NAME DetDisplay DESCRIPTION This module displays the detector geometry. The input file can be a dbin file or an McFast file with Geometery. Be sure to have defined a soft link to the db directory containing the templates in the area from which you will be getting your .db files. ln -s $MCFAST_DIR/db db After the geometry has been read in, the list of objects will appear in the scrolled list box. The name will be of the form DEVXXX_NAME. Many devices are displayed as more than one object. For example, each layer of silicon associated with a single silicon detector will appear as a separate device. To edit a device, select that device by clicking on it in the scrolled list. The current display parameters for that device will appear on the widgets. The detector display will remain in the Render, but the modifications will not be displayed. Multiple items can be selected. Modify the display parameters as desired, using the Explorer Color Editor module to define the colors and the panel widgets to define the other properties. Modify as many detectors as desired remember to click on each detector before you modify it. When modifications are complete, click on display. INPUTS Color -- Parameter (Opt.) This port is used with the Explorer Color Map Widget to allow the user to select the color of each detector. DetName -- Parameter (Opt.) When this port is wired to the DetPick module output port "DetLabel", a picked detector will automatically be selected for updating. WIDGETS geom_filename -- File Browser Input the file here. The default is $DETECTOR which can be defined using setenv prior to starting Explorer. Otherwise enter the pathname and select the file. Transparency -- Dial This widget allows the user to set the transparency for each object. 0 is fully opaque and 1 is transparent to the point of invisibility. Use the outer dial for coarse adjustment and the inner dial for fine adjustment Visibility -- Radio Box (not shown, solid, wireframe). This widget allows the user to select the Visibility for each object. Select not shown to make an object disappear from view. List -- Scroll List This holds the list of detector objects for modification Display -- Button This button is used to redisplay the detector after modification. CutAngleEnd -- Dial This dial describes the angle in degrees for the end of a cut to show a detector cross section. Use the outer dial for coarse adjustment and the inner dial for fine adjustment. CutAngleStart -- Dial This dial describes the angle in degrees for the beginning of a cut to show a detector cross section. Use the outer dial for coarse adjustment and the inner dial for fine adjustment. Cutaway -- Radio Box (cut, solid, wedge). These buttons toggle between cross section and solid views. Some detectors, such as silicon wedges, are always displayed as cut cross sections so apply this cut judiciously. Nsides -- Text This text widget allows the user to specify how many sides on a polygon is used to represent conical objects Red -- Slider This slider shows the RED component of the selected detector. It is not used as input, only as information. Please use the color editor to change detector colors Green -- Slider This slider shows the GREEN component of the selected detector. It is not used as input. Please use the color editor to change detector colors Blue -- Slider This slider shows the BLUE component of the selected detector. It is not used as input. Please use the color editor to change detector colors RWconfig -- Radio Box (Read Configuration File, Write Configuration File). Select whether to read or write a configuration file. A selection of read or write must be made to enable the configuration file browser. ConfigFile -- File Browser Use to enter or select configuration file for reading or writing. Widget is disabled unless the reading or writing has been selected. Code is insensitive on write to whether the configuration file already exists. Nodisplay -- Button Turn off display of the detector. Useful when module is used with TraceLat module for displaying traces. ColorWin -- Drawing Area Displays the color of the selected object ModByType -- Radio Box (By Selected --modifies only the selected items in the scrolled list, By Type -- modifies all objects of the type selected). (select one silicon barrel but modify all silicon barrels) OUTPUTS geom -- Geometry This output port is used to send the geometery to the render for display. KNOWN PROBLEMS Current implementation: The ntuple code used for configuration file reading and writing is buggy and crashes. DBin input also displays occasional crashes. Configuration file will overwrite files of the same name without warning. Normals to surface should be added to make the detectors look rounder. SEE ALSO Render Coloreditor DetPick