none C--- The HBOOK common real hmemor common/pawc/hmemor(50000) C--- Setup the HBOOK memory limit. call hlimit(50000) C--- Book histograms. call hbook1(11,'stdhep: nevhep',100,0.0,100.0,0.) call hbook1(12,'stdhep: nhep',100,0.,1000.,0.) call hbook1(13,'stdhep: idhep',100,0.,100.,0.) call hbook1(14,'stdhep: isthep',100,0.,200.,0.) call hbook1(15,'stdhep: jmohep(1,)',100,0.,1000.,0.) call hbook1(16,'stdhep: jmohep(2,)',100,0.,1000.,0.) call hbook1(17,'stdhep: jdahep(1,)',100,0.,1000.,0.) call hbook1(18,'stdhep: jdahep(2,)',100,0.,1000.,0.) call hbook1(21,'stdhep: phep(1,)',100,-100.,100.,0.) call hbook1(22,'stdhep: phep(2,)',100,-100.,100.,0.) call hbook1(23,'stdhep: phep(3,)',100,-1000.,1000.,0.) call hbook1(24,'stdhep: phep(4,)',100,-1000.,1000.,0.) call hbook1(25,'stdhep: phep(5,)',50,-250.,250.,0.) call hbook1(26,'stdhep: vhep(1,)',10,-1.,1.,0.) call hbook1(27,'stdhep: vhep(2,)',10,-1.,1.,0.) call hbook1(28,'stdhep: vhep(3,)',10,-1.,1.,0.) call hbook1(29,'stdhep: vhep(4,)',10,0.,1.,0.) return end c $Id$ c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:35 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.3 1998/06/25 15:49:03 bphyslib c add all necessary changes from v3_3 c