#ifndef HIT_TRACK_STRUCT_INC #define HIT_TRACK_STRUCT_INC c c c Rob Kutschke, Sept 24, 1998. c c Structure to define a hit generated by mcfast. c c ------------------------------------------------------- c c WARNING: if you change this file, also make sure you change c hit_track_struct.h ! c c -------------------------------------------------------- c #include "const.inc" #include "trk_channel_struct.inc" c Track hit parametrization structure /hit_trk_s/ integer hep !Position of track in /HEPEVT/ list integer trace !Position of hit in trace list record /trk_channel_struct/ chan !Device info (layer, wire, etc.) DFLOAT pos(3) !See below. DFLOAT dircos(3) !See below. DFLOAT dircos2(3) !See below. DFLOAT dtime_exact !Drift time before smearing DFLOAT dtime !Drift time after smearing (if applicable) DFLOAT dtime_sigma !Error in drift time (if applicable) DFLOAT dmeas_exact !Measured quantity before smearing DFLOAT dmeas !Measured quantity after smearing DFLOAT dmeas_sigma !Error in measured quantity DFLOAT dpix_exact(2) !Pixel meas. before smearing DFLOAT dpix(2) !Pixel quantities after smearing DFLOAT dpix_cov(2,2) !Covariance matrix of pixel meas. end structure c c The meaning of pos(3), dircos(3) and dircos2(3). c c dircos2(3) only has meaning for pixel detectors. It should be c zeroed elsewhere. c c c 1) For both axial and stereo wires in a drift chamber, pos(3) contains c a point on the wire and dircos(3) contains a unit vector in the c direction of the wire. The point can be anywhere on the wire. c c 2) For a barrel silicon strip detector, pos(3) contains the world c coordinates the local origin (see below). Dircos(3) contains c a unit vector in the direction of the measurement. c c 3) For a pixel detector, pos(3) contains the world coordinates of c the local origin, dircos(3) contain a unit vector in the c direction of the local x measurement and dircos2(3) contains c a unit vector in the direction of the local y measurement. c c 4) For forward strip detectors (sidisk), pos(3) contains the position c of the wafer local origin and dircos(3) contains a unit vector in c the direction of the measurement. c c 5) For forward tracking chambers, pos(3) contains the wire local origin c and dircos(3) contains a unit vector in the direction of the measurement. c The wire local origin is a point on the wire which was hit. c The direction of measurement is perpendicular to the wire direction c and is in the plane of the device. c c See the relevant trk_make_*_hit.F routine for more details. c c For pixel detectors the pixels measure local coorindates (m,n). c These are computed as: c c m = ( \vec{x} - \vec{x_0} ) \dot \hat{u} c n = ( \vec{x} - \vec{x_0} ) \dot \hat{v} c c where, c \vec{x} is the point that the track crosses the plane, c \vec{x_0} is the local origin c \vec{u} is a unit vector along the local x axis ( dircos ) c \vec{v} is a univ vector along the local y axis ( dircos2 ) c c In the above equations, (m,n) are quantities measured in the c local coordinate system of the plane but all other quantities c are given in the world coordinate system. c c For other planar devices, silicon strips and forward trackers, c the algebra is the same but only the component selected by c dircos is meaningful. c c c #endif c c$Id$ c c$Log$ cRevision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:37 eugenio cInitial revision c cRevision 1.6 2000/01/20 17:23:59 kutschke cUpdated comments. c c Revision 1.5 2000/01/20 01:06:33 mcbride c add 2nd dircos variable c c Revision 1.4 1998/09/25 02:39:16 kutschke c Add warning about new .h version. c c Revision 1.3 1997/12/02 22:38:09 kutschke c Improve comments on pos and dircos. Add Id and Log. c c Revision 1997/12/02 22:08:44 kutschke c Improve comments on pos and dircos. Add Id and Log. c c