program t4 c c Example program for mcfio. Case with two different blocks. c Writing a file. c implicit none #include "" integer ostr_all, ostr_sel, istr_old, inum character *60 filename character *80 title integer numblocks, blkids(3) integer i, ivalue integer NUMTRIES PARAMETER (NUMTRIES = 226) integer xdr_stdhep_multi external xdr_stdhep_multi integer xdr_mcfast_track_offlslow external xdr_mcfast_track_offlslow integer xdr_mcfast_track_offline external xdr_mcfast_track_offline c c Initialization phase. c call mcfio_Init filename = 'test4.dat' title = ' First Simple test ' numblocks = 3 blkids(1) = MCFIO_STDHEPM blkids(2) = MCFIO_OFFTRACKARRAYS blkids(3) = MCFIO_OFFTRACKSTRUCT ostr_all = mcfio_OpenWriteDirect(filename, title, %val(0), & NUMTRIES, blkids, numblocks) if (ostr_all .eq. -1) then print *, ' Can t open output file, give up ' stop end if ivalue = 456 call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_all, MCFIO_RUNNUMBER, ivalue) do i = 1, NUMTRIES call fill_stdhep(i) if (mcfio_block(ostr_all, MCFIO_STDHEPM, xdr_stdhep_multi) & .eq. -1) then print *, ' Error writing STDHEP block ' STOP end if if (mcfio_block(ostr_all, & MCFIO_OFFTRACKARRAYS, xdr_mcfast_track_offline) & .eq. -1) then print *, ' Error writing OFFTRACKARRAYS, block ' STOP end if c if (mcfio_block(ostr_all, c & MCFIO_OFFTRACKSTRUCT, xdr_mcfast_track_offlslow) c & .eq. -1) then c print *, ' Error writing OFFTRACKSTRUCT, block ' c STOP c end if ivalue = i/12 call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_all, MCFIO_STORENUMBER, ivalue) if (i .ne. 13) then ivalue = 0 else ivalue =255 call study_stdhep end if call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_all, MCFIO_TRIGGERMASK, ivalue) if (mcfio_NextEvent(ostr_all) .eq. -1) then print *,' Error writing next event, Stop ' stop end if end do call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(ostr_all, MCFIO_EFFICIENCY, inum) print *,' Efficiency ', inum call mcfio_close(ostr_all) stop end subroutine fill_stdhep(inum) c c Moronic routine to generate pseudo data. And copy it to the c Offline structure. c implicit none #include "" #include "" integer inum #if AIX real rand #else real ran external ran #endif integer i, j, k, nn, iseed save iseed data iseed/66678756/ double precision vec(4), masses(5) save masses data masses/0.1345, 0.6783, 1.245, 1.45, 5.678/ #if AIX nn = mod(inum, 100) * 5 * ifix(5. * rand()) #else nn = mod(inum, 100) * 5 * ifix(5. * ran(iseed)) #endif if (nn .gt. trk_off_max) nn = trk_off_max -1 nevhep = inum nhep = nn trk_off_num = nn do i = 1, nn #if AIX phep(5,i) = masses(ifix(1. + 3.*rand())) #else phep(5,i) = masses(ifix(1. + 3.*ran(iseed))) #endif phep(1,i) = i*0.1 phep(2,i) = i*0.2 phep(3,i) = i*0.3 vec(4) = 0. do j = 1,3 vec(j) = 1.d0*phep(j,i) vec(4) = vec(4) + vec(j)**2 end do phep(4,i) = sngl(dsqrt(vec(4) + & (1.d0*phep(5,i))*(1.d0*phep(5,i)))) #if AIX vhep(1,i) = rand() #else vhep(1,i) = ran(iseed) #endif vhep(2,i) = vhep(1,i) vhep(3,i) = 0. isthep(i) = i jmohep(1,i) = 1 jmohep(2,i) = 3 jdahep(1,i) = 0 jdahep(2,i) = 4 trk_off(i).w.px = phep(1,i) trk_off(i) = phep(2,i) trk_off(i).w.pz = phep(3,i) trk_off(i).w.E = phep(4,i) trk_off(i).mass = phep(5,i) trk_off(i).w.x = vhep(1,i) trk_off(i).w.y = vhep(2,i) trk_off(i).w.z = vhep(3,i) trk_off(i) = & dsqrt(trk_off(i).w.px**2 + trk_off(i)**2) trk_off(i).w.p = dsqrt(vec(4)) trk_off(i).w.q = 1.0 do j = 1, 7 do k = 1,7 trk_off(i).cov(j,k) = 0.01*j + 0.1*k end do end do trk_off(i).chisq = 2.0 trk_off(i).nhit = 50 trk_off(i).nhit_sil = 10 trk_off(i).nhit_stereo = 25 trk_off(i).icov = 1 trk_off(i).hep = i end do return end subroutine study_stdhep implicit none integer i, io, nn #include "" print *, ' Number of tracks ', nhep nn = nhep if (nn .gt. 3 ) nn = 3 do i = 1, nn print *, ' Pz, Py, Pz, ', (phep(io,i), io = 1,3) print *, ' Mass ', phep(5,i) print *, ' Y position, Z position ', vhep(2,i), vhep(3,i) end do return end