program tN2 c c Example program for mcfio. Simple case. Read the file produced by t1 c implicit none #include "" integer ostr_all, ostr_sel, istr_old, nopen, length integer inum, iblki(5) character *255 filename character *80 title character *255 answer integer MAX_NUMNTUPLE parameter (MAX_NUMNTUPLE = 10) integer numblocks, numNTuples, blkids(MAX_NUMNTUPLE) integer i, j, numevts_real, ntu22, ntu23, nn,ll integer xdr_stdhep_multi external xdr_stdhep_multi #include "" #include "" c c Initialization phase. c call mcfio_Init call mcfio_SetForSaveDecoding(.False.) c call mcfio_PrintDictionary() c istr_old = mcfio_OpenReadDirect('testN1_l.dat') istr_old = mcfio_OpenReadMapped('testN1_l.dat') c filename = '/home/focus/scr1/pltmp/mcfio_mcfio/testN1_l.dat' c istr_old = mcfio_OpenReadDirect(filename) call mcfio_InfoStreamChar( & istr_old, MCFIO_CREATIONDATE, answer, length) print *, ' Creation Date ', answer(1:length) call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr_old, MCFIO_NUMEVTS, inum) print *,' Number of events ', inum numevts_real = inum c c Look for the Ntuple content from the file header. c call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr_old, MCFIO_NUMNTUPLES, numNTuples) print *, ' Number of Ntuples for this stream ', numNTuples c c Inquire about identifier list for the stream. c if (numNTuples .gt. MAX_NUMNTUPLE) then print *, ' Too many NTuple on this stream, gave up' stop end if nn = mcfio_GetNTupleIds(istr_old, blkids, MAX_NUMNTUPLE) if (nn .gt. MAX_NUMNTUPLE) then print *, ' Too many NTuple on this stream, gave up' stop end if c c We are interested only in the structure with the uid 22 c ntu22 = -1 ntu23 = -1 do i = 1, numNTuples print *, ' Ntuple Sequential number ',i ll = mcfio_GetNtupleCategory(blkids(i), answer) print *, ' Category ', answer(1:ll) ll = mcfio_GetNtupleTitle(blkids(i), answer) print *, ' Title ', answer(1:ll) ll = mcfio_GetNtupleName(blkids(i), answer) print *, ' Template Name ', answer(1:ll) if (mcfio_GetNTupleUID(blkids(i)) .eq. 22) ntu22 = blkids(i) if (mcfio_GetNTupleUID(blkids(i)) .eq. 23) ntu23 = blkids(i) end do c If (ntu22 .eq. -1) then print *, ' Can not find Ntuple number 22 ' stop end if do i = 1, numevts_real if (mcfio_NextEvent(istr_old) .ne. MCFIO_RUNNING) then print *,' Error reading next event ' call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr_old, MCFIO_STATUS, inum) if (inum .eq. MCFIO_EOF ) then print *, ' Reached EOF, Close and Stop ' call mcfio_Close(istr_old) stop else print *, ' Unrecognized Status, stat = ', inum end if stop end if if (mcfio_NTupleMult(istr_old, ntu22, glob_c.version) & .eq. -1) then print *, 'Problem decoding Multiplicty from Ntuple glob22' stop end if if (glob_c.nglob .gt. 5) then if (mcfio_NTupleSubStruct(istr_old, ntu22, & 5, glob_c.version) & .eq. -1) then print *, 'Problem decoding SubVariable from Ntuple glob22' stop end if if (ifix(glob_c.glob_var(5).v7_now2).ne.(i*10 +5)) & print *, ' v7_now2 is wrong ' c if (mcfio_NTuple(istr_old, ntu22, glob_c.version) c & .eq. -1) then c print *, 'Problem decoding Multiplicty from Ntuple glob22' c stop c end if c call check_glob22(i) c if (mcfio_NTuple(istr_old, ntu23, version_glo23) c & .eq. -1) then c print *, 'Problem decoding Multiplicty from Ntuple glob23' c stop c end if end if end do call mcfio_close(istr_old) stop end subroutine check_glob22(ievt) implicit none integer i,ievt #include "" if (ievt .eq. 1) print *, ' Version ', glob_c.version print *, ' --- Dump for evt ', ievt print *, ' Nglob ', glob_c.nglob print *, ' MissingEt, Something ', & glob_c.Missinget, glob_c.something do i = 1,glob_c.nglob if (ifix(glob_c.glob_var(i).v7_now2) .ne. (ievt*10 +i)) & print *,'v7_now is wrong' if (glob_c.glob_var(i).v7_now_last .ne. i*1.d0) & print *,'v7_now_last is wrong' end do print *, ' ------ ' return end